Prayers for Saddam Hussein

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I don’t really know what to think here, but I am asking that we all pray for Saddam Hussein. He is going to the gallows in under 48 hours, and in my opinion we should ask God to be merciful in His judgment of Hussein. I will be praying for his soul, what about you guys?
I will absolutely pray for his soul and that he finds peace.
Thank you for posting this.
doesn’t God hear all our prayers, even non Catholics?

anyways, i’m also praying for Saddam. I just wish they wouldn’t hang him. 😦
I feel the same way. I’m so worried that this will lead to more violence, furthermore, I am an American and I know how we do things, however Iraq has it’s own way of doing things and who are we, with 200 years of history to be the judge of people who have two thousand years of history.
I’m sad about this. I want no part of it. I do not support this act.
Even if I were not a Catholic I think I would feel this way.

I don’t really know what to think here, but I am asking that we all pray for Saddam Hussein. He is going to the gallows in under 48 hours, and in my opinion we should ask God to be merciful in His judgment of Hussein. I will be praying for his soul, what about you guys?
I pray that he will turn his heart to true repentance and seek the mercy of God.
They haven’t exposed Jesus to this man. He needs to go to confession! If he new the wonderful life Jesus could give him, he would repent.

This reminds me of the hundreds of people who are put to death that could be saved if they recieved the good news of the Christian Faith. No, I do not object to the Death Penalty, but at least let people repent before putting them to death.

I understand that some people will never repent, but many would, I just know it. Jesus wishes to give them a new heart.

I don’t really know what to think here, but I am asking that we all pray for Saddam Hussein. He is going to the gallows in under 48 hours, and in my opinion we should ask God to be merciful in His judgment of Hussein. I will be praying for his soul, what about you guys?
Why? Why should we ask God to be merciful in His judgment? What gives us the right to pray on Saddam’s behalf, assuming you beleive that he did what he did. Spend time praying for those he murdered if you want.
“Why? Why should we ask God to be merciful in His judgment? What gives us the right to pray on Saddam’s behalf, assuming you beleive that he did what he did. Spend time praying for those he murdered if you want.”

Excuse me, I follow the man known as Jesus Christ. I cannot begin to imagine what he did to those families, but I know this, all men, no matter how evil or demented, are entitled to prayers for mercy. I love and care about my brethren, what about you? I will also pray for those who lost their family members at his hands, and I shall also pray for Saddam. If you don’t want to, than don’t. But please ask yourself after his body goes limp, and he descends into darkness, ask yourself if Our Father wanted you to have helped him, because whether he deserved to be or not, he was God’s child as much as you are?
“Why? Why should we ask God to be merciful in His judgment? What gives us the right to pray on Saddam’s behalf, assuming you beleive that he did what he did. Spend time praying for those he murdered if you want.”

Excuse me, do you follow the man known as Jesus Christ?Jew, long hair, beard, said love thine enemies? I cannot begin to imagine what he did to those families, but I know this, all men, no matter how evil or demented, are entitled to prayers for mercy. I love and care about my brethren, what about you? I will also pray for those who lost their family members at his hands, and I shall also pray for Saddam. If you don’t want to, than don’t. But please ask yourself after his body goes limp, and he descends into darkness, ask yourself if Our Father wanted you to have helped him, because whether he deserved to be or not, he was God’s child as much as you are?
Valke is a Jew.
I have just finished praying for the souls affected by Saddam’s actions, their families, and for Saddam that he may truely seek the mercy of God. I have also prayed for people to forgive Saddam for his actions. I may not have thought to do this without this thread. It is right to pray for this man.
Why? Why should we ask God to be merciful in His judgment? What gives us the right to pray on Saddam’s behalf, assuming you beleive that he did what he did. Spend time praying for those he murdered if you want.
Since you come from a different belief system you likely don’t understand where we are coming from. We believe that God desires the salvation of all men (1 Tim 2:4). So, we want what God wants. However, above all else, God allows each of us free will; He is not going to force Himself on anyone. As a result, not all men will be saved due to their own refusal to repent of their sins (and, in our belief system have faith in and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ). We are not praying that Saddam get a free ticket into heaven. Rather, we pray that he will come to repent his sins before his death, that God will know he has repented in his heart, and that God will grant him mercy because of the repentence. God is merciful, but He is also just. In the end, everyone will be exactly where they deserve to be. In my view, Saddam is an enemy of humankind, disgusting and repulsive. But as a Christian I am compelled to follow these words of Jesus from Luke 6:27-36:

