Power of the Rosary---is this True?

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Also remember that “prayer” is not synonymous with “that worship due only to God”. Yes, in the current vernacular they are treated so, but they are not.

To pray to someone is merely to ask something of them, as in “Prithee (pray thee) pass the black-eyed peas” or “Prithee pray for me”. So when I pray to Mary to pray for me, it’s no different than if I were to pray to you to pray for me. It’s not that worship due only to God.

“Worship” doesn’t necessarily mean “that worship due only to God” either, it can also mean “to honor”. In the States we address a judge as “your honor”, but in England they say “your worship”. Means the same thing.

Ron seems to still have his vocabulary protestant. The (dare I say…) worship of the saints in our Church is categorised as “dulia” for saints and “hyper-dulia” for the Queen of Saints. It’s reflected in the litanies (“pray for us…”).

Whilst the worship reserved to God alone is “latria” (whence “idol-latry” comes).

Praying to, singing hymns do not necessarily mean “worship” in the latter sense. The Catholic Worship to God is the Sacraments! You should know that by now. It’s the Liturgy, the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass! Now, you don’t see us offering the body and blood of the saints on the altar, do you? See the difference?
all prayer is given to Jesus, whether one is praying alone, with others here on earth, or with those in heaven, including the saints and Mary. Mary has no desire to be prayed to, but she would very much like to join us in our prayers to her Son, just as we on these forums pray to Jesus with each other and for each other–look at the threads on prayer requests.

The rosary, in itself as a string of beads, has no power whatever. It is just a created object. Like all created objects it can be sanctified for use in God’s service by a blessing from someone ordained with authority to bless (priest) or by actually being put into service for prayer. It still has no power, although the blessing, due to the power of Christ himself, who gave the authority to bless to the priest, does have power.

The prayer has power because it is addressed to Christ, it is about Christ, it directs the mind and heart to Christ, it draws us into meditation on the events of Christ’s life, suffering death and resurrection, and into contemplation of Christ himself. The rosary has “Jesus” as its middle name, the center and core of the prayers of the rosary. The prayer directed to Christ, as the entire rosary is, has power insofar as the person praying submits to the power and authority of Christ–the most perfect example of that submission being of course his mother, Mary, in her fiat to the angel’s annunciation of God’s plan to her.
uh, what about that Hail Mary part? You’re praying to Mary, plain and simple
St Elizabeth: “Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb!”

Mary replied, “My soul magnifies the Lord…”

The same with praying to saints too. 😉

Hail, Mary
full of grace,
the Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death.
Just in case you need to know, Most of the words of the Hail Mary are just quotes from Scripture. Maybe you should actually research what Catholics say about Catholic teachings instead of mindlessly parrotting lies from Satan.
Yeah, I respect that. But why waste my time saying Hail Marys for an hour. when I can say what I want to to Jesus in 10 minutes.Why talk to the secretary, when I can talk directly to the president. Got it?

The prayers of the Rosary are tool used to meditate on Christ’s life.

For example:

When I pray the 5 sorrowful mysteries, as I say the prayers outloud, I think about when Christ was in the Agony in the Garden. The next 10 Hail Marys I meditate on the Scourging at the Pillar, and on it continues. (3rd is the Crowning of Thorns, 4th is the carrying of the Cross, and the 5th is Christ Crucified.)

All of the prayers of the rosary are meant to bring us closer to and to meditate on Christ’s Life, death and resurrection.

Sometimes when you pray does your mind wander even though you don’t want it to? The verbal prayers of the Rosary along with the meditation on Christ’s life help me to focus my thoughts on Christ. My thoughts and prayers are not being given to the secretary, I’m taking them straight to the boss, but asking for others help at the same time.

God Bless,

Yes, it is. Devotional prayer of this kind is as old as Christianity — as old as Judaism, in fact. The present form of the Rosary developed directly from the practices of the apostles, who gathered to say psalms at certain hours of the day or night (Acts 3:1; 10:9, 30; 16:25). This is really just a continuation of Jewish practice, as you can see in passages like 1 Kings 10:5 or Psalm 119:164, or the prescriptions for the services of the Temple in Exodus and Deuteronomy. There is no time in the memory of Christianity when Christians did not do this.

