Praises to the Holy Spirit! Please tell your story!

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In a recent discussion with a non-Catholic Christian, he has remarked on the lack of praises of the works of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Catholics here. He sees much praise for our Blessed Mother, but little for the Holy Spirit. I wanted to start a thread for people to come and praise the Holy Spirit and work He is doing in your lives. The big and the small, and the completely amazing.

Please, take the time to share a story and keep sharing your stories to help each other as well as a separated brethren see the amazing work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Catholic Christians.

Oops, my 3 year old just woke up. I’ll have to come back and share my story later:o

Your sister in Christ,
Why is it that we do give less praises to the Holy Spirit? We praise our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Im just as guilty. I think I take for granted the Works of the Holy Spirit like its expected. Maybe because we recognize the Father and Son as a person but see the Holy Spirit as a teaching] spirit? Maybe thats just the way we were taught. But anyways its no excuse. Im going to make an extra effort that I may give extra praises to the Holy Spirit for the times I failed to. 😦 God Bless.
I’m Back!

Yesterday, I had beautiful moment with God. I was on my way to teach Religious Education Classes for 6th grade. I thought I would take a 15 - 20 minutes before class to go into the church where it was quiet to pray. I ended up having to pick up an extra child, make copies I had forgotten and also forgot my keys to get into the Church.

By the time I had gotten everything and everybody picked up, straightened out and found, I only had about 5 minutes available to me to go pray. I almost choose not to bother. But I remembered a story from my Protestant friend who said when things out of the ordinary happen, I try to pay extra attention because God is speaking to me. So I listened to his advice and the prompting of the Holy Spirit that told me to go pray. I went to turn on the lights, but once again, listened to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and did not turn them on.

So when I entered the church to pray, no lights were on, and no candles were lit except the one next to the Tabernacle. The visual impact of walking in to be alone with Christ literally brought me to my knees. I dropped down right there in the middle of the aisle and started to thank God for bringing me here. With tears running down my cheeks, I layed down on the floor and offered all that I am and all that I ever will be to Him.

Wow. 5 minutes later I went and had a fabulous class. I am glad I took that 5 minutes and God was showing me that I don’t always have to have a huge chunk of time. He will come meet me in the time I have. I am glad I listened to the Holy Spirit who was trying to lead me to this wonderful time with God.

Thank you Father, thank you Lord, thank you Holy Spirit.

Your sister in Christ,

Well unlike what are Protestant friends may think I think the spirit is so much more alive in this Church then anyother. I went to an Adoration service at one of the churches I attend. They had music playing and it was just about finished. When the priest came over to me with the monstrance(sp) in hand. I moved out of the way thinking I was in his way. But no, he was talking to me. I dont remember what he said. Something along the lines of, “This is the true source.” but as soon as he walked on the spirit came upon me. I was breathing erraticly, I couldnt move. Acouple people came over to me and said they would pray for me.

One person in particular said, “You have Christ in your eyes, I saw Christ in your eyes.” She went on to say that whatever God was doing in my life that she would pray for me everyday.

Acouple of times I went into a chapel and prayed so hard that I cried. I gotta tell you those chapels can be pretty intense with the Spirit of God in them which they do all of the time. The chapel at the Seminary near me is just so amazing. I walk in and can tell that there is a difference.

Unlike Protestant churches (most anyway) we dont have to ask for His pressence, its already there. And thats why I love this Church.
I often pray to the Holy Spirit for help and guidance when I am trying to do apostolate or write a letter, such as in the posts here.
But, what many non Catholics might not know is that we invoke the Holy Spirit everytime we make the sign of the cross ( which for many Catholics would be several times a day).
The priest calls upon the Holy Spirit to heal us in confession, the Holy Spirit is called upon in Mass to confect the Eucharist.
We also have feast days for the Holy Spirit.
Others may not realise that Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and He is most pleased when we honour his spouse. Did she not conceive by the Holy Spirit. Did He not overshadow her and plant the seed, which was the Word of God, into her womb.
Non Catholics might not realise that the greatest gifts of God to His Church are the seven sacraments. These are at the heart and soul of Catholic worship, and the Holy Spirit is invoked upon and very active in each of them.
I am not saying we can’t also pray privately to the Holy Spirit. This is vital, if we want to get to Heaven.
I used to pray - The litany of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps I’ll start again.
Following are some other benefits we obtain through the gift of the Holy Spirit through baptism.

