Power of the Rosary---is this True?

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Posted by EdwinG
Relax Maria, Christ is always on time, though sometimes he makes you run just a tad at the end, but you wont miss out, just be patient in God’s wisdom, as it is in His wisdom that He , God still has control of times and seasons. Christ has complete authority but in God’s time.
You seem to be facing a mountain with a shovel. If so, dont look at the mountain, ever. Remember it is one day, one day at a time, for tomorrow will bring its own problems. Live your life with joy, one day at a time.
Really Jesus makes me smile, He is so beautiful.
Thank you Edwin. Thank you for the wonderful story of how God Blesses you through your simple life. Once again, some of your advice has made it into my journal. Well, off I go to read again, Romans 14.

Your sister in Christ,
If what you say is true, about bringing you closer to the Holy Spirit and His leading where is the fruit of this? This is what I have been asking for for a couple of weeks. If I, who am so far away can witness to His Holy Beauty in my life, surely the many mature Christians here should be able to overwhelm me with witnessing so my heart would sing with joy
I am sorry you seem to be able only to talk about it.
I do agree with you to an extent, that we Catholics can sometimes lack that relationship with the Holy Spirit. This is why I encourage people to look into the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, so that they can experience the Holy Spirit’s power, and God’s love in a new and “real” way.

However, you must understand that the Holy Spirit works in each and every one of us, regardless of the kind of manifestations of his gifts that you seem to speak of. Remember that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are just that: gifts. Essentially, we do not need them for salvation, but it does help build up the Church. The most important are the fruits:

Gal 5:22-24 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”

These are the real measure of how close a person is to God.

Now, I don’t want to disappoint you entirely, so I’ll share a little bit about ICPE (icpe.org/), the Charismatic community I happen to live with :D, and some other things.

I’m not a member of the ICPE, but I happen to board in one of the centers. The ICPE is a missionary organization, dedicated to community life and evangelization. They have a Charismatic, Marian and Ignatian spiritualities, which means that they not only speak in tongues, sing praise and worship songs, share words of knowledge, pray over each other (some people rest in the Spirit as a result, or begin to speak in tongues), but they also pray the rosary and have a devotion to the Mother of God, and also practice Lectio Devina (contemplative reading of the scriptures and meditation led by the Holy Spirit - it’s an Ignatian thing). They go on street outreaches, parish missions, door knocking, as well. They place a lot of emphasis on the Holy Spirit, not only because they are Charismatic, but because they can’t possibly evangelize without him (because he is the principle evangelizer). I think the greatest testimony of the work of the Holy Spirit is not necessarily the gifts that they practice, but the love they have for each other, and for each and every person they meet. They are truly the most joyful people I have ever met.

Recently they ran a short (one week) School, and I took part in it. I have to say that I have grown so much more, having gone through this. I think I’ve been given the gift of tongues as well (I’m not sure because it sounds kinda repetitive, so I’d like to seek further confirmation on that). I think the greatest work of the Holy Spirit is that I’m much more aware of the love of God now, and because of this, I’m joyful, and more loving toward God, myself, and other people.

By the way, if anyone here has a desire to get to know God more, and in particular the Holy Spirit, I would thoroughly recommend taking part in the four month school that ICPE runs. You can find out more on their website: icpe.org/.

God bless you all!
Hi again,
Yes Very Kewl, but not convincing for me.
To me God gave very explicit instructions for the building of the arc and on its treatment. There is a lot more in scripture about the arc then there is about Mary. Did any one die because they touched Mary, was she that Holy? Kewl it is but not appropriate LOL
That’s OK. It is not for me to convince you. Only God can do that, in his time. As long as you are open to him to change you (careful not to let prejudice get in the way!), I’m happy. 😉

Yes, indeed God gave very explicit instructions for building the Arc. We believe that all those things are relevant to how we see Mary also, because the old Arc is a type for Mary, its anti-type.

No one died from touching Mary, but we believe that that particular passage alludes to Mary’s perpetual virginity. No man touched her, and so she remains a virgin. It also points to her holiness, she who is called “full of grace”. Remember that Jesus was holiness himself, but people got healed upon touching him! Holiness doesn’t always kill you 😃

Peace be with you,
I dont see Mary as being alive before God created the heavens and the earth, or before Adam and Eve… I dont see her as the source of the Almighty God, before Him and conceiving Him. Do you?
Nope! Thank God that’s not a Catholic belief! 😃

Bless you heaps,
I do agree with you to an extent, that we Catholics can sometimes lack that relationship with the Holy Spirit. This is why I encourage people to look into the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, so that they can experience the Holy Spirit’s power, and God’s love in a new and “real” way.

