Now that is a new charge, that taking down the altar rails has lead to the loss of belief in the Real Presence.
Having been around since well before Vatican 2, and having read a good bit of the history of the Church, I find that hard to sustain, as altar rails were relatively slow in coming into the churches, and the Church. If not having altar rails equates with a loss in the belief in the True Presence, then one has to wonder how we ever made it as far as we did with that belief when there simply were no such things.
It might be better to ascribe the loss of understanding in the True Presence to the dumbing down of catechesis, since is it that which conveys the knowledge, not the altar rails, and it is more traceable to the twits who wanted to change catechetical materials to faith building, and away from dogmatic teaching.
I Have yet to discover anyone who has ever said that they lost belief in the True Presence because the altar rails were taken away; but I have met a lot of people who say they simply weren’t taught about it. Let’s not play the “post hoc, ergo propter hoc” card so much.