Prayer Requests #1

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What a beautiful prayer Shosana. It is so inspiring. Bless you. Bless all those in the world. Let’s keep up the faith.
**From the thread **Prayer Request
Anima Christi:
I have a big Economics exam tomorrow (actually today) at 12:30 and it’s crucial to my grade in the class that I do well on the exam. Unfortunately I don’t know the material very well and I haven’t studied nearly enough as I should have, so it’s mostly my fault if I do bad. I’m studying now though, and I would very much appreciate your prayers . . . I know it is very trivial compared with other stuff people need prayers for, but please at least say a couple Hail Marys for me that I do all right on the test. I’m scared.
Thank you.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for Josh, my 17 year old patient who was struck by a car on Sunday night while jogging on the highway.

He is now in a major trauma centre, recovering from serious injuries. (Head injury, hip fracture, compromised by compartment syndrome, open tib/fib fracture) Please keep up your prayers so that he can make a full recovery and return to school.

:gopray2: :gopray2: :gopray2:
I want to thank all who prayed for my 7 yr. old daughter. She had surgery a week ago at Mayo in MN. She recovered so quickly that her doctors were amazed and I know how it happened!! The prayers of many, many family and friends, including all of you. She is already back in school, no physical ed or recess allowed yet, but she’s so happy to be back home and back into school with her friends who missed her so much. God bless all of you. Theresa
Prayers said for all intentions within this thread.

Dear Jesus, lay your Wounded Hand
Upon our weary heads,
And teach us to have courage
In the paths that we must tread.
Bless us, and bless those whom we love,
And give us grace to see
These crosses bravely borne by us
Will keep us close to Thee.
And if at times a shadow falls
In unexpected ways,
Put your gentle Hand in ours
And guide us through the days.
So bless our people, one and all,
With Thy protecting grace,
And impart to them Thy Wisdom
Ere they meet Thee face to face.
Prayers especially for RJ, E, K, and P, as well as their mother K.**

God our Father, source of all health, be near those who suffer in the time of weakness and pain; relieve them of their burden and heal them, if it be Your will. Give peaceful sleep to those who need rest for soul and body, and be with them in their hours of silence. Bless those who know not what another day will bring.
Make them ready for whatever it may be. Whether they must stand, or sit, or be confined, grant them a strong spirit.
Inspire with Your love those who bring healing and care to the suffering. May they bestow Your gifts of health and strength wherever they go. Grant this prayer, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

**For the repose of the soul of of Tom H., for whom we ask God’s loving mercy. From the office of Christian burial:

** In peace, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

For the servant of God, Tom, and for his blessed repose, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

That his every transgression committed deliberately or through human frailty be forgiven him, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

That he be numbered with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

That his soul be committed to the region of the living, to the place of light where all the Saints and the Just repose, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

That he stand uncondemned before the fearsome judgment-seat of Christ, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

That he inherit the eternal kingdom of heaven, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

That he share the constant joy prepared for the Saints from the beginning of time, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

That we be delivered from all affliction, wrath, and need, let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy.

Protect us, save us, have mercy on us, and preserve us, 0 God, by Your grace.

R. Lord, have mercy.

Remembering our most holy, most pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

R. To You, 0 Lord.

Celebrant: For You are the resurrection, the life, and the repose of Your departed servant Tom, 0 Christ our God, and we glorify You together with Your eternal Father, and Your all-holy, gracious and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever.

R. Amen.
Glory to God in the highest.
And on earth peace to men of good will.
We praise You.
We bless You.
** We adore you.**
We glorify You.
We give You thanks for Your great glory.
O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty,
O Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son,
** O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father:**
you Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
You Who take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer.
You Who sit at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For you alone are holy.
You alone are the Lord.
** You alone, O Jesus Christ, are most high.**
Together with the Holy Spirit
in the glory of God the Father,

Just the other day I updated the board to let you know we heard the first good news after a very difficult year-and-a-half. Today we heard even better news! Please continue to pray for our little one. We still are in a very cautious mood, but want to let you all know that YOUR PRAYERS ARE BEING HEARD AND ANSWERED!
Allhers, thank you for your prayers and your mention of St. Lucy. I think I will ask for her intercession as well. Bless you.