However, you must understand that the Holy Spirit works in each and every one of us, regardless of the kind of manifestations of his gifts that you seem to speak of. Remember that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are just that: gifts. Essentially, we do not need them for salvation, but it does help build up the Church. The most important are the fruits:

Gal 5:22-24 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”

These are the real measure of how close a person is to God.

Now, I don’t want to disappoint you entirely, so I’ll share a little bit about ICPE (icpe.org/), the Charismatic community I happen to live with :D, and some other things.

They place a lot of emphasis on the Holy Spirit, not only because they are Charismatic, but because they can’t possibly evangelize without him (because he is the principle evangelizer). I think the greatest testimony of the work of the Holy Spirit is not necessarily the gifts that they practice, but the love they have for each other, and for each and every person they meet. They are truly the most joyful people I have ever met.

Recently they ran a short (one week) School, and I took part in it. I have to say that I have grown so much more, having gone through this. I think I’ve been given the gift of tongues as well (I’m not sure because it sounds kinda repetitive, so I’d like to seek further confirmation on that). I think the greatest work of the Holy Spirit is that I’m much more aware of the love of God now, and because of this, I’m joyful, and more loving toward God, myself, and other people.

By the way, if anyone here has a desire to get to know God more, and in particular the Holy Spirit, I would thoroughly recommend taking part in the four month school that ICPE runs. You can find out more on their website: icpe.org/.

God bless you all!
Isaiah 28:11 " For with stammering lips and another tongue"
To me is sounds like a spirit is talking through you. Now you just need to be sure it is the Holy Spirit. Paul warns about this.
I didnt notice anything in my post about gifts and I should not be and apologise if I have but witnessing YES and Fruit YES and you listed the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5 22 etc.
I may be wrong but if you are not accepting the leading of the Holy Spirit you are missing out on so much. He is a protective shield, He is your ( forgive me) secretary, because He reminds you to keep all your appointments and makes sure you remember all things, and if you forget something, it is because He is guiding you to help Jesus’s cause or for you to receive something. I want you all to think what it is like to have someone who loves you who knows every single thing, about everything, past , present and future, and this knowledge is used for your benefit with perfect wisdom. How safe and secure you are , how much peace and joy you have, knowing that all that can happen to you is for your eternal benefit, every second of the day. Please dont pass this up. And it is not a gift persee but a promise. He is the comforter, sent by Jesus in His place, doing all things for you that Jesus could do, and more. Please make God and Jesus happy by picking up the leading of Him.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Thanks, that was helpful. 👍

Bless you!
Oops I am on the wrong thread. But here is the question. As you state, Mary is the Mother of Jesus and Jesus is the church and therefore Mary is the mother of the church, I ask you, Christ is the head of this body, the church. Now if His mother is His head, where is she. You and I being brothers and sisters are in His body.
Christ be with you
walk in lovehttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Mary is the mother of Christ.
We are all members of Christ’s body.
Thus, since Mary is the mother of Christ, and since we are members of Chirst’s body (the Church),
then Mary is the Mother of the Church, because Mary is the mother of Christ, whose body makes up the Church. .

That is why when Jesus was dying on the cross, only one apostle was there, the apostle John. He represented the Church, since Jesus made the apostles the leaders of the Church. Then Jesus told John, who represented the Church, “behold your mother” (refering to Mary). Thus, Jesus made Mary Mother of the Church.

Also, by baptism we have become adopted sons of God. Since Jesus is the Son of God, by baptism (adoption) we have beome His brother . Thus, since we are the sons of God by adoption, brothers of Jesus by adoption, and since Mary is the Mother of Jesus, then she has to be our Mother also. In other words, if Jesus is our brother by adoption, then we must have the same mother by adoption, Mary.

Again the Holy Spirit inspired the following:
---------- Revelation 12:17 ----------
17 Then the dragon was angry with
the woman, and went off to make war
on the rest of her offspring, on
those who keep the commandments of
God and bear testimony to Jesus. And
he stood on the sand of the sea.

