Possible contraception in family

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I think people get too easily offended sometimes. I live in a relatively progressive area. I see all kinds of things I object to. However, when I see it, I say “Thank God I live in a country where people are free to express their beliefs so easily”. Then I move on. People entertain me.
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I think people feel too free to be offensive. Free speech has to do with the relationship between the government and it’s civilians. It has nothing to do with telling a rude person that they’re are behaving like a pig, or telling a supervisor that you aren’t bringing your hard-earned money to their business to deal with jerks.
I agree with all of that, too. One person’s expression of free speech doesn’t preclude me from being offended by it or complaining about it.
Anyone who has worked service like a grocery store knows you will indeed offend some person nearly every day. You manhandled the eggs, had the audacity to check what price a pear was, put the tampons in the same bag as rice a roni. Rang up the wrong type of grapes on purpose, asked how your day was and you just want your groceries rung up. Said God bless you when the customer sneezed… blah blah blah. Everyone thinks they own a store and run a business. We should be appalled as Christian’s gor how we treat those who serve us and make squat for it. Running to management over some perceived slight is just plain wrong.
I’ve worked for years in services and I did not offend some person every day. One of my jobs I worked the window in a corporate Taco Bell that frequently served over 700 cars a day without even annoying anyone, much less offending them. Some days I or one of my coworkers made honest mistakes and had to make an apology and fix the problem . Some days it wasn’t within my power to give the customer what they wanted and they went away mad. Some days, not that frequently, I dealt with a customer who was just trying to get something for nothing or needed something to criticize and nothing I was able to do was going to make the person happy. But in over a decade of working a combination of retail and fast food, I don’t recall any customer stating that I personally offended them. Probably because I’m not the type of person who wears deliberately offensive pins on my clothes or makes comments on other people’s sex lives. While it is impossible to make everyone happy, it is entirely possible to navigate the work force without insulting people, their faiths, their life choices, etc. It really is.
I really dont have a problem with the pin. I suppose its crass, uninforrned and insensitive but then I also would support someone wearing an image of a corpse hanging on a cross for jewelry which could be a graphic image as well.
I must say I’m surprised to hear this coming from you, based on your posting history. Wasn’t it you who was extremely offended by a divorced man who was merely expressing that he was saddened by the fact that he wouldn’t be able to remarry in the Church?
Perpetual celibacy? Family Life
I don’t think it’s unfair. Obviously its coming from a place of hurt. What worries me is how we fail as Catholics to teach and Express what marriage is supposed to be. At 30 he didn’t know and now at 70 even coming into the fold he can’t comprehend what marriage is and feels it’s unfair that he can’t live his sexual urges because of his choices. Putting the blame on God and the Church for the quandary he is in. That embarrasses me as a Catholic that we can’t vocalize and teach what marriage…
It’s quite interesting that this man’s post bothered you so much, and yet you are perfectly fine with someone flaunting a badge on their chest stating that religion is a mental illness.
Anyone who has worked service like a grocery store knows you will indeed offend some person nearly every day. You manhandled the eggs, had the audacity to check what price a pear was, put the tampons in the same bag as rice a roni. Rang up the wrong type of grapes on purpose, asked how your day was and you just want your groceries rung up. Said God bless you when the customer sneezed… blah blah blah. Everyone thinks they own a store and run a business. We should be appalled as Christian’s gor how we treat those who serve us and make squat for it. Running to management over some perceived slight is just plain wrong.
Please tell me you can see the difference between asking “how was your day?” and insinuating that anyone who follows religion is mentally diseased. As @Allegra pointed out, it goes both ways: sure, people sometimes are too easily offended, but others also feel too free to offend.
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The thing is, some religion is crazy. Cults like the flds use it to carry on incest. Some religions behead others. As far as someone who might wear a pride button, that was considered a mental disorder in psychology. Heck, I believe a dead man rose from the dead, that the sun danced in the sky, that the bread and wine become the body and blood of a God-man who lived 2000 years ago. When I hear about that pin, I see someone who was hurt by religion and nothing is solved by running to a manager. If buttons are allowed is kind of a dumb idea anyway. I’m not going into whole foods and get all upset when I see a no GMO button even though that’s what pays my Bills. Why couldn’t we just care enough about someone to talk to them!?
Lol that divorced thing proves my point exactly. I think someone complained to the manager! Lol!
When I hear about that pin, I see someone who was hurt by religion and nothing is solved by running to a manager.
And I see someone hurt by religion in the divorced guy on that other thread. Not that I think the Catholic Church’s teaching on divorce and remarriage is wrong. I agree wholeheartedly with the teaching and fully understand the “why” behind it. But that doesn’t mean the teaching is easy to follow, and I can sympathize with someone like that man who was trying to do the right thing but found it difficult and came here for support. I really don’t see how his posts were so horribly offensive to a married Catholic such as yourself.
Lol that divorced thing proves my point exactly. I think someone complained to the manager! Lol!
Hmmmmmmmmm…I think it proves the point that it’s easy to say, “You’re too easily offended” while forgetting about the things that easily offend you.
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I think I’ve done a poor job communicating that point if out of that thread that’s what you took away. I apologize.
I think I’ve done a poor job communicating that point if out of that thread that’s what you took away. I apologize.
I appreciate you saying that. I was going by the general tone of your post, and most especially the last statement:

“Obviously its coming from a place of hurt. What worries me is how we fail as Catholics to teach and Express what marriage is supposed to be. At 30 he didn’t know and now at 70 even coming into the fold he can’t comprehend what marriage is and feels it’s unfair that he can’t live his sexual urges because of his choices. Putting the blame on God and the Church for the quandary he is in. That embarrasses me as a Catholic that we can’t vocalize and teach what marriage and sex is. And it also offends me as a married Catholic that he posts this.”

Perhaps you would like to clarify?
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Yes. I’m offended when someone acts that way and I posted on their thread. I did not however call manager. You are welcome to PM me to discuss further. I miss the old system where we could discuss it on the actual thread instead of hijacking others.
Yes. I’m offended when someone acts that way
I don’t think there’s much more to discuss that isn’t relevant to the recent discussion on this thread.

All I’m saying is I find it interesting that you are offended by the divorced man’s post but are perfectly fine with a button that says religious people are mentally ill. But we shall agree to disagree. Peace to you.
I’m so confused. To be honest I barely remember that thread but probably stand by what I wrote. I do know that its inappropriate to make this thread about whatever your point is here. So I welcome you to PM me if you wish to discuss further.
just give your son the all-in-good-fun elbow poke and be like “so when am i gonna see dem grand kids ah??” hes your son, its a question! its not the end of the world.
If they are having fertility problems it IS a big deal. She doesn’t know, nor is it her business.
just give your son the all-in-good-fun elbow poke and be like “so when am i gonna see dem grand kids ah??” hes your son, its a question! its not the end of the world.
I have to tell you, that is really gross. On a lot of levels. If my mom had done that to me, I would have wanted to back up and stomp on her foot, probably. There is nothing cute or endearing about what you suggested.
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