I don’t know if there was ever a point in history when homosexuality was a common temptation to everyone.
The ‘model’ for sin was that all sins are there for everyone and equal for everyone, and this is really exemplified by the “I’m poor but I dont take drugs” sort of arguments. The assumption was and is that if one person could resist sin X, everyone could.
For a long time homosex just sat in the fornication bracket until the natural law arguments became formalised.
Still, that homosexual desires are not universal doesn’t mean that they are not sinful. Murder is not a universal temptation. Neither is rape or pedaristry.
It’s a difficult combination you have there. homosexuality, murder and umm, rape and pedastry… The very combination should raise an eyebrow because “one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isnt the same”. The only similarity they have is the claim they are sins. Hmmm, can you see the problem with that?
And I rather doubt your assertion about murder, I think that is rather a common temptation. But that’s an aside.
Anyway, 3 have victims, one does not, doesnt this bother you?)
What is universal to mankind is the inclination to pervert sexuality in general. This perversion takes on many forms, to include lusting after pornography, masturbation, voyerism, exhibitionism, premarital sex, adultery and prostitution. Some of these sins are more common than others, but not a single one of these sins are universal.
Hmmmmm. I think the reverse argument could be made, that these are true expressions of sexuality, but that is a different argument.
Homosexual desires are prevalent among just 2-5% of the American population according to one of your previous posts.
The 2% represents men who self-identify as gay and are public about their sexual orientation. I have no doubt that many more men have homosexual experiences, and I suspect that 1-2% are probably homosexual, but dont admit it.
If I’ve read you correctly, you assert then that for about 95% of the population homosexuality is sinful, but not so for the 2-5% who have actual inclinations towards that behavior.
They dont have inclinations. They are homosexual. And I’m pretty sure it not a sin for them. I think it would probably be a sin for them to sleep with women.
I guess a good lawyer could argue then that a client arrested for child molestation did nothing wrong given that such behavior would be perfectly natural for him, with the only objection being if the child consented or not.
Define child? There is no universal age of consent, and as noted before marriagable age was 12 and up in other times.
Oh, and by the way, again you compare a victimless crime with a rape. Surely you can see the difference?
Additionally, the constant conflation of homosex with rape, murder and pedastry just creates the link in the mind. Examination of the facts shows there is no similarity.
Sexual disorientations of any form are objectively disorded no matter how many ways they are manifested. Sex is necessary for procreation,
They are only objectively disordered if you view the production of children as sexs’ only function. Clearly the unitive function exists.
While homosexual activity may not have an obvious and immediate victim,
Wow! you finally have managed to make the distinction.
it nonetheless reinforces the dangerous notion that sex is primarily for pleasure and only incidental to procreation,
No it doesnt. That’s just in your head.
Therefore no sex act that is not open to procreation within a lifelong relationship committed to conceiving and rearing children will be morally upheld by the Catholic Church. Giving credence to those heterosexual married couples who, through no fault of their own, are baren still upholds the procreative design of sex, and does not – like homosexuality – affirm a perversion of it that reinforces further abuse.
Homosexual couples are incidentaly barren. People do not ‘go gay’ to thwart the grand design and avoid having children. They use contraceptives.
In anycase, the church still recognises the benefits of marriage and sex to barren couples. Gays are just like any barren couple.