First, let me say thanks for the thoughtful post. I do have a few points I’d like to make.
I myself am not sure I know if there is a universal concept of “Calvinist ethics”. Puritan ethics and many forms of “free personal expression” claim to be from the root of Calvin.
This is true and Contrarini makes a good point about Weber’s view of Calvinism, which is not all-encompassing. But, it did not have to be. Weber was trying to point out the origins of Capitalism, where he did a very good job, and not the theological ins and outs of Calvinism.
If you were to read the great capitalist philosophers (Friedman, Hayek, Smith), capitalism and these writers abhor the abuses of individualism to which you are rightly opposed.
I’ve read all three (though my Hayek could probably be improved). Friedman has a general idealistic philosophy on individual freedom that certainly proved to be utopic with regards to capitalism (Chile makes an excellent case study!). He was primarily known for monetarism and not political thought.
Hayek was one of Maggie’s greatest influences and we shouldn’t forget her infamous quote that “There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families.” For which she was soundly chastised by the CoE and rightly so.
With regard to your books on “The Protestant Ethic” et. al., the problem is not with regard to the economic system but how he justifies it in light of his prism of humanity which is directly contrary to my view and the view of the Church. While Mein Kampf was a manifesto to Socialism, the problem with the book is less about any problems of socialism than it is about problems of the author’s perverted view of humanity.
While there is some line of truth to this, let’s be fair to Max Weber, who was a well regarded academic and was very much promoting Capitalism.
Mein Kampf was not so much a socialist tome, in fact it wasn’t socialist at all (it tied Judaism to Bolshevism and Marxism).
More than that Hitler is very careful to make sure that he comes across as a very spiritual man. In fact, Hitler uses the Catholic Church and Protestantism as examples to be lauded and discussed God’s grace in his racial theories. If anything
Mein Kampf is a brilliant example of Hitler’s ability to appeal to popular politics, while at the same time move his cause forward.
I tend to find that most people (and I don’t mean this as an insult, so please don’t be offended) who talk about Fascism and Communism have never read Marx or any of the fascist writers.
One last note, I hear a lot that “Capitalism is just an economic system” meaning that it has
nothing to do with the rest of society, as if it existed outside of politics, foreign affairs, democracy, social assumptions, etc.
It does not. Any economic system comes with assumptions and generates its own peculiar logic into society and the history of that society. To separate American capitalism (or whatever you wish to call it) from the rest of American society is ridiculous. It is an impossibility. It would be akin to separating one’s personality from oneself. It can be changed, sure, but it cannot be viewed upon as existing in complete isolation.