Praising Trump on Catholic Answers Radio

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I hate how Cy Kellet and Tim Staples keep trying to turn Catholic Answers into Fox News and the Praise Trump hour. I come to Catholic Answers to get away from the onslaught of Fox News that I have to put up with in my house. (FTR, I went third party in 2016 because I didn’t like either Trump or Clinton, so there.)
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What were they praising him for? I am guessing something good that he had done or is doing? What is wrong with that? It would be nice to have an example.
Praising any politician in this forum should be avoided, especially when trying to defend a political ideology

CAF needs to stay away from “identity politics,” which our divided society is so heavily into.

I hate how Cy Kellet and Tim Staples keep trying to turn Catholic Answers i
I don’t recall ever seeing either of those names on any post in these forums. Where do you go to look for them?
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(American) Catholics tend to reflect surrounding culture much more than they do Church teaching. They are as split along party lines as the general public. This is lamentable, of course, but remains reality. Thus, since 50% of American Catholics (strongly) dislike President Trump, I must point out that, in reversing the Obama executive order violating the consciences of the Little Sisters of the Poor, he did more for the Catholic Church than any president in history.

Having been hyper-political in the 60s and 70s, I must ask: what is the alternative? A wasted vote for a good person that is unknown versus a wasted vote for someone who stands to be elected but who supports objective evil.

I have drawn back from both politics and the media and am generally much happier than in prior times of my life.
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I don’t get all up into politics the way some of my friends do. I tend to spend most of my time with God and day to day life. I may hit the highlights here and there on media just to keep informed. But I don’t get all up in it … if ya get what I’m saying. 😉
If they were praising a politician that you like and agree with would your view be different?
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I can’t speak for OP, but I personally would be disappointed over hearing partisan political views on a Catholic radio station no matter what side it came from.

I believe that is why the poster was careful to state that he/she didn’t vote for either party. Whenever I make the mistake of saying I’m not a fan of any particular politician I am accused of being pro- “the other side.”
I agree that Trump shouldn’t be mentioned. It just causes divisions, sure he has done good things, but sometimes people are just obstinate and won’t understand. Also the praises are a bit over the top at times.
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I can’t speak for OP, but I personally would be disappointed over hearing partisan political views on a Catholic radio station no matter what side it came from.
I agree 100%. When I want to hear about politics I purposefully tune into a political show. Sadly though politics has seeped into almost every aspect of everything which does nothing but divide people.
Praising any politician in this forum should be avoided, especially when trying to defend a political ideology

CAF needs to stay away from “identity politics,” which our divided society is so heavily into.
I agree wholeheartedly. It’s a shame that so many of us American Catholics tend to be split along party lines, instead of what the Church actually teaches. (I know I’ll probably get blasted on here for that comment, but that’s the reality of the situation).
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American Catholics tend to be split along party lines, instead of what the Church actually teaches.
I have always been very patriotic and country first until I became Catholic. I still love my country but if there was a Catholic republic ever created or even a Catholic monarchy I would pack up and leave as soon as possible. My allegiance is to God and His Church not a political party or even country.
Sadly though politics has seeped into almost every aspect of everything which does nothing but divide people.
In the United States, “politics” determines how we live our daily lives.

So of course it’s seeped into almost every aspect of everything!

E.g., we’re all greatly looking forward to the 38 cents/gal gas tax here in Illinois! Our governor tells us that it’s going to be used to fix our horrible roads and bridges (people have disappeared into our Illinois potholes and never been seen again! Just kidding! But axles have been broken by potholes that are sometimes a full 12 inches deep).

Do I believe our governor? Well, he told us the truth that he would make our state the most progressive in the nation when it comes to “reproductive rights.” So he must be telling the truth about our gas tax and our roads, right? Sure he is! I’m sure that money isn’t really going to go towards trying to pay off our unbelievable State pension deficit.

Anyway, the government in the United States is “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” so it’s not surprising that it makes up a great deal of our conversations and occupies a lot of our thoughts.
Politics aside, Illinois is a mess. The incompetence appears to be bipartisan there. I feel for you!
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