Yes, well I was thinking more of our current meaning of gravitas, which is importance and seriousness, as in, we the faithful should take this important teaching from Pope Francis seriously.
Pope Pius XII taught that the doctrines put forth in an encyclical “cannot any longer be considered a question of free discussion among theologians.” That sounds like gravitas to me.
I do see, however, that Pope Francis usually prefers to coax rather than demand. Therefore, I can already see that his repeated plea to abolish the death penalty, for example, is being met with the usual resistance, and his directing us away from so-called trickle-down economics and unregulated capitalism is also again being dismissed by those who are certain that they know better.
Others may see it differently, but in general I’m seeing this encyclical being received with praise from progressives and criticism from conservatives, which is sad since the whole point of the document is to draw us all together, and to remind us that we’re all interconnected and interdependent.