The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  1. *]Wisdom
    *]Right Judgement
    *]Wonder and awe in God’s presence

    The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit

    1. *]Charity
      *]Self Control

      As we grow in faith, and through the increase in merit we receive due to our good works. Chiefly the reception of the sacraments, prayers, sacrifices, alms giving and all the other good works, we receive an increase in the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. So He is very important to us Catholics.
A prayer that many Catholics pray.

Litany of the Holy Ghost

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Father all powerful, have mercy on us
Jesus, Eternal Son of the Father, Redeemer of the world, save us.
Spirit of the Father and the Son, boundless life of both, sanctify us.
Holy Trinity, hear us

Holy Ghost, Who proceedest from the Father and the Son, enter our hearts.
Holy Ghost, Who art equal to the Father and the Son, enter our hearts.

Promise of God the Father, have mercy on us.
Ray of heavenly light, have mercy on us
Author of all good, have mercy on us
Source of heavenly water, have mercy on us
Consuming fire, have mercy on us
Ardent charity, have mercy on us
Spiritual unction, have mercy on us
Spirit of love and truth, have mercy on us
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, have mercy on us
Spirit of counsel and fortitude, have mercy on us
Spirit of knowledge and piety, have mercy on us
Spirit of the fear of the Lord, have mercy on us
Spirit of grace and prayer, have mercy on us
Spirit of peace and meekness, have mercy on us
Spirit of modesty and innocence, have mercy on us
Holy Ghost, the Comforter, have mercy on us
Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier, have mercy on us
Holy Ghost, Who governest the Church, have mercy on us
Gift of God, the Most High, have mercy on us
Spirit Who fillest the universe, have mercy on us
Spirit of the adoption of the children of God, have mercy on us

Holy Ghost, inspire us with horror of sin.
Holy Ghost, come and renew the face of the earth.
Holy Ghost, shed Thy light in our souls.
Holy Ghost, engrave Thy law in our hearts
Holy Ghost, inflame us with the flame of Thy love.
Holy Ghost, open to us the treasures of Thy graces
Holy Ghost, teach us to pray well.
Holy Ghost, enlighten us with Thy heavenly inspirations.
Holy Ghost, lead us in the way of salvation
Holy Ghost, grant us the only necessary knowledge.
Holy Ghost, inspire in us the practice of good.
Holy Ghost, grant us the merits of all virtues.
Holy Ghost, make us persevere in justice.
Holy Ghost, be Thou our everlasting reward.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Send us Thy Holy Ghost.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, pour down into our souls the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, grant us the Spirit of wisdom and piety.

V. Come, Holy Ghost! Fill the hearts of Thy faithful,
R. And enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.

Let Us Pray
Grant, 0 merciful Father, that Thy Divine Spirit may enlighten, inflame and purify us, that He may penetrate us with His heavenly dew and make us fruitful in good works, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who with Thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, liveth and reigneth forever and ever. R. Amen.
Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for your gift of life!
your non-Catholic friend may not be the best person to offer an opinion on how, when and where Catholics praise the Holy Spirit. Is acquainted with the Mass, where the Holy Spirit is praised continually, invoked at the epiclesis, described in the Creed, effects the consecration? Is he aware of the Trinitarian basis of the Eucharistic prayer? Does he understand that we begin and end every prayer with praise for the Holy Spirit in the Trinity – the sign of the Cross? Does he understand the doxology is prayed continually throughout the day in the universal prayer of the Church around the world, the liturgy of the hours? does he understand that the prophetic teaching role of the Church is conducted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and that proclamation of divine revelation under that guidance is itself praise? Does he understand that the Rosary is a prayer about Jesus and the miracle of the incarnational work of the Holy Spirit in Mary? Before he criticises how we pray, he should make sure he actually knows something abouthow we pray.
I’m Back!

Yesterday, I had beautiful moment with God. I was on my way to teach Religious Education Classes for 6th grade. I thought I would take a 15 - 20 minutes before class to go into the church where it was quiet to pray. I ended up having to pick up an extra child, make copies I had forgotten and also forgot my keys to get into the Church.

