Well, actually I believe to be the other way around (not with the homosexual bit though):
**Which parents are best matched to the child, and the task of providing for that child **
OK, think about this, it may be a bit black and white but it will serve to demonstrate my point.
Two couples apply for an adoption, and there is one child (YES, i know it doesnt work like this, but bear with me). The first couple is heterosexual. The mother works in a supermarket during the day, and the father is a shift worker. The second couple is homosexual (the sex isnt relevant in this example, so make it whatever you want it to be). The homosexual couple is comprised of a lawyer and a teacher.
Now, if you were interested in the child growing up in a stable environment where they will be provided for and loved, and given a good education, which couple would you in all reality send the child to?
The hetrosexual couple. Money and education aren’t always a barameter of good parenting, either.
By placing the child with the gay couple- you would FOREVER be denying that child either a mother or a father., And I think both opposite sex parents are important to a childs development. God and Nature has made it that way- think about it- There may be single parents raising children and doing a great job- but we don’t call it optimal-
And you cannot compare gay couples to barren couples, either.
Barren couples are a circumstance where something has gone wrong-for some reason, conception cannot happen. But in most ordinary circumstances, especially when the couples are young- conception WILL happen.
Same-sex couples will NEVER produce a child,-unless they bring in a third party-either egg doner and surrogate mother, sperm doner, or adoption- it will be that way till the end of time.
Now- I am totally against any kind of violence against homosexuals of course- I think the Rev Phelps mentioned above is NO Christian- he is full of hate.
Those with homosexual orientation,as the CCC, states, did not choose that orientation and must be treated with love and respect.
All of us are born with the pre-dispostion to sin. But the Bible lists which sins we may not commit-
I one can have compassion for homsexuals and yet not sanction Gay marriage/and adoption.
The only reason the issue of gay marriage is even being debated is because around 1930 we got away from the idea of marriage being for procreation. Marriage is both unitve and pro-creative and for the rearing and education of children.
But in modern times marriage is for love and companionship, not procreation- so of course, gay marriage and adoption will be pushed for- later
polyamory and polygamy as well.