If it does I would not donate…
Please don’t. Catholics can and should find far better sources.I invite people to listen to the whole talk rather than myself trying to summarize a great talk and fail at that job. Should that URL break, please find other Father Sirico talks.
A personal choice to be sure, but to your earlier post “I had no idea the Church has this kind of money”…it does, for these very efforts, through donations of those who want to donate to Peter’s Pence, so the Church does have “this kind of money”, thanks to benefactors who donate to this charitable collection to address the marginalized that the Pope sees fit to help.If it does I would not donate…
Christians have a tendency to forget that Jesus was a social radical. All that “turn the other cheek,” and “the first shall be last,” and “No man can serve God and money” stuff is pushed aside when it becomes too difficult. On my more cynical days I think Chesterton might have been right when he wrote: "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried.”How is the Catholic Church following Christ’s commandment to assist the needy even controversial?
This may be a good place to start. I don’t have any knowledge what the status of the church is in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, etc. St. Oscar Romero’s martyrdom makes me wonder if it would be possible for the church to have any impact or if the donation of money would make it a bigger target. I don’t really see any easy solution. It’s a really big mess.Perhaps he could have donated to the parishes from where they came. Rather then where they are going.
I agree with this but how can that happen? What do we do for the people in the meantime?Ideally, where they live should be improved. Then no one would want to make the journey.
Either way there are administrative costs in getting the half million there. Can’t be that much to the people it’s intended for.Perhaps he could have donated to the parishes from where they came. Rather then where they are going.
Unfortunately, their parishes can’t stop the violence and gang activity. I’m all for addressing root causes, but I think these bloodthirsty aggressors in Central America are beyond any philanthropic help.Perhaps he could have donated to the parishes from where they came. Rather then where they are going.
You’re Catholic and wouldn’t donate to the Vatican?If it does I would not donate…
Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s. I pray for the Pope every day, but I will not donate money to facilitate his political programs.You’re Catholic and wouldn’t donate to the Vatican?
Yes. I would not donate to a general fund in the Church. As someone who travels often to the Vatican I am sure I contribute in some way. But I cannot morally donate to my parish or diocese. I do choose to donate to apostolates and programs and I love serving with my time and talent in my parish. The finances of the Vatican bank has been an issue in recent decades but for me it is the abuse situations that preclude me from donatingmaryjk:![]()
Unfortunately, their parishes can’t stop the violence and gang activity. I’m all for addressing root causes, but I think these bloodthirsty aggressors in Central America are beyond any philanthropic help.Perhaps he could have donated to the parishes from where they came. Rather then where they are going.
You’re Catholic and wouldn’t donate to the Vatican?If it does I would not donate…
I know a priest at the center of a the Acton Institute. And his full-on acceptance of capitalism goes well beyond that advocated by the Church. Frankly, I’d never participate in another Mass celebrated by him and my mother, who lives in the same community with him and has been a committed and faithful Catholic all her life, swears she’d never attend Mass at all if he was the only priest left in town. I don’t want any part of that group.
Thanks for posting this.My apologies, here is something stronger, focus on 76 and 77. http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_26031967_populorum.html For reference I am Roman Catholic.
You expressed being tired of hearing from me in another thread, but you’ve replied to enough of my posts that perhaps you’re ready again?his is a good thing for me to ponder. $500,000 is not nearly enough to cover all the people involved.