By the time I had gotten everything and everybody picked up, straightened out and found, I only had about 5 minutes available to me to go pray. I almost choose not to bother. But I remembered a story from my Protestant friend who said when things out of the ordinary happen, I try to pay extra attention because God is speaking to me. So I listened to his advice and the prompting of the Holy Spirit that told me to go pray. I went to turn on the lights, but once again, listened to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and did not turn them on.

So when I entered the church to pray, no lights were on, and no candles were lit except the one next to the Tabernacle. The visual impact of walking in to be alone with Christ literally brought me to my knees. I dropped down right there in the middle of the aisle and started to thank God for bringing me here. With tears running down my cheeks, I layed down on the floor and offered all that I am and all that I ever will be to Him.

Wow. 5 minutes later I went and had a fabulous class. I am glad I took that 5 minutes and God was showing me that I don’t always have to have a huge chunk of time. He will come meet me in the time I have. I am glad I listened to the Holy Spirit who was trying to lead me to this wonderful time with God.

Thank you Father, thank you Lord, thank you Holy Spirit.

Your sister in Christ,

Maria ,
What a wonderful story, brought tears to my eyes.
I have found from experience that when what you do takes up so much of your time that you feel jammed up, dont worry, do what you normally do and it will be A OK because the Holy Spirit knows what is happening in the future. Furthermore if you dont keep to your schedule you miss out on having this contact, this assurance which helps your faith to grow.
If you had of gone to school instead of going to the church, nothing would have happened, except you would have missed out on a very beautiful experience and the opportunity to grow stronger in Him.
Even with me in a simple matter like going to the toilet. If I find I want to go but I havent got time because a class is due to start, I go and I dont panic or fret. When I come back I find the class has been delayed etc. He knows what is happening and like an excellent secretary He guides you through your day. When you give yourself , He will always have you on time.
Never be concerned in your honest attempts to be on time if you are delayed. You are in His care. This is of course not to be abused nor a licence to sleep in or something to take advantage of. Christ knows if you are sincere.
All praise to Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Christ be with you
walk in love
I’ve had two moments in my life where I’ve made a decision that, in retrospect, I am completely confident were from the prompting of the Holy Spirit, not any other factor.

The first was when, in high school, I decided to memorize the New Testament. I was raised in charismatic evangelical Protestantism, and the church ran a youth organization that competed w/ others around the state in teams based on memorization of Scripture. I still remember most of it, if not word for word, then “chapter and verse,” today. When I went through my little decade of agnosticism, I feel that my knowledge of the Scripture led me back to Christ - and to the Church.

The second was the decision that brought me to the Church itself - a friend of mine worked for the local bishop, and even though religion was an out-of-bounds topic for me at the time (my Christian friends knew not to bring it up), one day after work I was enjoying a beer with my friend after work and decided to ask what the appeal of the whole “Catholic thing” was anyway. A year later, he sponsored me for RCIA.
wow, these were powerful posts. The past year, I have realized the power of the Holy Spirit. I am sure that He was always there urging us before, but we never paid attention.

It sounds as if those who have posted here, including myself, are finally tuning in and hearing. The Holy Spirit has urged me to make many very big changes in my life recently.

I know these are the urgings of the Holy Spirit because I would have never thought of them on my own. And I can always tell when they from HIm because often they are especially difficult to follow through on doing…daily mass, etc. Most of these requests from Him have been difficult, but strength and faith building.

Praise be the Holy Spirit. May He open up more hearts.
I’m glad to see this offer to praise the Holy Spirit. I wish I would have thought of it, myself.

Baptized Catholic, but raised Protestant (and not a very good one), I always had a sense of God. But, I did not live for Him. I’d go to this church for a while and that church for a while, with years going by without attending church at all. Becoming Catholic was not even an option. In March, I began to feel a need to know Jesus better. I went to see The Passion of the Christ with my in-laws, who are Catholic, and several members of their church who had rented the theater. I went in as a Protestant. I came out a changed person, but still a Protestant. I almost immediately stopped swearing, and I was a pretty competent swearer. I began reading my Bible daily. I somehow was able to return meanness with kindness. In short, the Holy Spirit was working in me. When I am about to open my mouth without thinking, such as to say something unneeded or unkind, he is right there telling me not to. It is amazing! He is a comforter, an advisor, a friend and more. And I can trust him to always tell me what is right. I love knowing him and I thank God every day for his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. To top it all off, he led me to explore the Catholic faith, and I (who would never before consider Catholicism, even though it was the religion of my birth) am now on my way to becoming a Catholic. Pretty amazing stuff! I feel an intimate bond with the Holy Spirit, and thanks for the opportunity to share this.