Notice that the offspring of the woman (Mary) who gave birth to the savior, were those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus. Thus again, the Holy Spirit inspired inscripture which says that Mary is our mother, the mother of Christians who keep the commandments and bear testimony to Jesus.

Hi dcdure,
Thank you for you answer. I can still not read in your posts where Mary fits into Jesus’s body. Catholics call her the Mother of God, and Jesus’s mother. Now in the church, Jesus’s body, is Jesus as the head, and His brothers and sisters. I ask again. Where is Mary? Can you give me scriptural support, please.
Christ be with youhttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
walk in love
Isaiah 28:11 " For with stammering lips and another tongue"
To me is sounds like a spirit is talking through you. Now you just need to be sure it is the Holy Spirit. Paul warns about this.
Yah. The people who prayed over me think that it’s tongues. I just wish there was a person who has the gift of interpretation so I could get definite answers, but there you are.
I didnt notice anything in my post about gifts and I should not be and apologise if I have but witnessing YES and Fruit YES and you listed the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5 22 etc.
Sorry, I guess it was an assumption on my part that you would be talking about the gifts. That’s partly because you seem to be asking for witnesses for the Holy Spirit (the pentecostals do this a lot) - usually it tends to be about the gifts, which are the obvious outward manifestations.

Well then, I think there are plenty of witnesses here for the Holy Spirit, by the way. Anyone with love for God, and joy in their hearts is a witness for the Holy Spirit, but they may not know that themselves. I think the love for the Mother of God is a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit. God meets each one of us where we’re at though, so please be patient on those who do not really know the Holy Spirit, or that it is he who transforms their lives. I think it’s good that you’re encouraging us to rediscover the Holy Spirit though. I think we could sometimes be resistant to him to work in our lives, and in the Church.
I may be wrong but if you are not accepting the leading of the Holy Spirit you are missing out on so much. He is a protective shield…
If I’m not allowing him to lead me, it would be my fault, but I do the best I can to surrender to his will. I pray a prayer of consecration to the Holy Spirit every morning (if I remember to!).

The Holy Spirit is becoming increasingly important for me in my life. Recently, I’ve had a new revelation about God’s love, and I think this allowed the Holy Spirit to flow into my heart more (because I am such a heady person, and “God’s love” used to be just a concept in my mind). I can see why the Holy Spirit gives us love and joy, because he is love himself. He is the love of the Father and the Son, and so when he comes into your heart in a deeper way through an understanding of God’s love (for me, it was just that. Understanding that God loves me. It can be quite a difficult thing to comprehend, or to fully believe, particularly when you have wrong images about who God is!), there is a renewed source of joy in your life, like a well through all those fruits of the Spirit flows out. Yah, it’s like I no longer have to strive to reach God anymore. The Holy Spirit works for me from the inside, through that divine fire which burns in my heart. Pretty kewl, really. It’s helped to strengthen my faith too.

Bless you,
Oops I am on the wrong thread. But here is the question. As you state, Mary is the Mother of Jesus and Jesus is the church and therefore Mary is the mother of the church, I ask you, Christ is the head of this body, the church. Now if His mother is His head, where is she. You and I being brothers and sisters are in His body.
Well, the fact is, Mary is a part of the Church. So yes, she is a part of the Body of Christ, and Christ is her head too. However, she is also the Mother of Christ, and therefore the mother of Church, His Body.

No, Mary is not the “head” of Christ. She is his mother.

Mary did give her body to Christ, in that Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit (and therefore had no biological father). I think there is an entire theology behind this, that I’m not too familiar with, but you could say that this applies to the Church, in that she gives herself to the Church, the body of Christ, while remaining the mother of Jesus. Is that a satisfactory answer?

God bless,
Hi everyone,

I’d like to take this opportunity to promote the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, since there seems to be a call here for Catholics to know the Holy Spirit in a deeper, real, and intimate way. I believe that is has helped me (as a relatively new Catholic/Christian baptised in 2003) to know, love, and serve God, and really to understand the love that God has for me, not only in my mind (which had to happen first), but also in my heart (which is really a breakthrough 😃 ).

Just in case there is an either/or mentality about the Charismatic Renewal and Marian devotion, I’d like dispel this myth in saying that there really is not (or at least, should not) be any conflict between the two at all. If understood and practiced properly, both are complementary. For example, since the Holy Spirit touched my heart to let me know the love of God (in a deeper way), I’ve been praying the Rosary a lot, just because that fire in my heart drives me (instead of myself disciplining my laziness!).