Prayers for everyone on this thread :gopray2:
It’s good to hear the good news. I will continue to pray for all on this site and those that need help around the world. I am trying to be a better person by helping others. I think the Lord is helping me when I help others because it makes me focus on what is really important on earth.

All my worries and anxieties melt away. I believe that your prayers are truly helping me. I hope I can somehow help all of you. Bless you all. And I REALLY thank ALL of you from my heart. You have helped me so much. Bless you all. Thank you. Praise the Lord for He works in mysterious ways. 🙂
Wow! Thanks for everyone’s prayers for Josh. The doctors say he is making an amazing recovery so far. He is conscious now, but still sedated, has a third fracture that was missed earlier, and actually was able to eat a bit today.

His recuperation appears to be going a little faster than anticipated, and this must be thanks to all your prayers. It is still unknown if he suffered brain damage from his head injury. Time will tell.

Please keep Josh in your prayers, as he is not out of the woods yet by any means.

:gopray2: :gopray2: :gopray2:
Brothers & Sisters,

Please pray for my Wife and I were both suffering from Bursites(forgive the spelling). Also have co-worker who’s brother is suffering from Cancer. Tom Rutkoski(Catholic Evangelist) Cancer, and heart problems.

Thanks, and God Bless!
It’s good to hear Josh is doing better. My friend Josh asked me to pray for him. He said he lacks faith. He wants to gain back his faith. Please pray for my friend Josh, and Paramedicgirl’s Josh.

I am going to church to pray today with the rosary. I will light a candle in front of the Virgin Mary for all those suffering from medical problems or heartache. Please keep the faith.

Please pray for me too. I have been asking our Lord for six long years to allow Brant and I (Cristina) to get married. Outside influences make it hard for us to get married. So I pray to God, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, to the Virgin Mary, and to the saints for their help. I have been away from church for a long time, but I have come back. I feel closer to God. I pray constantly all day. I pray for others. I pray for Brant and his family. I pray for my family. I pray that the Lord helps us and allows us to get married. Something deep, deep inside tells me things will be alright. I do not know God’s will for me but I ask that it coincide with my wishes, just this one time. Brant and I truly love one another greatly. He has agreed to get baptized in the Catholic faith. I fear the end of the world will come and he will not be saved. He needs to see faith at work. I hope he can see that through me. My mother’s love for people has converted many. I also want to do the same. Brant feels an emptiness that comes from being away from the Lord. It is time that someone nudge him or puts the words of the Lord in his heart. Please pray for him. Please pray for us.

Bless you all. I will pray for you… Please add me in your prayers…
Please pray for me this weekend as I have an interview on Monday. My prayers are with all on this thread.
Barbara, prayers for your interview.

Please pray for my mom - I sent her a letter (best way to stay civil) regarding my conversion. I honestly do not know what her reaction will be, but am expecting the worst from how she already feels about the Church. 😦
Barbara and Mylo and the countless others on this site. I cannot read all your thread and know all your prayers. I do pray for all of you in general and I try to remember as many of you more specifically. So I try to pray more ardently for those that I remember. If you ask me directly, using my name, then I will be able to remember you, my brothers and sisters. This is a community. Let’s call each other by name. It makes it more personal and heartfelt.

I miss all of you during the day. I truly care for you and immerse myself in your cause. It uplifts me sometimes because our prayers are answered. God answers all prayers. He might say no to some, but that is still answering.

Please don’t forget us at church. When you are about to receive the Eucharist. Pray for all of us, brothers and sisters.

Today I wondered what good deeds I can do for others. I know there could be billions…trillions. But could you, brothers and sisters, give me some suggestions? And while you are suggesting some, feel free to join in and do some good deeds. The Lord will smile upon you. Maybe, our faith and good deeds and good intensions can convert a sinner and angels will rejoice in Heaven. It would be a constant party. I hope I will be invited one day. It’s a party I wouldn’t want to miss.

Thank you Lord. We love You. We praise You. We should strive to see You in all things. Bless us, please. May we do good and serve You, in Jesus’ name… Amen.
Cris…I love reading your posts on this thread. You sound like a really nice person. 🙂 God Bless you for taking the time to pray for everyone like you do.