27: "But I say to you that hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
28: bless those who curse you,* pray for those who abuse you*.
29: To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from him who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.
30: Give to every one who begs from you; and of him who takes away your goods do not ask them again.
31: And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.
32: "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.
33: And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.
34: And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again.
35: But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish.
36: Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.

Tough words to follow sometimes. But as Christians we must.

By the way, if one prays that Saddam will repent and God will be merciful to him, it absolutely does not mean that we aren’t praying for those who died at his hands. One prayer doesn’t preclude the other.
Why? Why should we ask God to be merciful in His judgment? What gives us the right to pray on Saddam’s behalf, assuming you beleive that he did what he did. Spend time praying for those he murdered if you want.
Valke of course we pray for Saddam’s victims as much as for himself if not more. What we believe is that all of us are or have been sinners and so all have deserved and currently deserve damnation.

What saves us is not our own goodness - the best of us are poor compared to what God calls us to be - but God’s mercy and love. As David says in Psalm 150 (151) ‘If you, O Lord, should count our sins against us, Lord who would survive? But with you is found mercy and fulness of redemption…’

We’re also taught in the New Testament not just to pray for our enemies and those who persecute us, as Jesus himself did, but also that ‘with what judgement you judge you shall be judged’.

In other words if we do want, need and ask for God’s mercy upon ourselves, then it is hypocritical to want it ONLY for ourselves. We must extend that wish to all our fellow men, even the meanest and worst of them. Which means Hitler and Saddam as well as the good guys.
The reason that executing Saddam is wrong according to official Church teaching (which by the way is vastly different from the past in this matter for those who think that Catholic moral teaching never changes) is that execution is inherently inhumane, a position shared “coincidentally” by international organizations such as Human Rights Watch and arguably upholdable by the US Constitution, though the United States remains the only country in the civilized democratic world that still carries out the death penalty. If Saddam were being held in Canadian custody, they would not turn him over, for capital punishment is forbidden under Canadian law.

Does anyone here think that Saddam is anything but a piece of excrement that defiled humanity? I doubt it. The point is not that we are maintaining a life worth living. The point is that we brutalize ourselves when we take another life under official sanction and outside of in extremis circumstances.
Were he ever to be freed, and there is ample reason to believe it could happen were we not there, proves he poses a great threat while living. His death with be just and it will ensure Sunni’s will never rally around him and under him again. According to Catholic teaching his execution is most just.

I pray that he turns to Christ and repents and receieves God’s mercy. But by man’s laws and blood of over a million crying out, this man has been lawfully tried and convicted. His sentence is just and should be swift. He violated man’s laws (and God’s) and by man’s laws he has been judged. God ordained this right of governments. His people judged him. God will judge his soul. But his life has been forfeit a million times over.
I’ll pray for his salvation, that his death sentence is the best choice for the present conditions and that it sets an example, that the hundreds of thousands he murdered find salvation, that the U.S. does not falter from helping the poor people of Iraq, and that the people of Iraq and our armed forces are protected from the horror of terrorism, including the minds of those who might succumb to such ideas.
I shall not judge his soul, and it is clear that he has caused horrible things. Most importantly we should pray for God’s will be done, for all our intentions fail in comparison to His omnibenevolance, and I have no doubt God does not wish any man to perish in hell.
Another prayer for him going up!

