Pope Francis : "God willed the plurality of religions"

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I note that the quoted paragraph says freedom is good, and being forced to accept a religion (or a culture) is not good. I think most would agree.
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Jesus himself referenced when judgment is near being like the days of Noah so if you want to take it literally or mythically as long as you understand what’s at stake.
Right, that’s what we are talking about here. God wills other religions in that he allows them. Just as God doesn’t will sin but allows sin to happen because we have free will. Doesn’t mean sin is good, we should even avoid deliberate venial sin at all costs.
Great post. And the Catholic Church is the font of science as well. Just sayin’
No question in my mind Jesus was being deadly serious whenever he spoke about the end times. Life and death of immortal souls serious.
There are impediments for many people which keep them from entering the Catholic Church.

Those impediments are usually caused by us, not God nor the person who can’t accept the Church as being true.

But does evangelization still matter (though it must come from the real place if I may presume) if I may ask? Also I understand you’re a Third Order Carmelite, might I ask if any of what you said here has come from Carmelite Spirtuality/Theology?
HH Francis signed this document, which contains this statement…


“The pluralism and the diversity of religions … are willed by God in his wisdom…”

How can this be reconciled with Church teaching?
Just thinking out loud

From the Doc

"Freedom is a right of every person: each individual enjoys the freedom of belief, thought, expression and action. The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings. This divine wisdom is the source from which the right to freedom of belief and the freedom to be different derives. Therefore, the fact that people are forced to adhere to a certain religion or culture must be rejected, as too the imposition of a cultural way of life that others do not accept;

We know

God established free will. Everything then, is choice we make, made freely. If we are forced against our will to do something that we don’t want to do, that takes away our freedom of choice. And choice, freely made, is how we are judged by Jesus, for what we do in this life…

AND as an example

When Jesus said to the apostles, after they had been in an argument over who is the greatest among THEM, Jesus laid that argument’s instigator on SATAN. Jesus said, SATAN demanded to sift you (plural) like wheat . As in Satan will divide you. Which is what SATAN does. Who did SATAN make that command to? Jesus. And Jesus allowed it.

Does Jesus want division? NO. He wants perfect unity

Is there terrible consequences for division and those who do it, or keep it going? Absolutely!
Division / dissension διχοστασίαι

It’s condemned

Rm 16:17-21
Gal 5:19-21


Satan is permitted to attack . WHY?

Jesus is allowing testing. NOT that He needs to know the outcome. He already knows everything before it happens. The education is for each of us to learn about ourselves. . WE don’t know what we will do until we are tested. Therefore, We need to be tested. It shows US where we really are in our relationship with God. Pop quizzes, mid terms, all through life, … then comes the final exam. Will we persevere to the end and pass, or will we fail? Jesus knows, WE don’t … till the end.

My hunch is that Pope Francis is pointing to the test. Will people choose unity in Our Lord’s One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church? Or will they peel off and join schismatics and all sorts of sects and divisions? Choices have consequences.
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There is a difference between stating vociferously that something is a heresy, and the other side: forcing people to recant or face punishment designed to change them or eliminate them.
My post wasn’t addressed to Little Flower. You might note that I’ve “hearted” Little Flower’s posts.
Call my post a general observation, if you like.
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No, he is presenting the fact that we are different and we HAVE the freedom to be different. That God hears all His creation.
After your death… be prepared to have the most gargantuan surprise of your life!!! enough to have a spiritual heart attack!!! and no medics to assist…
Thanks! I’m glad you explained it to me I didn’t really understand it.
It’s more likely that your remains will exist longer than those memories. Matter can’t be destroyed so maybe it will just remain forever.
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