Power of the Rosary---is this True?

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Just a brief response to Edwin’s post above: I think my post was factual. If I were writing about the Blessed Trinity, then I’m sure that I would use far more emotive language than I have for Our Lady, and I’m certain this is true of all the Catholics who use this forum.

I hope that this post has clarified my position. However, please feel free to send me a message if you would like to discuss this matter further as I welcome your (name removed by moderator)ut.
i can’t help but note that edwing never tried to reply to the many posts directed to him…except for the one that he edited and called it a mistake… did this discussion get picked up elsewhere?
i can’t help but note that edwing never tried to reply to the many posts directed to him…except for the one that he edited and called it a mistake… did this discussion get picked up elsewhere?
FYI, I did a search on Edwin G.'s posts, and there is a currently active thread on “Devotion to Mary” in which he participates…
Maybe a few of us can find him over there and “carry on this discussion”…

These quotes are from the blue Pieta prayer booklet about the power of the rosary:

“The rosary is the scourge of the devil” - Pope Adrian VI

“The rosary is the treasure of graces” - Pope Paul V

“The rosary is THE WEAPON” - St. Padre Pio

“The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Herat of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who so loves His Mother.” - St. Louis de Montfort

St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying IS to pray the rosary.

“The rosary is packed with power - it’s our spiritual nuclear weapon” - jrabs - oh yeah - that’s not in the blue Pieta booklet.
AMENT!! Two great booksL 1. The Secret of the Rosary, By saint Louis de Montfort, 2. The Glories of Mary. Sorry I refuse to be poltically correct with pentecostals. If they despise mary, I don’t and will not.
Edwin, my man, take heart. The Holy Spirit is all over this thread. His presence is the only explanation for the positively saintly patience you’ve been shown. 😉
I totally agree,that after the Sacraments the Rosary is the most effective instrument for uniting oneself to Christ, as Mary once again reminds us today (as she did at the wedding of Cana when she said to the stewards,“Do whatever He tells you”-John 2:5) that we must develop a spirituality,like her’s,totally centered on Christ (Christocentric).

Mary knows the mind of her Son, just as when we are close to someone we know what they are thinking and can understand their reaction in various situations.Jesus in fact is aware that His mother knows His mind and has therefore given her to us as our mother too.(Then to the disciple Jesus said,“This is your mother” -John 19:27 )

Its quite true that "To neglect the mother is to lose sight of the Son".

As christians we are supposed to emulate Christ and Jesus Himself was obedient to her as He was growing up (see Luke 2:51) and also listened to her at the wedding of Cana, though His time had not yet come (see John 2:4),so its our duty to respect her too.

Lastly,we know that the angel addressed Mary with the words, “Hail,full of grace,the Lord is with you” (see Luke 1:28);and to be full of grace means to be highly favoured by God Himself. Besides Elizabeth too on hearing Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and proclamed, “***Blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”. ***(see Luke 1:42)

Ave Maria , Gratia Plena , Pray for us now and forever, especially in moments of trial and temptation and at the hour of our death, Amen
all i can say is pray the rosary and see for your self. it works; i’m saying this through my own personal experience.

I was waiting for someone to say this. My sentiments exactly.

Mrs P
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