What is this Catholic Charismatic Renewal? It is basically the New Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit works in each one of the Baptised Catholics in powerful ways, just like in the Apostolic times. Yes, it’s happening. Now! In case you didn’t know ;). The sick are healed, people speak praise in tongues, prophesy, give word of knowledge, work miracles. Yup, our faith is not just a set of beliefs, rules and requirements. It’s real, and God works in powerful ways, and now is a time of grace where he is pouring out his Spirit among his people (and boy, do we need him at times such as this!).

Unfortunately, sometimes there is a resistance toward the Holy Spirit from his own people, I guess because it seems so alien to the contemplative spirituality that as Catholics we are used to. Just remember, be discerning (If you are going to look for a Charismatic group, make sure that they are obedient to the Church), but be open (believe that God can give us the gifts of the Holy Spirit; 1 Cor 12:8-10; wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophesy, discernment of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues).

OK, now that I have your interest :D, here are some info’ which may be of some help to those who want to find out more about the Charismatic Renewal:

A brief introduction to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, from EWTN:

Interview With Father Raniero Cantalamessa - “No Need to Fear Charismatic Renewal, Says Papal Household Preacher”:

A Statement from the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops on the Charismatic Renewal - “Grace For The New Springtime”:

I hope that these will lead you closer to God, and give you a fuller realization of God’s love in your heart.

Bless you all,
Hi dcdure,
Thank you for you answer. I can still not read in your posts where Mary fits into Jesus’s body. Catholics call her the Mother of God, and Jesus’s mother. Now in the church, Jesus’s body, is Jesus as the head, and His brothers and sisters. I ask again. Where is Mary? Can you give me scriptural support, please.
Christ be with youhttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
walk in love
Since Mary was the first believer, she was the first member of the Church. Thus, she is a member of the Church, and thus a member of the body of Christ.  At the same time she is the mother of the Church for the reasons mentioned in my previous post.
Thus, she is the mother of the Church and a member of the Church at the same time.
Thus, she is the mother of the Church and a member of the Church at the same time.
Yup. It’s a mystery! But no more of a mystery than Jesus, who is 100% man and at the same time 100% God. 😉