I am keeping Cris and everyone else’s intentions on the thread in my prayers. My eye has been feeling better as of late and my doctor says it’s a good sign. Could be as simple as a bad migraine. (not that that’s good, but, at least I know what’s going on and that it’s treatable.)

I have a job interview tomorrow morning at 10. If you guys could fit in a quick Hail Mary or Our Father for me, I’d appreciate it so much. Thanks 🙂
Dear Celia,
    Wow!  Thank you.  It feels great to wake up in the morning, pray to God, and hear compliments.  I hope your interview went well.  I will pray throughout the day.  It is Saturday morning right where I am.  I will pray for everyone on the thread: you, Anna' mom, Barbara, Mylo, Springbreeze, Allhers, Paramedic girl, Katie, etc...  just to name a few.  

    When I pray for all of you, I pray that the Lord keeps you safe, surrounds you with love and comfort.  I pray that your prayers will be answered.  If it is not in God's will to answer your prayer the way that you prayed, that He find a better alternative.  I wish good and blessings unto all of you.  You guys have been through so much and have so much faith.  I wish I could have come back to the church and been closer to God years ago.  The emptiness and loneliness I've felt for years has been lifted.  I feel cured.  Now I fear that the left over habits I acquired throughout the years might sneak up on me and make me fall again.  So I pray everytime I seem to falter.  It helps 95% of the time.  Whenever I feel like giving up, I cry out "I love you, Lord!!!!!!!"  Because at times like that I know the devil is tempting me.  When I cry out to the Lord, I get comfort.  

     I feel the power of prayer.  I feel closer to God than I ever felt.  So I ardently pray for all of you here because if you do not feel what I feel, I hope that through prayer, you will.  I believe that prayers and good deeds will give you inner strength.  I have not done this for many years.  

     Please do not forget me when you pray, brothers and sisters.  I am a wounded child of the Lord that needs strength to heal.  I get confused and falter.  I am a sinner that repents.  I make mistakes, knowingly and unknowingly.  Now that I am on the road to being a better person, a better follower, and have a stable life.  I would like to ask the Lord to give Brant and me permission to marry.  Please open a road that we both may follow in your footsteps Lord.  I am afraid if we do not get married, that I might be walking that road without Brant.  I do not know anything Lord.  I am just afraid that that might happen or worse things. You are merciful.  You can make anything happen.  I thank you Lord.  Please help us.

We have much in common. I too have an interview on Monday. And I am going to that interview with an eye infection. I have been saying prayers in honor of St. Joseph for all those seeking work.

Today I will offer this prayer to St. Lucy (her feast day is Dec. 13.) Relying on Your goodness, O God, we humbly ask You, through the intercession of Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr, to give perfect vision to our eyes, that they may serve for Your greater honor and glory.

Saint Lucy, hear our prayers and obtain our petitions. Amen.

I also need prayers because my nightmares and panic attacks have returned.
Wow, Barbara we do have a lot in common right now! Well if it gives you any hope, I got the job. 🙂 Thanks so much to all who prayed. I will be praying for you that your interview goes well on Monday (and that you get some peaceful rest) and that your eye will heal quickly. It’s funny, you never really think about your eyes until something’s wrong with them, and then it’s really scary…

Hope Cris and everyone else is doing well too. Will be praying… :gopray:

Thank you Lord ❤️
Thank you Celia. Thank you Barbara. I really appreciate yoru prayers. I prayed and will continue praying for you. I hope you get the job Barbara. I hope your eyes get better. And I hope you do not have nightmares. You might want to listen to some classical music (Ave Maria) before you go to bed. My nightmares have stopped after I started praying. I get some from time to time.
I will pray for all.

Please pray for me. Do not forget me. Last night and this morning I was begging the Lord. It seems like I want to save myself, and the Lord said that “Whoever tries to gain his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will gain it.” Matthew 10: 39.

What I am trying to say is that Brant has been so involved in my life and career like a best friend, adviser, boyfriend, souldmate, somewhat like a husband. If we do not marry, I would be so heartbroken. He would be so heartbroken. We would worry for each other. So I do not want that to happen. Am I trying to gain my own life? Only the Lord can do anything. Please pray for us. Thank you and bless you all.
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