None of it will matter. Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals could resign and close down the Catholic Church around the world, and all Catholic priests, bishops, and cardinals could turn themselves in and ask to be incarcerated for the crimes of the Church, and even the lay Catholics could publicly apologize and give all their income to help the victims while living in poverty themselves…and it wouldn’t matter.
The world would still attack the Catholic Church and Christianity.
How many of you have seen articles or stories in your area in the last week about the abuse in the Protestant churches? It’s coming–a massive attack on Protestant churches from the public and the media. Much of it will contain factual information about sexual and other abuses in these churches. But the attack won’t stop no matter what the Protestants do. There will be more and more calls for resignations and imprisonments and ending the whole Protestant church.
If any of you have ever been the victim of bullies, you might understand what I’m talking about. The bullies make fun of your clothes, so you ask your parents to get you some different clothes. Then the bullies make fun of your hobbies, your pets, your parents, your eye color…they just keep picking and picking at you, and nothing you do stops them. When you ask authorities (usually school teachers) for help, they tell you to use peaceful negotiation and work WITH the bullies. But they still make fun of you.
I’m not feeling particularly good about any of this because I think it doesn’t matter what steps the Church takes–we will still be under constant attack. And now it starts for the Protestants.
I think the Catholic Church has done plenty of good things over the last twenty years or so, and it seems to be making a difference, although all it takes is one man who succumbs to sexual temptation and who is discovered and outed to the media to negate the whole body of good policies and actions.
My personal opinion is that the men of the Church, mainly the laymen, need to work together and hold each other, including the priests, accountable. Many men will admit to having a weakness to some form of sex-sin, and I think that men should help each other to resist these temptations. And when men discover a man who has a desire for children or teenagers , they need to make sure that he is removed from any position of authority in the Church, and that he is constantly monitored and receiving psychological help. This should all be done with love, not for the purpose of humiliating or publicly exposing a sinner, because we are all sinners.