We’re better off not believing
internet hoaxes and “news” reports from
the Onion. Rowling has never made such a claim. In fact, in real interviews, she states her total disbelief in the occult. For example, there is this excerpt from an
interview with Katie Couric:
Rowling: “I think that’s utter garbage. I absolutely do not believe in the occult, practice the occult. I’ve never… I’ve met literally thousands of children now. Not one of them has said to me you’ve really turned me on to the occult, not one of them. Now I’m convinced that if that’s what my books were doing, I would by now have met one child who would have come up to me, covered in pentagrams and said, ‘Can we go and sacrifice a goat later together, will you do that with me?’ It’s never happened, funnily enough.”
**Couric: **“You find it very annoying, I can tell.”
Rowling: “Well occasionally I do, just occasionally I do. Because I am being accused of something quite horrible. So of course I’ve got to defend myself.”
**Couric: **“What do you believe in? I’m just curious about your belief system — God, heaven?”
**Rowling: **“Oh, I do believe in God.”
Couric: “You do?”
Rowling: “Yeah, which I’ve said before, but that just seems to annoy them even more For some reason. I don’t think they want me on their side at all.”
– Mark L. Chance.