Gradually, as distinctively Christian ways of life took shape, this practice became the “Liturgy of the Hours,” sometimes called the Divine Office or the Great Office. Since earliest times, this prayer was obligatory for clergy, and it was embraced eagerly by the laity. The most popular and most effective form of this devotion was the “Psalter of the Blessed Virgin,” and “the Rosary is . . . a branch sprung from that ancient trunk of Christian liturgy . . . by which the humble were associated in the Church’s hymn of praise and universal intercession,” Pope Paul VI recalled. Its roots are intertwined with those of every other Christian devotion, reaching all the way back through the New Testament to Genesis, by way of the prophets and Psalms. In fact, because the Rosary consists of meditations on the chief episodes of the lives of Mary and Jesus, it can’t be understood at all apart from the Bible — the Gospels that preserve the best accounts of those mysteries, the prophecies that explain them, and the epistles that show you how to apply their meanings in your daily life. Indeed, the constant practice of the Rosary is one of the best ways to gain a more thorough understanding of the Bible. bless you all
Yeah, I respect that. But why waste my time saying Hail Marys for an hour. when I can say what I want to to Jesus in 10 minutes.Why talk to the secretary, when I can talk directly to the president. Got it?
Did you bother to read the posts above? The Hail Mary’s are not the focus of the Rosary. A Rosary without meditation on the mysteries of Christ is no Rosary at all.

Peter John
Yeah, I respect that. But why waste my time saying Hail Marys for an hour. when I can say what I want to to Jesus in 10 minutes.Why talk to the secretary, when I can talk directly to the president. Got it?
I guess any form of group prayer is wrong? I’m asking Mary to pray with me, just as you would ask a love one to pray with you. I’m assuming you won’t be asking fellow Christians for their prayers in the future then, because why waste your time to you can go to Jesus directly.

“…Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now…”
I know the Rosary is a Marion Apparition–I’ve collected probably 10-15 rosaries before I even decided to become a Catholic–because I’ve always thought they are beautiful, sacred and mysterious. I haven’t yet learned to actually “pray the Rosary” but as I’m in RCIA at present, I so want to learn. BTW, will go to Mass this afternoon and to “The Rosary” as well.

Question for all you Catholic Apologists out there–is there really something to this beautiful sacred tradition? Do you really think Mary can intercede for us pitiful Christians still on earth?

I’ve given a couple Rosaries out to friends–not even knowing it’s power but just believing in its special graces I suppose. I have 2 by my bed, 2 by my sons’ beds, by my hubby’s bed, and throughout the house. I seem to hold such a special reverance for this “custom” and here I don’t even know why yet.

I’d like to hear some thoughts on this most mysterious grace—from you learned apologists out there, most gifted ones. What do you all think here?

On another thread, I’ve thrown out the question of whether I should give a Rosary to a Mom whose son has brain damage from an auto accident, (my son’s friend in school). I sooo want to, and feel in my heart that I should, but then again, they are Fundamental Protestants, don’t know how they’d react.

Some thoughts here?
Sparkle, I don’t know what you mean saying,“I know the Rosary is a Marion Apparition.” Though some Marian apparitions such as Fatima in which Mary revealed herself as the Lady of the Rosary, strongly recommend the Rosary, the Rosary itself is not a Marian apparition. It is prayer, a way of assimilating the mystery of Christ. It has a rich history. catholic.net/RCC/Periodicals/Faith/2000-910/oconnell.html

From your post, I fear you may be viewing it as a mystical charm with power. The power it draws down from heaven is linked with a life of prayer and relationship with Our Holy Mother who directs us to her Son. I would recommend learning to pray it rather than giving it to others without explanation or understanding.

The Church and our Holy Father has much to say about it. All your ??? indicate to me that a time of growth is at hand for you and it is best to proceed slowly and build a good foundation with trust in the teaching of the Church. vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_letters/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_20021016_rosarium-virginis-mariae_en.html

I will be praying for you as you go through RCIA.

God bless you
Peter John

Your post was very good. But what I meant was, by a “one on one” relationship with Jesus in prayer was praying exclusively TO HIM. Reciting the Rosary and the Hail Mary prayer is not EXCLUSIVELY praying to Jesus at all. Because you are first addressing Mary and not Jesus. The first words are “Hail Mary, full of Grace”.