In a recent discussion with a non-Catholic Christian, he has remarked on the lack of praises of the works of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Catholics here. He sees much praise for our Blessed Mother, but little for the Holy Spirit. I wanted to start a thread for people to come and praise the Holy Spirit and work He is doing in your lives. The big and the small, and the completely amazing.

Please, take the time to share a story and keep sharing your stories to help each other as well as a separated brethren see the amazing work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Catholic Christians.

Oops, my 3 year old just woke up. I’ll have to come back and share my story later:o

Your sister in Christ,
Hi again Maria,
I just want to share another activity with you , one that brings me so much joy. Possibly you may want to see if this works for you as well. I would also apprecitate your telling me of any activities that bring joy in Christ and the Spirit to you.
My prayer at night before bed is short and similar each night. I ask this for all Christians and for myself. I ask that we cast away our worldly worries and even our joys at night and focus on worshiping, meditating and glorifying Him at night. I ask for His help. I ask that songs of praise and joy well up in my heart and bubble forth over my lips. In bed I keep my mind on Him, and thrust other thoughts away. This is His time. Now here is the joy and it happens at any time during the day as well. Songs well up in me, I am half awake and then I realise I am singing in my heart. Now I also realise that the song is pertinent to my circumstances at that time. Jesus uses them to send me information, messages or love. On one memorable night I doubt I slept at all and when it came time for me to kick off on a new day, the thought crossed my mind how I would fare,especially by the end of the day. I was not too worried as I was used to His strength in my life, but usually just to do short term things. Well I tell you as the day wore on I took off and by the end of the day, you could have plugged into me and I would have run a city the size of New York. He just showers me with love and it is like a confirmation of my love for Him. When you wake up and find you are singing songs to someone, you know you love them. And Christ keeps delivering.
Oh this is another problem I have, I dont go to bed early enough. Now I should not go to bed tired and " die" until I wake up and rush off. He deserves so much more than that. So if you can Maria, in the event you take this on, see if you can honor Him by being in bed before you are dog tired.
I do not want to throw cold water, but these things happen to me without my praying to Mary. I hope you can find it in your heart to give this time to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit only. As Mary is the Mother of Christ, I feel she would only be too happy if you went directly to Him. Surely she is not jealous, just loving.
Christ be with you
walk in love
I have another wonderful thing that happened last night. My son needed poster board for his project for school. I almost said no, it is not due until next week, I’ll go get it later. But really there was no reason except I didn’t want to. So I stopped took a deep breath and said “can I go in about 15 minutes?”

Now, I just need to tell you, I have been wondering what good I have been doing, what use my prayers were. (And all of this the day after my wonderful encounter with God the day before!) When I went to the store, there were several slow moving people around me. Instead of rushing in and out, I started to slow down. I looked at the beautiful Christmas decorations, pillows, tablecloths and stuff. I almost bought several things, but I knew we really couldn’t afford them. Instead of covetting them as in the past, I just enjoyed looking instead.

So I ended up spending some extra time in the store. I then picked a checker I usually avoid. An extremely wonderful older women who is also incredibly slow. I had the time today. I went to her. Upon leaving, I stopped and found a couple of dollars to give salvation Army. As I started to leave, I bumped into a friend I had not seen in several years. She still attends the Assembly of God I used to go to.

She asked if I was going to church anywhere. I took a deep breath and told her that I was attending the Catholic Church. (For those of you who don’t know, Assembly people can sometimes have huge misunderstanding of the Catholic Church, the whole whore of Babylon thing.)

She asked me how that happened, and I gave her a condensed version ending with “and God brought me home to the Catholic Church.” She just dropped her jaw and said, you know, I was raised Catholic, It has been on my heart a lot lately, and you are the third person I have met who has said God brought you home to the Catholic Church, those words exactly.

