Pray for Abdul Rahmen

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Hahaha, if you don’t read anything I say, how do you know that I’m off topic?

History matters. If we ignore it, we’ll easily become hypocrites, and the proof is in writing on this thread.
And if we ignore it we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. The handwriting is on the wall, Pro. Remember Neville Chamberlin when you make your comments about “peace loving Muslims”. Apologize for Islam all you want. Bash the west all you want. Will you stand for Jesus or will you convert to Islam when the time comes? Mr. Rahmen says he will not. Why are you not singing his praises? Is he any less worthy of being a member of the cloud of martyrs who have died for their faith? Cestusdei flies his colors proudly which is more than I can say for you.
And if we ignore it we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. The handwriting is on the wall, Pro. Remember Neville Chamberlin when you make your comments about “peace loving Muslims”. Apologize for Islam all you want. Bash the west all you want. Will you stand for Jesus or will you convert to Islam when the time comes? Mr. Rahmen says he will not. Why are you not singing his praises? Is he any less worthy of being a member of the cloud of martyrs who have died for their faith? Cestusdei flies his colors proudly which is more than I can say for you.
I think you need to switch to decaf.

What muslim army is even close to capable of conquering the United States? Do you realize how wildly fantastical your “will you convert when the time comes!” scenario is?

This is just like the people who used to fantasize about forming militia groups against Russians…except that this time, the “russians” don’t actually have an army.
And if we ignore it we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. The handwriting is on the wall, Pro. Remember Neville Chamberlin when you make your comments about “peace loving Muslims”. Apologize for Islam all you want. Bash the west all you want. Will you stand for Jesus or will you convert to Islam when the time comes? Mr. Rahmen says he will not. Why are you not singing his praises? Is he any less worthy of being a member of the cloud of martyrs who have died for their faith? Cestusdei flies his colors proudly which is more than I can say for you.
Man for a historian you believe in quite odd notions.
Let’s say I am walking down the street with pro. I see a group of Muslims preparing to stone a convert to death. I say “uh guys don’t stone converts, respect religious freedom”. How do they respond?

“Stop bashing Islam! Respect our culture! You have done worse! Don’t try to convert us! Remember the Byzantines!”

I say to pro, “what do you think?” He replies, “Stop bashing Islam! Be nice to them and they will be good”.

Meanwhile they stone the guy who dies screaming in pain.

Pro then says “see this is all Bush’s fault, it’s all Christianities fault, the Jew’s are responsible!, blame Israel.”

I reply, “uh it’s the fault of the Muslims, they threw the stones”.

His response? “You anti-Islamic bigot!”

This is reasonable or logical? Is there any thing that any Muslim can do that pro will not try and justify?
Your probably the guy who wanted to nuke the ussr in the cold war lol.
Actually I was a big supporter of Reagan. Because he was tough on communism we WON the cold war. We will defeat the Islamic jihadi’s the same way. You will lose. We will never be your dhimmi.
How on earth is pointing out that Byzantium was ruled by corrupted monarchs “west bashing”?
I was not referring to Byzantium specifically - as you know. I was referring to your villanizing Christianity and the West. When you feign incredulity, it only serves to make these discussions that much less fruitful.
What muslim army is even close to capable of conquering the United States? Do you realize how wildly fantastical your “will you convert when the time comes!” scenario is?
So, your answer is that you are just banking on it never happening?

Imagine for a moment, you were kidnapped abroad by Muslim terrorists and were asked to state your faith.

Would you deny Christ and convert to Islam to save your life or die a martyr?
So, your answer is that you are just banking on it never happening?
Yes. I think that’s a pretty darn good bet, but if you know of a secret muslim army, please tell me!
Don’t assume that I or others on this forum are necessarily bigoted. I’m sure most of us would go to the defence of a Muslim if they were also threatened with execution simply for peacefully and harmlessly practicing their religion.
I would not defend a Muslim even if he was threatened for practising his religion because my hatred for Arabs who forced my people to Arabise. By my people, I mean Coptic, Syriac, Armenian and Greeks. I myself am neither but as there is no difference between Jew and Greek, I am a Jew to a Jew, and a Greek to a Greek, and a barbaros to a barbaros.

Until Muslims (preferably Sheikh-ul-Azhar Muhammad Tantawi) apologise for the acts of the four rightly guided Caliphs (ie. Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali) and denounce them as terrorists for their forced conversion of non-Arab Christian peoples to Arab Muslims, people will continue to hate Islam. The continuing persecution of these Christian peoples until today via the racist Pan-Arab policies like the ban on advocating Syriac as the official language for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey and Coptic as the official language of Egypt.

Were the Bosnian and Albanian Muslims in Yugoslavia peaceful? Hardly as these Muslims massacred many Croats and Serbs, who are Christians. The Anti-Christ Bill Clinton bombed a Christian nation, Yugoslavia and utterly destroyed it. USA challenged the authority of His Holiness Pavle, Patriarch of Belgrade and illegally kidnapped Slobodan Milosevic and then plotted with the Hague to murder him.