Also I believe the Hail Mary prayer is recited some 50 times over the Our Father which is only said 10 times. But no matter. That is not the issue. Why not pray ONE ON ONE to Jesus alone, especially when Jesus ALREADY told us “to COME UNTO ME and I will give your soul rest?” That is the whole point.

Ron from Ohio

As Catholics we do pray “directly to Him”, there are many ways that we pray, some include Mary and the Saints, some do not. Mary and the Saints do not come between us and Jesus, but rather he comes to us through them.

For some reason, not entirely understood by us, Jesus has chosen to come to us through Marion apparitions. I know that this is probably foreign to you, but if you look particularly at the story of Fatima (which is a topic for another thread.) you can see that this does happen. The Mother of God (Jesus is God, Mary is his mother.) is very important to us, and to her Son, and this is shown through how He communicates with us through her.

The Rosary brings us closer to God through meditation on the life of Christ. Many times we will state some prayer intentions before we begin to pray the Rosary, other times we don’t. The purpose of the Rosary is to deepen our relationship with Christ.

Mariology, (the theology of Mary) can be difficult to understand, and seem foreign to Protestants, if you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.
Please remeber why we pray to and Love our Holy Mother Mary in the first place…perhaphs this may shed some light…as it came directly from Jesus before he died on the cross:

Jesus spoke to His mother Mary and His disciple John who were standing together nearby.

To His mother: “Dear woman, Behold, your son!” John 19:26

To His disciple: “Behold, your mother!” John 19:27
These quotes are from the blue Pieta prayer booklet about the power of the rosary:

“The rosary is packed with power - it’s our spiritual nuclear weapon” - jrabs - oh yeah - that’s not in the blue Pieta booklet.
Spiritual nuclear weapon? Does that make it a Weapon of Mass Salvation? 🙂
Spiritual nuclear weapon? Does that make it a Weapon of Mass Salvation? 🙂
:clapping: :dancing: 👍 What a perfect way of describing the Rosary!
Help please…:banghead:

Check out this site…

My friend’s argument…

Isaiah 7:14 and Matt. 1:23 only prove that Jesus was born via virgin birth but it doesn’t say the virgin after giving birth will remain a virgin. RCs assume too much.

Matt 2:11: there is no debate that Mary was the mother of Jesus so what does this prove in this debate? Nothing.

Luke 1:35: indeed called Jesus holy, but you won’t find the Bible calling Mary the Mother of God. Again here, the RCs assume too much.

Luke 1:38 also proves nothing for the Lord Jesus said in Luke 8:2, “And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it.” Anyone who hears the Word of God are the Lord’s mother and brothers not just Mary.

Luke 1:43 while Elizabeth called Mary “the mother of my Lord” it doesn’t follow that we should extol Mary as the mother of God. No apostle ever addressed Mary the mother of God why should we?

In Luke 1:48 we find the RCC again assuming too much. We read that Mark 14:9 something similar is said about another woman, “Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her.” And in Matthew 5:3ff the Lord said, the poor in spirit are blessed, they that mourn are blessed, those who are meek are blessed, etc.etc.

The RCC abused Eph 1:1, Phil 1:1 and Col 1:2 because no one in the scripture is called the greatest saint of all!

In Luke 2:35 the RCCs make too much out of it. They try to make a relation with Mary’s suffering as a mother of the Lord to our suffering however this is what the Lord Jesus said, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.” (Matthew 5:11) That is, believers will suffer for the sake of Jesus not because God ordained that we suffered because Mary suffered.

The RCC abuse we find with regards to Exo 25:11-21; 2 Sam. 6:7; 1 Chron. 13:9-10; 15 and 16; Rev 11:19; 121, 2, 17; Isaiah 66:7; Jer. 13:21; Hos. 13:12-13 ; Micah 4:9-10 are products of pure speculations, they flow from the premise that Mariolatry is right before God but we know that it is not sanctioned in the scriptures nor did the Apostles sanctioned such speculation.

In Luke 1:39-56 we read, “And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda.” There is no comparison at all. Of all abuses this is the most miserable.

Gal 4:19 speaks of Paul’s travail in birth, has nothing to do with Mary’s travail in the birth of all her children.

Rom. 8:22 speaks of the travail of God’s creation because of sin (see. v.22) the RCC here reveals her ignorance of God’s word by ignoring the context of the text.