Greetings all. I am so glad to join you all here. First let me say, that though in actuality I am a protestant, I know in my deepest heart of hearts that I am Catholic. This is my true desire. My situation is that my lovely wife feels it would drive a wedge between us if I join the Catholic Church. This grieves me deeply as I have a tremendous longing for the Eucharist and confession and all other things Catholic. A couple of years ago, in a time of intense mental anguish, I remembered something I had learned in a seminar on trauma-based disorders. It was suggested that someone with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome carry something with them that they could hold in their hands when they were feeling overwhelmed by great anxiety. In my condition at that time, I thought about Buddhist prayer beads, but because the Rosary was more readily available, I purchased my first Rosary and began praying ALL the mysteries every day. I did that for an entire summer. Three times I had an overwhelming sense that Mary was standing by my side and that she knelt beside me and assisted me, a protestant, by praying Her Rosary with me. I cannot tell you the peace that attended her presence or the power that was present in those times. Ever since that summer, I have had a special love in my heart for Mary. She is beautiful to me as is the Catholic Church. I KNOW She woos me to the Church. I just haven’t yet been able to reconcile this with my anti-Catholic wife. I LOVE THE ROSARY!!! It has changed my life dramatically. I do want to say this: I feel so extremely jealous of you who have the opportunity to attend Mass and partake in the Eucharist. If you read this, and are Catholic, but do not attend Mass regularly, or go to confession, or pray the Rosary or meditate on the Stations of the Cross, I IMPLORE you THIS WEEK to attend Mass at your local Parish. When my wife and I could not conceive a few years ago, at one point she had become pregnant after 8 years of trying. We lost that baby but not before all the congratulation cards started coming. It was very painful for both of us. During the time of our loss another couple threw their little infant in a dumpster and left it to freeze to death. Fortunately God had an angel watching over this baby and it was found before death could seize it. It was difficult to want a baby SO BAD and to know that someone else had one and could toss it in the garbage, as though this precious little life was garbage itself. Okay, maybe this illustration is a bit extreme, or maybe not, I will leave that up to you to decide individually, but I KNOW Mary has reached out to me and changed my life and I WANT THE TRUE CHURCH SO MUCH!!! I love the RCC. So, if you are Catholic, but are in danger of having tossed it away, please go back. I want what you have but can’t at this time have it. I’m a Catholic wannabe everyday of my life. You get to be a Catholic everyday of yours. Is the Rosary powerful??? A major understatement if you ask me, my loved ones. It is truly miraculous. Mary does attend when it is being said. I know. I’ve experienced her. I’ve seen her. I’ve felt her presence. Please, don’t give her up.
Floyd W. Terry
Since Mary was the first believer, she was the first member of the Church. Thus, she is a member of the Church, and thus a member of the body of Christ. At the same time she is the mother of the Church for the reasons mentioned in my previous post.
Thus, she is the mother of the Church and a member of the Church at the same time.
Hi dcdure,
Thanks for your post which raises some questions for me.
Your first line says that Mary was the first believer. Is this in scripture?When did she believe? Was she the first to hear John the Baptist? As the mother of God is she above the head of the church ?
Are you saying she is a member the same as you and me? A fellow brother,sister and mother. as these were Jesus words.
Christ be with you
walk in lovehttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Greetings all. I am so glad to join you all here. First let me say, that though in actuality I am a protestant, I know in my deepest heart of hearts that I am Catholic. This is my true desire. My situation is that my lovely wife feels it would drive a wedge between us if I join the Catholic Church. This grieves me deeply as I have a tremendous longing for the Eucharist and confession and all other things Catholic. A couple of years ago, in a time of intense mental anguish, I remembered something I had learned in a seminar on trauma-based disorders. It was suggested that someone with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome carry something with them that they could hold in their hands when they were feeling overwhelmed by great anxiety. In my condition at that time, I thought about Buddhist prayer beads, but because the Rosary was more readily available, I purchased my first Rosary and began praying ALL the mysteries every day. I did that for an entire summer. Three times I had an overwhelming sense that Mary was standing by my side and that she knelt beside me and assisted me, a protestant, by praying Her Rosary with me. I cannot tell you the peace that attended her presence or the power that was present in those times. Ever since that summer, I have had a special love in my heart for Mary. She is beautiful to me as is the Catholic Church. I KNOW She woos me to the Church. I just haven’t yet been able to reconcile this with my anti-Catholic wife. I LOVE THE ROSARY!!! It has changed my life dramatically. I do want to say this: I feel so extremely jealous of you who have the opportunity to attend Mass and partake in the Eucharist. If you read this, and are Catholic, but do not attend Mass regularly, or go to confession, or pray the Rosary or meditate on the Stations of the Cross, I IMPLORE you THIS WEEK to attend Mass at your local Parish. When my wife and I could not conceive a few years ago, at one point she had become pregnant after 8 years of trying. We lost that baby but not before all the congratulation cards started coming. It was very painful for both of us. During the time of our loss another couple threw their little infant in a dumpster and left it to freeze to death. Fortunately God had an angel watching over this baby and it was found before death could seize it. It was difficult to want a baby SO BAD and to know that someone else had one and could toss it in the garbage, as though this precious little life was garbage itself. Okay, maybe this illustration is a bit extreme, or maybe not, I will leave that up to you to decide individually, but I KNOW Mary has reached out to me and changed my life and I WANT THE TRUE CHURCH SO MUCH!!! I love the RCC. So, if you are Catholic, but are in danger of having tossed it away, please go back. I want what you have but can’t at this time have it. I’m a Catholic wannabe everyday of my life. You get to be a Catholic everyday of yours. Is the Rosary powerful??? A major understatement if you ask me, my loved ones. It is truly miraculous. Mary does attend when it is being said. I know. I’ve experienced her. I’ve seen her. I’ve felt her presence. Please, don’t give her up.
Floyd W. Terry
Hi therapist45,
What can I say, Jesus’s name not mentioned once. No mention of the Holy Spirit. How sad.
Christ be with you
walk in love
posted by Edwin
Thanks for your post which raises some questions for me.
Your first line says that Mary was the first believer. Is this in scripture?When did she believe? Was she the first to hear John the Baptist? As the mother of God is she above the head of the church ?
Are you saying she is a member the same as you and me? A fellow brother,sister and mother. as these were Jesus words.
Where is it in Scripture? In the first 2 chapters of Luke.
I do not know when she first believed as it says in Chapter 2 she pondered them in her heart. Is this when she first believed? I am not sure. But, for example, at the wedding of Cana, even though Jesus had not yet begun His public ministry, Mary clearly realized what He could do because she brought to Him the problem of no more wine.