As we talked a little more, exchanged phone numbers to talk more later, we saw about 10 different people walk into the store, all who attend the Catholic Church. She noticed each one.

At the end, I asked her if she needed an engraved invitation from God to know where she is supposed to be now.

This was so refreshing to me personally. While I know God is responsible, I am so humbled that He choose to slow me down so I could witness to this woman. It is also an answer to my prayer. As we have a new priest, we have been losing some parishners. They do not like that his homilies are longer as well as he is telling them things they do not wish to hear. I have prayed that for each person who leaves, God will replace them with two, people who hunger for His word and are truly Godly people. From going to church with her before, I know what a Godly women she is.

I know that the Holy Spirit was guiding and slowing each step of my day that afternoon. I could have ignored the leading and rushed through my errands. Instead because I followed His lead, I was allowed to be a witness to a person God is leading home to the Catholic Church.

Thank you Father, thank you Lord, thank you Holy Spirit.

Your sister in Christ,
I have another wonderful thing that happened last night. My son needed poster board for his project for school. I almost said no, it is not due until next week, I’ll go get it later. But really there was no reason except I didn’t want to. So I stopped took a deep breath and said “can I go in about 15 minutes?”

Now, I just need to tell you, I have been wondering what good I have been doing, what use my prayers were. (And all of this the day after my wonderful encounter with God the day before!) When I went to the store, there were several slow moving people around me. Instead of rushing in and out, I started to slow down. I looked at the beautiful Christmas decorations, pillows, tablecloths and stuff. I almost bought several things, but I knew we really couldn’t afford them. Instead of covetting them as in the past, I just enjoyed looking instead.

So I ended up spending some extra time in the store. I then picked a checker I usually avoid. An extremely wonderful older women who is also incredibly slow. I had the time today. I went to her. Upon leaving, I stopped and found a couple of dollars to give salvation Army. As I started to leave, I bumped into a friend I had not seen in several years. She still attends the Assembly of God I used to go to.

She asked if I was going to church anywhere. I took a deep breath and told her that I was attending the Catholic Church. (For those of you who don’t know, Assembly people can sometimes have huge misunderstanding of the Catholic Church, the whole whore of Babylon thing.)

She asked me how that happened, and I gave her a condensed version ending with “and God brought me home to the Catholic Church.” She just dropped her jaw and said, you know, I was raised Catholic, It has been on my heart a lot lately, and you are the third person I have met who has said God brought you home to the Catholic Church, those words exactly.

As we talked a little more, exchanged phone numbers to talk more later, we saw about 10 different people walk into the store, all who attend the Catholic Church. She noticed each one.

At the end, I asked her if she needed an engraved invitation from God to know where she is supposed to be now.

This was so refreshing to me personally. While I know God is responsible, I am so humbled that He choose to slow me down so I could witness to this woman. It is also an answer to my prayer. As we have a new priest, we have been losing some parishners. They do not like that his homilies are longer as well as he is telling them things they do not wish to hear. I have prayed that for each person who leaves, God will replace them with two, people who hunger for His word and are truly Godly people. From going to church with her before, I know what a Godly women she is.

I know that the Holy Spirit was guiding and slowing each step of my day that afternoon. I could have ignored the leading and rushed through my errands. Instead because I followed His lead, I was allowed to be a witness to a person God is leading home to the Catholic Church.

Thank you Father, thank you Lord, thank you Holy Spirit.

Your sister in Christ,
Hi Maria ,Great story. It goes to show you how many oppertunities we can miss out when we say no. You never know but God does. 👍 God Bless.
Hi Edwin:wave:

