I fully agree as should all Christians. But what does loving your neighbor look like?God commands love of your neighbor
I fully agree as should all Christians. But what does loving your neighbor look like?God commands love of your neighbor
It means accepting them. It means providing for their needs. It means recognizing their fundamental humanity. It means doing what you think you can’t or shouldn’t do for them.But what does loving your neighbor look like?
We are truly in a no win situation.Unfortunately I think you are right.
You are trying to love your neighbour through the force of the state.You should bend your politics to obey Jesus’ will, not bend Jesus’ will to obey your politics. Love your neighbor, without qualification. That’s what Jesus did.
That is a strange interpretation of what I wrote. Like your belief that Pope Francis is doing the work of demons, you are incorrect here as well.You are trying to love your neighbour through the force of the state.
Do you know that the Pence Funds aren’t reaching the people? My understanding - correct me if I’m wrong - is that it’s going into the bank accounts of either the Diocese or individual parishes.We send money, it doesn’t go to those that need it.
I don’t think anyone here said that. Some people prefer volunteer work or sending in-kind donations, such as blankets and clothing. Other people pray Rosaries or other appropriate prayers for immigrants and asylees. All of these are valid ways to follow our faith and show our love to the Least of These.We don’t send money, we are evil and not loving of our neighbor.
Are those our only choices?We close our borders and again we are evil and not loving of our neighbor. We open them, and we allow not only those in need in, but also gang members and criminals into our midst.
Children suspected of being trafficked have always been pulled away for questioning and investigation. What has been called into question was the routine, long-term separation of every single family “just in case” children were being trafficked. Should that logic apply at every border crossing for every traveler everywhere in the world? Most traffickers are coming in legally through official ports of entry.We stop “families” from coming in, separate the adults from the children and we are ripping children from their parents. If we don’t, we are actually encouraging human trafficking because some of those children do not have family with them. They were either sold or kidnapped so the group looked like a family.
Do you understand the mental brainwashing that is needed to not engage with what people say but imagine a certain thing and then argue against it as if I said it.That is a strange interpretation of what I wrote. Like your belief that Pope Francis is doing the work of demons, you are incorrect here as well.
I understand that you wish Jesus said, “Love your neighbor under the conditions that your preferred political party allows,” instead of what he actually said, “love your neighbor.” One is easy, the other is hard. Really, really, hard. I get that, but I have far more respect for people who try and fail than those who throw up their hands and say “It’s too hard, it won’t matter anyway, so I just won’t do anything.”
I really don’t see how my morality has anything to do with the state. In fact, if you look over my posts on this topic, I believe I have been pretty clear in calling people out for subverting their Christianity to their political party.Your morals are wrong and your acceptance of forced state power to enforce that morality s worse.
Maybe you can explain my moral failures in a way I can better understand. But I am apparently also mentally brainwashed, so I may never understand as well as you do.That belies a totalitarian mindset as does your force of your own morals through the state.
Your religion in the context we are discussing necessarily involves the appropriation of state power.
Like a lot of people who make a similar appeal you are forcing your views through the power of the state.
The asylum laws are being abused. We all know people are given a set standard universal statement to make when applying for asylum. This is supporting deception. That is not Jesus.Would it be wrong in your line of thinking for the US to change the immigration system to allow for an easier and safer passage for asylum seekers? If the government allowed for asylum seekers to apply for and be flown to the US from Central America in larger numbers (or for expanded list of reasons), would that be acceptable?
The brain washing is as what was explained. You clearly imagined I would wish to say a certain thing that i did not and then you argue as if I said that thing. That is a way of not engaging with what was said. It is a failure to understand what was said because one holds a narrow and shallow view without proper understanding but held together with an emotionalised morality.Maybe you can explain my moral failures in a way I can better understand. But I am apparently also mentally brainwashed, so I may never understand as well as you do.
I agree that we need to love our neighbor, welcome the stranger, turn the other cheek. What I am trying to understand is the proper way to do that. It seems very wrong that people are accusing each other of not loving their fellow man just because there isn’t 100% full agreement on all opinions.I am talking about how to properly follow Jesus, you need to conform your politics to his commands to love your neighbor, welcome the stranger, and turn the other cheek.
There are already processes that act in exactly this way. There are millions of people in refugee camps around the world who have their claims assessed on the ground and if accepted are then flown to countries who have agreed to take them.I do agree the system is being abused. Reforming the way we do things needs to happen and quicker rather than later. But my question is, would reforming the system to allow for safer passage be acceptable?
ETA: I am not asking for taxpayers to fly asylum seekers to the US, or even for tax payers to pay for people who are already granted asylum here. I am asking if a system that allows for people to receive permission to fly or some other way arrive to the US
I think, and I am clearly brainwashed so I might be wrong, that you are saying that helping migrants is supporting state power to do immoral things. If you are in fact saying that, you can’t possibly be more wrong in your interpretation of Jesus’ message. The Church is extremely clear that caring for migrants is a moral necessity.It is not simply people acting on their own morals but people who necessarily have to have the state underwrite their morals paid for by other people.
Fair enough. But you need to start with actually loving and welcoming them. There is precious little of that going on in this forum. All excuses have to be dropped. Then you can begin.I agree that we need to love our neighbor, welcome the stranger, turn the other cheek. What I am trying to understand is the proper way to do that. It seems very wrong that people are accusing each other of not loving their fellow man just because there isn’t 100% full agreement on all opinions.