The fuzz about Mary being the Mother and Queen of the Davidic kingdom again came from pure speculation, abuse of scriptures (Psalm 45:9; 1 Kings 2:17-20; 15:13; 2 Chron. 22:10; Neh. 2:6) via rampant ignore of text context.

For instance in John 19:26 while Jesus said to John “behold your mother.” John did not teach believers to take Mary as Mother of the Church. The stament from the Lord may have been a request for John to take care of Mary but other than that is pure speculation in behalf of the RCC

John 2:7 again is overemphasized while Mary did influence Jesus to perform a miracle ahead of his time, another woman did influence Jesus to perform a miracle beyond the coverage given him, that was the woman of Canaan (Matthew 15:22-28)

Again with regards to Mary’s Ever-Virgin heresy, the RCCs makes a big deal out of the scripture by ignoring context. In Exodus 13:2,12; Exodus 34:20; and Ezek. 44:2. They try to say that being a first-born entails no second-born, however we find that David was called first born although we know he has other brothers as well (Psalm 89:20,27)

Misunderstanding of “all have sinned”

Who would interpret the phrase “all have sinned” into “all have sinned but Mary”? Only the Roman Catholics do. Why? Because only they exalt Mary excessively even to be at par with the Lord Jesus.

The speculation that Mary was spared from original sin is again a product of pure speculation, a speculation not even hinted in the scripture. They say the senile cannot sin, however we read David even saying, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” (Psalms 51:5) This confession of David shatters the RC myth that the senile are not in sin, yes it is true that the senile cannot sin but even those who are in the womb cannot sin, does it follow they are not in sin? Does it follow they have not sinned in Adam as stated in Roman 5:12?

“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”

All have sinned. The sin is past. Done for. These all have done in Adam. Thus all is guilty before the Lord as Adam was. And so as a consequence all die, including Mary as Adam did.

1 Cor 15:22 speaks of all who died in Adam, now this is in reference to the sin of all even before all was ever born, even before Enoch was born even before Elijah was born. All die in Adam, spiritually that is. All in Adam were banished out of Eden. For all were guilty in Adam.

Much of the abuses of scriptures (Psalm 14; 53:1-3; Luke 18:19; Rom. 9:11; Luke 1:47, 48) are lame attempts to exclude Mary however we know no scripture which excludes Mary, we know no apostle every excluded Mary of being under sin.

The RC lie in Luke 1:46

In Luke 1:46, the RCs assumes too much saying Mary in intercedes on our behalf. However we learn from the Bible that the apostle James commanded all believers to make intercessions (while on earth) in James 5:16 saying, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Another intercessor (with us on earth) is the Holy Spirit indwelling believers, as Romans 8:26 puts it, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

On the other heand we have Paul saying that (in the heaven) it is the Lord Jesus who makes intercession, in Romans 8:34 we read, “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”. The RCs strips this away from the Lord, usurping it and giving it to Mary.

The RCC lie about Rev 12:1

Revelation 12:1 says, “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” You see the idol representing this everywhere. But is this really about Mary? No it isn’t it is about Israel pictured in the Great Tribulation.

The woman is Israel, the child is the Lord Jesus. According to the scriptures, particularly in Romans 9:4-5, “Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.” Here it is clear that the credit we find in the Bible as the source of Christ’s flesh is Israel, not Mary!

Gen 3:15 is not about Mary, no Apostle of Christ ever interpreted Gen 3:15 or Rev 12:1 to be about Mary. Context of the both passages will expose this lie sheet.

The seed of the woman (which is Eve) is plausibly the Lord Jesus Christ, RC however speculate that the woman was Mary, that’s not warranted by the text. For in Gen 3:16, the LORD also said, “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

Why is it that the RCs cut portions of the scripture (v.15) and ignore the rest (v.16). Surely the LORD said both v.15 and v.16 to the same woman? What right has the RCs to pervert or reduce the scripture?

Now contextually of course one message (v.15 and v.16 both) is said to the woman. In v.16 it says the woman will bring forth CHILDREN. Did you get it? If the woman was Mary, how many CHILDREN did Mary have? This proof text even exposes the other lie of the RCs about Mary being a perpetual virgin.


This is full of cheat of context, abuse of scripture and misrepresentation of God’s Word all for the benefit of an invented and unbiblical doctrine about Mary.

**How am I going to refute their arguments???:banghead: **
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