Even though Mary is the Mother of God, she is a created being just like you and me, therefore, she can never be above Christ. So in that way, she is just like you and I. However, she IS the Mother of God. This gives her a unique relationship that no other created being has. Unless you deny that Jesus while fully God, was also fully human, Mary IS His Mother. Jesus IS God. That would make Mary the Mother of God.

I hope this adds a slightly new perspective and understanding.

Your sister in Christ,


Edwin, the person who wrote praises of Mary posted on a spot to talk about Mary. (Nor is she Catholic yet.) Why don’t you start a new thread on praises to the Holy Spirit and see what happens before judging on this again? Maybe in Spirituality?
…I purchased my first Rosary and began praying ALL the mysteries every day. I did that for an entire summer. Three times I had an overwhelming sense that Mary was standing by my side and that she knelt beside me and assisted me, a protestant, by praying Her Rosary with me. I cannot tell you the peace that attended her presence or the power that was present in those times.

Wow, thank you for sharing that. You know, even though you may be a protestant, Mary is still your mother. She loves you and cares for you. She is the “Mother of All Christians”. Look at Rev 12:17 - “Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus.”
That’s us; we bear testimony to Jesus. We are her offspring.

Regarding your difficult situation, my advice would be for you to speak to a priest. Talk to him about the desire you have to become a Catholic, but also let him know your the dilemma you have.

Bless you heaps,
What can I say, Jesus’s name not mentioned once. No mention of the Holy Spirit. How sad.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Hold on there, don’t be too quick to put him down. Remember that we are in the Rosary thread.

Now, please keep in mind too that you are looking through a protestant pair of spectacles. He did say that he has “…a tremendous longing for the Eucharist and confession”. For a Catholic, the Eucharist is Jesus giving himself to us, in such humble manner. Unreservedly. Because he allows us to unite our lives with him, we can offer all of our life to the Father. Our joys, our lives, our vocations, through the bread of life; our sorrows, sufferings, through the precious blood (and so these become redemptive). It’s an amazing thing. Confession. Again, it is Jesus who forgives, through the Priest, through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a great manifestation of his love, his mercy. It shows that he also cares that we reconcile with each other (and so the priest becomes a representative for the Church as well). Amazing.

So yah, his longing to be a Catholic in itself is, we believe, a sign of his love for God. Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”. So, doing God’s will is a sign of our love for him, and so obeying the Church that he himself set up (which is not terribly easy to do nowadays, because of cultural prejudice!) is also.

Bless you,
Your first line says that Mary was the first believer. Is this in scripture?
I think she is commonly referred to as “the first and the best disciple”. I hope I’m not mistaken. Like MariaG has said, she believed before the miracle at Cana. She interceded, and Jesus granted her the miracle through which the other disciples believed in Jesus: “This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him” (John 2:11). What an amazing faith! She truly was blessed: - “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe” (John 20:29). Mary is considered to be the model disciple. I think it is very wise to look to Mary to see what being Christ-like is like for somebody who is 100% human and 0% God, for the reason that we can not act completely like Christ, since we are not God. Also, because the Church is a She, it makes sense to have a female model disciple.

Bless you all,
. My situation is that my lovely wife feels it would drive a wedge between us if I join the Catholic Church. This grieves me deeply as I have a tremendous longing for the Eucharist and confession and all other things Catholic. !!
Therapist45, do not give up hope for your wife coming around to Catholicism. I’d recommend patience and prayer.

Just a suggestion, I do not know if you are familiar with the program “The Journey Home” on EWTN. I believe you can get videos of previously viewed programs. It is on every Monday night at 8:00 EST and probably more then that during the week. Most (not all) of the programs are really moving. Most are converts from some protestant denomination. Most of the guests are articulate and express themselves with charity and integrity.

If your wife might be open to viewing such a show, I’d highly recommend it. You could reseach some of the better shows. If you are interested I could do the impossible and apeal to my very poor memory :o to recommend some particular shows.

Good luck and God bless
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