“The Catholic Church has been given the fullness of the Truth and we don’t make concessions to anyone.”
Yes, **
really **John.
First off, you need to seriously start READING what the Pope is actually saying. For example, in his opening address as the new Holy Pontiff :
ROME – Pope Benedict XVI indicated Saturday he will stick to Pope John Paul II’s unwavering stands against abortion and euthanasia, saying pontiffs must resist attempts to “water down” Roman Catholic teaching.
… the ministry of the pope is the guarantor of the obedience toward Christ and his word.
So with his remarks above, we now know that Benedict XVI will faithfully carry on the tachings of JPII, such as:
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II exhorted Christians on Friday to display signs of their faith more forcefully, contending the practice neither infringes on separation of church and state nor breeds intolerance.
Yeah John, I would say that the above statements are about as “un-concessionist” as you could possibly get. As to your erroneous observations of:
The Jews no longer need to be converted.
Hmmm. Then why did JPII proclaim that
“Christians should display signs of their faith more forcefully” ? Really John, you’re not making much sense here.
The Church of God subsists in the Catholic Church no longer just “is the Catholic Church”.
If you clearly understood Catholic Teaching, the Church makes no distinguishment between where the
Fullness of Truth is maintined and the fact that the Church of God stlll
subsists in the Catholic Church. Quite unfortuneately though, and for some reason, you maintain here that it does. And you are wrong.
From your observations below, you allude to the fact (and actually state outright) that “the one world religion is coming” due in part to what YOU believe are the current Teachings of the Catholic Church.
If so, then how does the quote “Orthodox Churches no longer need to return to Rome” fit into that plan? Because for a one world religion to exist, wouldn’t Rome insist then that the Orthodox Churches must in fact have return to Rome?
So the very quotes that you bring up in support of your theory are actually in direct contradiction to your own conclusion. What gives John?
I don’t think our present Pope has any great Marian devotion,
Wrong again Johnny boy. In Ben. XVI’s first greeting to the world, he stated:
"The Lord will help us and Mary his most holy mother
will be alongside us." **
And this he said, in only his first public address as Holy Pontiff !
Our present Pope has always been in favour of demolishing our longstanding bastions (his words - based on the writings of Urs Von Balthazar).
Seeing how you have already shown us here how you have attempted to manipulate Church Teachings, I can therefore give you no leeway as it concerns such “quotes” as the one which you have listed above. So I must now ask you for PROOF as to the context on which the above statement was made.
John, I am now compelled to ask you : “Are you Catholic”? I though you were, but as of now … I can no longer tell.
The one world religion is coming.
And if it ever does appear, your rhetoric here caused me to seriously believe that you will probably be one of it’s very first adherents.
I hope this isn’t the case …