Very good points. The pursuit of money, or sex, or anything worldly certainly leave people unfulfilled at best and depressed or without hope at worst. This is a tricky thing. I must say I am against the attempts by governments to redistribute wealth or to oppose luxury taxes out of spite however. There is the famous example of how enormous luxury taxes in the U.S. led to a large drop in the yacht industry. This was hailed as a great success, a triumph of government (the people) over the evil wealthy class. Then as the working class people who built the yachts began to face lay-offs, the true fruits of class envy and Socialist tactics were seen. Remember what Adam Smith said in “Wealth of Nations” - “it is not out of generosity through which the butcher feeds the masses, but through a serving of his own self interests.” What a wonderful world this would be if the market were free and Capitalist and all the participants in that market had a self-less perspective, as we Catholics are supposed to.Clearly capitalism places some difficult demands on the Christian. As Christians we are enjoined to not to love money greedily as is warned in 1 Timothy: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” And it is not for nothing many saints and masters of the spiritual life have condemned lust for wealth as one of the capital vices.
I think though, it is a mistake to see money in itself as an evil. It is better to see money as a ‘good’, a good like health, private property, or natural resources. The Church teaches in fact that private property (the fruit of work and the money it earns) is a legitimate good to be sought and protected by law. The Church also teaches in its social justice policy that it is not wrong for a business to operate for a profit (in fact in the business world, without a profit no other goods can flow to people like shareholders and employees).
The cornerstone of the Christian life, outside the priesthood or consecrated religious life, is either the single life or marriage. The Church’s priests and religious need material resources and money in order to function properly, from funding of seminaries and universities to the repair, construction, maintenance and upkeep of churches, cathedrals, and monastaries. People in the single life and marriage also need money and material goods in order to properly care for themselves and their needs, to help fund goods in society such as law enforcement, the courts, education, and public works (electrical power, water supply, roads, transport, etc) and those in families need a decent living to properly feed, educate and nurture their children and raise them in a healthy environment.
In the Bible, Jesus himself worked as a carpenter, some of the Apostles as fishermen, and St Paul made tents for a living, as well as being a doctor in Jewish Law. There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that either work or earning a living are evils to be avoided, and even in the consecrated religious life, religious are expected to work as well as pray and contemplate God, so each community is self sufficient (as can be seen in the Rule of St Benedict for example).
The problem is when we make money an idol. When money or acquiring it become our main or sole end in life, and that becomes the most important thing, it becomes an idol. So it is as other things in life can become idols, such as sex, consumer goods, and so on, which take the place of God. If the main aim of our life is simply to acquire more and more, merely to please ourselves or to gratify our physical desires, or for reasons of envy, then that obscures the virtue of charity which tends to self-empty and share.
A lot of capitalism brings good in the sense that it creates employment and more wealth in society, and this can help improve the life of individuals and communities, destroy poverty, and make it easier to raise and maintain stable families. But a lot of capitalism can be pernicious in the sense it makes us greedy, insecure, selfish, and hard-hearted to the poor, and it becomes our idol in the place of God, which was always a temptation in Israel when wealth and good times came. It is in this light capitalism and its advocacy should be judged, but Catholics should also read some of what the Church’s rich thinking on the issue suggests, particularly the excellent works by Pope John Paul II (who was a professor of social ethics before becoming a Pope).