I am glad you found this thread.
My prayer at night before bed is short and similar each night. I ask this for all Christians and for myself. I ask that we cast away our worldly worries and even our joys at night and focus on worshiping, meditating and glorifying Him at night. I ask for His help. I ask that songs of praise and joy well up in my heart and bubble forth over my lips. In bed I keep my mind on Him, and thrust other thoughts away. This is His time. Now here is the joy and it happens at any time during the day as well. Songs well up in me, I am half awake and then I realise I am singing in my heart. Now I also realise that the song is pertinent to my circumstances at that time. Jesus uses them to send me information, messages or love.
I will try that before I go to bed each night. Interesting though. I have had a song running through my head for the last few days. “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus is to trust and obey.” I feel the Lord is trying to get me to just follow His leading even if I cannot see the reason why. Thankfully, I have obeyed and been greatly blessed.
Oh this is another problem I have, I dont go to bed early enough. Now I should not go to bed tired and " die" until I wake up and rush off. He deserves so much more than that. So if you can Maria, in the event you take this on, see if you can honor Him by being in bed before you are dog tired.
:rotfl: Are you a fly on my bedroom wall? I have been doing the same thing. I realize through your post I have not been obeying Him in this matter. I need to go to bed earlier and give the Lord not just a few moments before I fall to bed exhausted.
I do not want to throw cold water, but these things happen to me without my praying to Mary. I hope you can find it in your heart to give this time to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit only. As Mary is the Mother of Christ, I feel she would only be too happy if you went directly to Him. Surely she is not jealous, just loving.
Oh I know that it can happen without praying to Mary. I know God is speaking to me through you Edwin, but I hope He is speaking to you also through me.

I won’t ask you to ask Mary to pray for you. I know that you could not do so. But how about this. I will do my evening prayer without asking Mary to add her prayers to mine. But maybe you could somewhere in your morning, recite a few lines of Scipture.

Luke 1:21 …Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you.
Luke 1:42…Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.

You could then ask the Lord to help you to understand the Love Catholics have for the Blessed Mother.

If not, I will still do my evening prayers without asking Mary to pray for me.

God Bless,
John Russell Jr:
I often pray to the Holy Spirit for help and guidance when I am trying to do apostolate or write a letter, such as in the posts here.
But, what many non Catholics might not know is that we invoke the Holy Spirit everytime we make the sign of the cross ( which for many Catholics would be several times a day).
The priest calls upon the Holy Spirit to heal us in confession, the Holy Spirit is called upon in Mass to confect the Eucharist.
We also have feast days for the Holy Spirit.
Others may not realise that Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and He is most pleased when we honour his spouse. Did she not conceive by the Holy Spirit. Did He not overshadow her and plant the seed, which was the Word of God, into her womb.
Non Catholics might not realise that the greatest gifts of God to His Church are the seven sacraments. These are at the heart and soul of Catholic worship, and the Holy Spirit is invoked upon and very active in each of them.
I am not saying we can’t also pray privately to the Holy Spirit. This is vital, if we want to get to Heaven.
I used to pray - The litany of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps I’ll start again.
You posted what I was going to say… Our faith deffinitly honors the Holy Spirt. I pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me everyday, in my words, thoughts, actions, I breath the Holy Spirit in. I pray to the Holy Spirit everyday when I am at working and talking to someone who has been victimized. Yesterday I talked to a man who’s wife was killed Monday night by a drunk driver (please pray for him), his four year old son is in the hospital for two weeks, but doing okay… he was sobbing. I prayed to the Holy Spirit to help me with words of comfort and none of harm… The Holy Spirit makes me feel more capable.
My coming into the Church was a love-dread relationship of several decades. By the time I finally took the step, I was ready, but deeply mourning the loss of my former Church, the friends, the faith-community, the beauty of the liturgy . . . Yet I knew I HAD to become Catholic. I made the contacts, took the required steps, all with a sense of duty rather than of joy.

One thing I paradoxically looked forward to was general confession. Somehow, to me, “this is the place” (to borrow Brigham Young’s memorable phrase) where one becomes Catholic for good. Hand to the plough: no going back.

Six months before my confession, I selected the opening verse of the Coverdale translation of Psalm 118 as the theme of my submission retreat:

O God, my heart is ready, my heart is ready.

The morning of my confession, I woke up at 4:00 to begin the day, to pray, to complete my examen. I looked at the crucifix on the wall and started to weep. “Lord, why did you bring me here? I don’t want to be Catholic! Who in his right MIND would want to be Catholic? The Church is so big, so impersonal! And the music is EXECRABLE!”

Nevertheless, I decided to stop whining and pray morning prayer from my borrowed copy of the* Liturgy of the Hours*. I stopped reading at verse 8 of Psalm 57:

My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.
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