Pope Benedict XVI a liberal?
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(Taken in part from
Catholic News Service)
Here is a partial list of the principal public documents and decisions issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from 1981 to 2005 when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was prefect of the office.
– March 12, 1983: Notification reaffirming the excommunication of traditionalist Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc, formerly of Hue, Vietnam, and his accomplices for the illicit ordination of priests and bishops.
– Oct. 4, 1983: Notification to Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen of Seattle that an apostolic visitation of his archdiocese would be conducted, focused primarily on liturgy, the education of seminarians, clergy formation, the marriage tribunal and ministry to homosexuals.
– Nov. 26, 1983: “Declaration on Masonic Associations,” saying those who knowingly embrace the principles or attend the rituals are involved in serious sin and may not receive Communion.
– Aug. 6, 1984: “Instruction on Certain Aspects of the ‘Theology of Liberation,’” criticized theologians who borrow “uncritically” from Marxist ideology, reducing salvation to the liberation of the poor from worldly oppressors.
– March 11, 1985: Notification on the book “Church: Charism and Power” by Brazilian Franciscan Father Leonardo Boff, who argued that the church’s current hierarchical structure was not that intended by Christ and that authority can spring from the community of the faithful. The notification said the book was “dangerous” and asked Father Boff to refrain from publishing or speaking publicly for one year.
– March 22, 1986: “Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation,” a second document on liberation theology, insisting it have as its goal the liberation of people from sin, not simply from sinful social structures.
– July 25, 1986: Letter regarding the suspension of U.S. Father Charles E. Curran from teaching Catholic theology because of his dissenting views on several issues in sexual ethics.
– Sept. 15, 1986: Notification on the book “The Church With a Human Face: A New and Expanded Theology of Ministry” by Dominican Father Edward Schillebeeckx, saying the book was “in disagreement with the teaching of the church,” particularly regarding ordination and the possibility of lay people presiding at the Eucharist.
– Oct. 1, 1986: “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons.” The letter called for … clarity that homosexual activity is immoral.
– Feb. 22, 1987: “Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation,” reaffirming Church teaching that an embryo is human from the moment of conception and that conception is moral only in the context of sexual intercourse within marriage.
– June 29, 1988: Telegram warning traditionalist French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre he would be in schism if he ordained bishops without papal consent. The archbishop went ahead with the ordinations and died in schism.
– Feb. 16, 1989: Note regarding the moral rule of “Humanae Vitae”, saying the church is firm in teaching that contraception is an “intrinsically disordered act” that is prohibited without exception.
– Oct. 15, 1989: “Letter on Certain Aspects of Christian Meditation,” cautioning Catholics about using Buddhist, Hindu and other meditation techniques that place the focus of prayer on the self rather than on God.
– May 24, 1990: “Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian,” calling on theologians who disagree with church teaching not to use the mass media to publicize their views or try to pressure for change in the church.
– Jan. 31, 1992: Note on the book “The Sexual Creators, an Ethical Proposal for Concerned Christians” by Canadian Oblate Father Andre Guindon. The Vatican said the book presented questionable views on premarital sex, homosexual relationships and contraception, because Father Guindon seemed to reduce moral goodness to subjective human intentions.
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