… first line says that Mary was the first believer. Is this in scripture?When did she believe?
To answer your first question, Scripture records Mary as the first believer: Luke 1:45 “Blessed are you who BELIEVED that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled”.
*Was she the first to hear John the Baptist? *
To answer your second question, actually John the Baptist was the first to hear MARY… Luke 1:44 “For at the moment the sound of your (Mary’s) greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb (John) leaped for joy!”
Thirdly, Edwin G., don’t give up on Scripture verses which might at first seem contrary to a doctrinal view you hold. (It’s always possible your doctrinal opinion might need some adjustment.) I refer to your suggestion that the Transfiguration Event may or may not have been from God (your post #159)
Lastly, if Jesus is your brother, then Mary is still your Mother, whether you accept her that way or not. Hey, God set it up that way, not us! She’ll be ready when you’re ready…
God Bless Us All !Hi Kurt G.
Thanks for the great post. I dont think I understand your third point, but it was very helpful when you gave me the post number 159 as I skipped back and wrote it down to refer to.
I like the way you put Mary as being my mother.
How do you view this? Mary is the mother of the flesh of Christ and God the father of the Word , which is God in Christ.
Note Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said to her " The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Highest will over shadow you , therefore also , that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.
Why does the catholic church not accept this, that Jesus is the Son of God and that makes Mary the mother of God’s Son, not Mary the Mother of God
And why isnt Mary my mother,
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female for you are all one in Christ Jesus. No female to means no mother, unless you find a special place for Mary apart from being the “one” One poster said Mary was the neck, the connector between the head and the body. Also when the priests tested Jesus they told the story of the woman who ended up marrying 7 brothers and Jesus replied that there is no marrying in heaven. I guess no females.
I feel Mary will be a wonderful and beautiful saint. I will be so pleased to chat with her. I hope she is not being hurt by this false teaching. All those prayers must be making her tired, as she is supposed to be resting.
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