Comments anyone? Retractions?
Can we stop skewering the Pope and presume he means to teach lessons we need to hear? And be wise in choosing news reports.
My first comment is that we should be able to have reasonable and frank discussions of things the Pope says without being accused of “skewering the Pope”. I don’t mind Francis or the Jesuits and I generally support the Pope, the Papacy, etc. That does not mean that I think every word that comes out of the man’s mouth is golden and above any possible discussion or reproach. We all know he sometimes says things that don’t come off the best, it’s a habit he has.
My second comment is that I decided to skip the whole “dueling news reports” baloney and go straight to the Vatican website with the transcripts of the audience. He made his remarks apparently in Italian (they did not make it into the official English translation) and what he said, based on plugging the Italian into Google Translate, which based on my limited knowledge of Italian looks fairly accurate, was this:
And how many times we see the scandal of those people who go to church and stay there all day or go every day and then live hating others or talking badly about people. This is a scandal! Better not to go to church: live like that, like I was an atheist. But if you go to church, live as a son, as a brother and give a true testimony, not a counter-testimony.
This is in the context of Jesus’ teachings on hypocrisy from Matthew 6, which was the scripture being covered/ taught at this particular audience.
It’s not that the Pope said anything so horrible or unreasonable, simply that very few people, in USA anyway (I don’t know about Italy, Argentina or anywhere else the Pope goes), bother to go to daily Mass or daily church, and of those who make the effort, the percentage of hypocrites seems very low. Sure, there is always room for improvement in anyone’s behavior, but the Pope in making this statement seems to be out of touch with the kind of people who, again in the USA anyway, are making the effort to attend daily Mass or spend a day at church.
It may well be that he sees around him a lot of people who make an effort to appear super-holy or show off to curry favor. It may also be that he didn’t mean for the statement to come off as a suggestion that many people who attend daily Mass are hypocritical. I doubt that anyone going to daily Mass is going to lose sleep over the Pope’s statement (if they even find out about it) but I wish he would have been more sensitive in this particular case.
In my experience, people are going to daily Mass or daily church usually because they feel a need to be there, not to show off - nobody notices, nobody even cares. If they are having issues with charity towards others, that may be the precise reason why they need to be at church so much, to get help with that issue.