Praising Trump on Catholic Answers Radio

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How about Spain?
I was thinking about this as well. Although in all fairness, Franco was a dictator, not a monarch. Monarchists fought alongside Franco’s forces in the civil war, but they didn’t exactly get their way after he took power.

Portugal managed to do it a little better. I do have some respect for Salazar, as his government was primarily based in Catholic social thought, and I personally believe this was a major factor in the Estado Novo not being nearly as brutal as other right (and left) wing regimes of the era. It was a very unbloody rule, relatively speaking. In fact, Portugal enjoyed a time of economic and social prosperity and he managed to keep the country out of World War II.

Still, Salazar was a dictator and had many of the failings that dictators have. But he’s certainly an interesting and overlooked world leader. I don’t think there was anyone quite like him in the 20th century.
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Jesus caused divisions. If Trump had anything to do with stopping the murder of babies even in a small way (like defunding Planned Parenthood) should we really quibble over the word “politics”… oh Trump must not be mentioned because “politics you know”…I say give praise where praise is due especially when it honors Gods laws.
Is it really such a big deal that Trump has to be praised over and over again?
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The Trump administration and conservative Protestant states have done more to overturn abortion laws in the last few years than the USCCB or so-called “Catholic” blue states with “Catholic” governors. I pray for the President daily, as well as for his reelection.
I was referring to saving babies lives, even in a small way (I read something where Trump helped them be defunded) so my answer is yes. A resounding yes in fact.
As someone who was forced to watch CNN and told every Christian was a pedophile and if I refused to agree then I would be forced to live on the streets (and finally did), then I feel for you. Must be a real bummer to voluntarily turn on CAF radio and hear things you do not like. My heart bleeds for you.
If the Catholic church wants to be political then pay taxes.
Nobody here suggested that the Church wants to be a political party. Having views on issues which are political does not automatically make you a political party. For example, just because the Church has a view on an issue such as abortion does not mean that the Church has established itself as a political party because of that view. It’s amazing to me how many people don’t understand that concept.
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Explain the morality of that. Even the reasoning behind it. This would amount to raping the Church’s conscience, since taxpayer funds are used to support every manner of perversity known to man.
Having been Catholic for the last 6 years, I can see that one can’t force the Church into being “Democrat” or “Republican” based solely on its teaching. That being said, I have also heard Tim Staples speak positively about Trump in more than once instance, and it is a little over the top for me. That being said, I have the utmost respect for Tim and all the apologists at CA - they were very instrumental in my coming into the Church. I would also suspect that Tim’s support has more to do with social policies (abortion, LGBTQ issues, etc.,) he sees in Trump’s administration as opposed to economic or foreign policy.
Politics aside, Illinois is a mess. The incompetence appears to be bipartisan there. I feel for you!

That’s Illinois language for “you are so right.”

And yet, on a morning like this, when it’s a crisp 59 degrees, and the sun is shining and the sky is so blue and the foliage is so green, and I can see for miles out in the country–I do not want to leave this State. Sigh.
@peeps. Cheers fellow overtaxed Illinoisian!

Now… in response to you, the OP. If any president did something that is aligned to our Catholic faith then it should be mentioned as good no matter what party. It likely wasn’t about how all wonderful and grand Trump is or was but about something he did that was intrinsically good for human life.

But I agree with many others. Keep the true politicking of Catholic radio. But that doesn’t mean something from the realm of politics that affects our lives in a Catholic way should never be mentioned.
Ever been to Raleigh? Rolling beautiful green hills as far as the eye can see. Oh and also hurricanes. Lol.

But I agree. My Illinois backyard is beautiful in its greenness and nature.
Since you are talking about the radio show, (which is also on You-Tube, FB Live, Twitter Live,) please state which shows and original dates of airing. If we are to storm the beach with torches and pitchforks and rail against political speech - gotta have dates and times! Which shows? All the shows are archived here on this website. I’d love to be able to go back and listen to which shows got you all up in arms.
I have never liked the mixing of politics with religion. My feeling is that politicians like to use those of us who are religious.
Ever been to Raleigh?
Raleigh, North Carolina?

Lived there ten years. We moved back to Illinois so that our daughters would know and be able to have good times and memories with their grandparents and other extended family.

LOVED Raleigh, although the humidity was painful for me, and both of us gained a lot of weight eating all those biscuits!
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