Homosexuality is NOT a lifestyle chioce, it is a genetic trait replicable in laborartory mice, it occurs in species other than our own in nature and is, therefore, normal - for a homosexual to “rise above” their nature would be about as natural as one of you…to be homosexual…non-existant offspring of that 6% is hardly going to be missed.
Dont feel sad about homosexuals, we’re perfectly happy the way we are…
If i was anything other than atheist i would probabally have to care!..
Dear El Jay:
Basing normality on some characteristic of homosexulaity replicated in mice is an absurd arguement–saying, worms, the only truly hermaphroditic creatures known to myself, exist as truly hermaphroditic and therefore, establish an impossible norm for humanity is equally absurd. A few yrs. ago some research identified “something” on a chromosome, which might account for homosexual behavior in people. Of course, a fair amount of research also stated: homosexuality is caused by education. The more educated a person, the less likely a person will be to fear homosexuality and those behaviors associated with homosexuality–hardly a genetic trait: education.
Homosexuality within Catholicism neither is recognized as a sin 'til acted out, nor is it recognized as something not genetic, but it is recognized within Catholicism as a relatively unknown characteristic of a person in accord with science.
Anyone of any religion would recognize an atheist as someone wholly incapable of recognizing what is sinful, and what is not sinful irregardless of your genetic structure; nonetheless, even an atheist must recognize the disorderly nature of homosexuality, because it directs people away from procreation–a more logical norm to be established by living creatures across the animal kingdom, and the plant kingdom is the truly hermaphroditic worm, which procreates as a unified body both male, and female.
Homosexuality, if it in fact exists as a cause genetic in nature, must be recognized as any other genetic “disorder”, (I am using the word loosely.), such as Downes Syndrome.
Chastity, virginity and “natural” sterility do not direct people away from procreation, but rather protect the importance of procreation among humans, because these characteristics prevent disease, emotional disturbances and recognize the fact a child may be produced by means of procreation and therefore, should only be practiced, when the responsibility for parenthood is assumed. In anycase, procreation outside Natural Family Planning should always be done with the intent of having a family to yield the full blessing of procreation.
Homosexuals, which I have known as friends have not been happy with their own self characterized by homosexuality. A number of them, the few I have known and therefore, the majority of those I have known have been suicidal. Their self-esteem has been low. Some of them, their homosexuality came as a consequence of incest, of rape, of being heart-broken. The American Psych. Assoc. does not state homosexuality to be caused exclusively by anything hereditary, but by social, by environmental, and by economic factors and the statistic used to indicate a probability that someone is homosexual, or to indicate which portion of a population is homosexual is less than one percent, the last time that I looked, which might of course prove to be even less if genetics is to be the sole basis of homosexuality.
Homosexuality within the Protestant Bible is labeled an abomination before the eyes of the Lord in other words: God hates homosexuality! He hates it.
As Catholics we are to be friends with homosexuals. We are to encourage you to pick-up your cross, homosexuality, and to carry it. Whatever suffering you experience as a consequence of homosexuality–Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or not marrying the opposite sex and therefore, going without a family, but devoting to others your time and your energy, which encourages families: all these sufferings are to be united to Christ’s cross.
You may have heard it in the past, but you and I in our sins crucified Jesus, one of the three persons of the most Holy Trinity and therefore, God. For us and for our salvation He did this. God loves us.
Most sincerely,