while He is our master, He also became our equal by becoming man. He came as a friend, and unless you realize that, you’re missing a very vital part of the relationship you could have…And in conclusion, Christ Jesus is not my bud, my bro or my homie. He is not my best friend. He is my LORD my MASTER and the means of my salvation. I bow down to HIM, and worship HIM and adore HIM I am not his equal in any way shape or form.
This was said figureatively, being that one of the directions of the conversation was that only music that would have been acceptable around the cross should be acceptable at Mass… im sure not many people would have stood around the foot of the cross singing hymns either…?And while I have no doubt as to your sincerity, I think it is a little presumptuous to say that you would do something at the Crucifixtion that none of the Apostles did, or the Blessed Virgin or anyone that was there.