Perhaps. But I would argue that there are A LOT of narcissists in American Politics - Congress is filled with them.I’m not Psychologist by any means, though my sister is a practicing consular. But if again we keep out of basic politics, he objectively meets the profile of a narcissist, a very adept one too. I there are of course plenty of people taken by his “tell it like it is” attitude or charm.
What I think should concern anyone,though, even if you like his general policies, is that he sticks to what he says. It’s not hard to pull up public video footage where he says one thing and the switches to the other side. Yes good leaders should be capable of this, but it should represent a real change in either core values or ones that help adapt to identified goals.
Are really good example of this is him crossing the boarder with Kim Jong Un recently. The North Korean leader has done nothing to deserve this honor. Trump knew a photo op when he saw one and will add this one to his brag bag, but again he never accomplished anything substantive.
Catholic Answers Live tapes every single one of their episodes. Could you please provide a date, hour, and minute where they do a “praise Trump hour?”I hate how Cy Kellet and Tim Staples keep trying to turn Catholic Answers into Fox News and the Praise Trump hour. I come to Catholic Answers to get away from the onslaught of Fox News that I have to put up with in my house. (FTR, I went third party in 2016 because I didn’t like either Trump or Clinton, so there.)
So is the Church in general. What’s your point? Why ought he to be applauded for this.For example: Patrick is very pro-immigration.
To get elected, you have to have high self esteem, confidence, and ability to sell yourself. This is the official definition of a Narcissist:But I would argue that there are A LOT of narcissists in American Politics
Along those lines, Just a couple of thoughtsJimR-OCDS:
I agree wholeheartedly. It’s a shame that so many of us American Catholics tend to be split along party lines, instead of what the Church actually teaches. (I know I’ll probably get blasted on here for that comment, but that’s the reality of the situation).Praising any politician in this forum should be avoided, especially when trying to defend a political ideology
CAF needs to stay away from “identity politics,” which our divided society is so heavily into.
Add to that, he has appointed to the bench, (Supreme court as well), pro life judges, as he promised.Well President Trump was the first sitting President to address the March for Life via satellite in its 45 year history, so Catholics have plenty of reason to applaud him.
sure… I agree that he is a Narcissist. All I said is that are are many more.o any other politician Democrat or Republican, that really stand out are the things like his very thin skin (mentioned elsewhere in the article) e.g. petty twitter wars, continuous use of superlatives, how he’s the special person who will resolve the world’s most intractable problems, his random “personal” associations with strange characters not normal for a POTUS, his endless talking about himself (to the point he has to be cutoff sometimes) on even explicitly friendly shows, etc.
Why I would not consider our previous ones meeting this clinical diagnosis? Things like how Obama did not lash out at the Birthers and when Bin Laden was killed he came to a podium, stated the facts, took no questions, and he really never mentioned it again. Bush too keep his composure with his many critics and he has a notorious self-deprecating sense of humor. You also see this in how often previous
A speech with countless references to “I”…proved he’s a narcissist.Things like how Obama did not lash out at the Birthers and when Bin Laden was killed he came to a podium, stated the facts, took no questions, and he really never mentioned it again
I agree. Although I do try to give Mass-missing Catholics the benefit of the doubt, as many are probably poorly catechized and don’t realize the gravity of missing Mass, which may lower culpability.Along those lines, Just a couple of thoughts
According to Georgetown Univ, a Jesuit Univ, they put together some statistics about American Catholics. Apparently only 21% of Catholics go faithfully to Sunday Mass. Ergo 79% of Catholics don’t. Ergo, unless all those Catholics have a good excuse for deliberately missing mass on Sunday, all of them without such excuse is in mortal sin.,
I mention it this way, because if a Catholic doesn’t go to mass faithfully, for sure, they aren’t being instructed continuously, albeit, bits at a time from the pulpit on Sunday. AND my thought also is, how are THEY, who are in in mortal sin, (no sanctifying grace alive in their soul at this point) even able to think and respond Catholic anymore? Secularism not Catholicism, has hold of them.
Just thinking out loud.
Agreed. (may reduce culpability, ≠will reduce culpability)steve-b:
I agree. Although I do try to give Mass-missing Catholics the benefit of the doubt, as many are probably poorly catechized and don’t realize the gravity of missing Mass, which may lower culpability.Along those lines, Just a couple of thoughts
According to Georgetown Univ, a Jesuit Univ, they put together some statistics about American Catholics. Apparently only 21% of Catholics go faithfully to Sunday Mass. Ergo 79% of Catholics don’t. Ergo, unless all those Catholics have a good excuse for deliberately missing mass on Sunday, all of them without such excuse is in mortal sin.,
I mention it this way, because if a Catholic doesn’t go to mass faithfully, for sure, they aren’t being instructed continuously, albeit, bits at a time from the pulpit on Sunday. AND my thought also is, how are THEY, who are in in mortal sin, (no sanctifying grace alive in their soul at this point) even able to think and respond Catholic anymore? Secularism not Catholicism, has hold of them.
Just thinking out loud.