Slobodan Milosevic recently was found dead due to poisoning by the War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. They deny that claiming he died of heart attack but we all know the Chief Prosecutor is a Muslim!
Of course I will pray for Abdul.
What!? An Islamist praying for Abdul?
I will also pray for you and cestusdei to be released from your blindness.
Faith without works is dead said the Lord Jesus. You may pray for all three of us but since you are Islamist, our Lord Jesus will not answer your prayers for you insult him saying he is not God Almighty when you confess Islam is not a false religion.
I think you need to switch to decaf.

What muslim army is even close to capable of conquering the United States? Do you realize how wildly fantastical your “will you convert when the time comes!” scenario is?

This is just like the people who used to fantasize about forming militia groups against Russians…except that this time, the “russians” don’t actually have an army.
And when Tel Aviv or Haifa glows in the dark and Europe cowers (Lord knows they’re doing a pretty good job of it now) then perhaps the book Knowing the Enemy: Jihadist Ideology and the War on Terror, Mary Habeck, Yale University Press, 2005 will prove to be prophetic. According to Dr. Habeck, a military historian, everything bin Laden does is devoted to a global Sunni Muslim insurgency.

“Muhammad Atta and the other 18 men who took part in the September 11 attacks were middle-class and well-educated and had bright futures ahead of them. They participated in the hijcakings not because they were forced to do so through sudden economic or social deprivation, but because they chose to deal with the problems of their community - for religious/ideological resons- by killing as many Americans as they could.” (Emphasis mine).

Tell me how many American middle-class, well educated young adults are running about on suicide missions killing as many citizens of Muslim countries as they can. If you can’t see that the Islamic fanaticism going on today is no different than the Nazi fanaticsim in 1938 well then Pro, prepare to face east and pray towards Mecca.

And, IF you are a Catholic as you say, why can’t you simply say I will not deny My Lord. I have not intentions of converting to Islam. My faith is the faith of my ancestors in spite of fire, dungeon and sword.
For a thread that’s supposed to be about praying for Abdul, there’s been very little praying.

What can we do (other than pray)? How about writing letters to members of Congress? How about mounting a campaign to give him asylum, and to withdraw all support from the Afghan government if they execute him?

For a thread that’s supposed to be about praying for Abdul, there’s been very little praying.

What can we do (other than pray)? How about writing letters to members of Congress? How about mounting a campaign to give him asylum, and to withdraw all support from the Afghan government if they execute him?

I’m finding out as we speak about setting up a petition on CAF - if not there are other options as well, such as the ones you mentioned. All in a little while, my impatient friend …
I have prayed for Abdul and will continue to do so. I pledge I will contact my senators and ask them to look into the matter. It’s a start.
Let’s say I am walking down the street with pro. I see a group of Muslims preparing to stone a convert to death. I say “uh guys don’t stone converts, respect religious freedom”. How do they respond?

“Stop bashing Islam! Respect our culture! You have done worse! Don’t try to convert us! Remember the Byzantines!”

I say to pro, “what do you think?” He replies, “Stop bashing Islam! Be nice to them and they will be good”.

Meanwhile they stone the guy who dies screaming in pain.

Pro then says “see this is all Bush’s fault, it’s all Christianities fault, the Jew’s are responsible!, blame Israel.”

I reply, “uh it’s the fault of the Muslims, they threw the stones”.

His response? “You anti-Islamic bigot!”

This is reasonable or logical? Is there any thing that any Muslim can do that pro will not try and justify?
I will also pray for you and cestusdei to be released from your blindness.
I think it’s quite obvious to any observer who it is that’s got scales over their eyes. :rolleyes:
Afghan Faces Death Penalty for Converting to Christianity

Judge Says He Could Escape Punishment If He’s Ruled Insane


KABUL, Afghanistan, March 20, 2006 — - Despite the overthrow of the fundamentalist Taliban government and the presence of 22,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a man who converted to Christianity is being prosecuted in Kabul, and a judge said Sunday that if convicted, he faces the death penalty.

Abdul Rahman, who is in his 40s, says he converted to Christianity 16 years ago while working as an aid worker helping Afghan refugees in Pakistan. Relatives denounced him as a convert during a custody battle over his children, and he was arrested last month. The prosecutor says Rahman was found with a Bible.

Human rights workers have described the case as an unsettling reminder that the country’s post-Taliban judiciary remains deeply conservative, and they have called on President Hamid Karzai to intervene. During Taliban times, men were forced to kneel in prayer five times a day, and couples faced the death penalty for sex outside marriage, for example. Reform efforts have been slow, say experts, since there are so few judges and lawyers with experience.

Full story
So much for religious freedom in the “liberated” Afghanistan.

I am praying.:gopray2:
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