Lord may you show yourself and give true faith to Saddam Hussein. May he recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who suffered, died, was buried, and rose again for the forgiveness of our sins. Please Lord, break his heart of stone so that he make seek humbly your forgiveness and be granted eternal life with you and all the saints. Have mercy on all of us Lord. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whom all our intercessions are acceptable; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


May God have mercy on his soul:gopray:
May I remind those who are so opposed to praying for Saddam Hussein, that for all of us, until the moment of death, we all have a shot at salvation! Until the second after he draws his last breath, there is still hope that God’s grace will enable him to repent. That is best that anyone could ask. Heaven rejoices most over the sinner that repents and returns to God.

Aaaannnd, I might add, all of you who have been praying for Saddam, IMHO, your prayers have already begun to take affect. In his ‘goodbye’ note on the web, Saddam has urged his followers “not to hate”:

I call on you not to hate because hate does not leave space for a person to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of thinking," said the letter, which was written in Arabic and translated.
  • “I also call on you not to hate the people of the other countries that attacked us,” it added, referring to the invasion that toppled his regime nearly four years ago.*
Sorry, I couldn’t find the entire letter in English on the web, only had a few minutes to search for it. Granted, it was published November 5th, but to God everything is now, and grace is not bound by temporal laws.

Would ANYONE have expected this man to make such a statement when he was on the dock months ago, cursing the USA and the infidels? Call me an optimist, but I see that statement as evidence that he is already benefitting from grace obtained through the prayers of the world for him.

No one can excuse what he did, but even the greatest sinner of all deserves forgiveness if he asks. I doubt his innocent victims (presuming they aren’t damned) are spending their eternities wishing him in hell. Denying Saddam a chance to repent by ending his life by execution will not bring peace, will not bring closure for anyone, and won’t solve anything.
Here is a longer excerpt:
To the great nation, to the people of our country, and humanity,
Many of you have known the writer of this letter to be faithful, honest, caring for others, wise, of sound judgment, just, decisive, careful with the wealth of the people and the state … and that his heart is big enough to embrace all without discrimination.
You have known your brother and leader very well and he never bowed to the despots and, in accordance with the wishes of those who loved him, remained a sword and a banner.
(it is continued in the link)
O Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus,
and in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit,
I ask that You fill Saddam Hussein
with the knowledge of Your will
through ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Enlighten this precious child of Yours, dear Lord!
Teach this dear one to live in a manner
that is worthy of You,
so as to be fully pleasing to You,
full of good works bearing good fruits
and ever growing in knowledge of You.
Strengthen this lost lamb, dear Lord,
with every power of Your Holy Spirit,
in accordance with Your might,
for all endurance and patience,
with joy, giving thanks to You O Father!
Make Your child fit to share in the inheritance
of the holy ones in the Light.
Deliver this beloved one from the power of darkness
and transfer Saddam Hussein
into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus,
in whom is redemption and the forgiveness of sins.
Hey, I didn’t say he was sane or good, just that grace appeared to be taking an effect. Even if it is small…
Oh I completely agree. I was just posting a longer excerpt for anyone who was curious. 🙂 It still isn’t the complete thing though.
Oh I completely agree. I was just posting a longer excerpt for anyone who was curious. 🙂 It still isn’t the complete thing though.
sorry, I just deleted my post after reading the link. i didn’t get it. duh…

I was shocked to see just how much love and peace he expressed in that letter. Not at all what the world is used to hearing from Saddam. Yes, I think grace is at work…God willing, God’s grace will lead to Saddam’s repentance within the next 20 minutes…:gopray:
O Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus,
and in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit,
I ask that You fill Saddam Hussein
with the knowledge of Your will
through ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Enlighten this precious child of Yours, dear Lord!
Teach this dear one to live in a manner
that is worthy of You,
so as to be fully pleasing to You,
full of good works bearing good fruits
and ever growing in knowledge of You.
Strengthen this lost lamb, dear Lord,
with every power of Your Holy Spirit,
in accordance with Your might,
for all endurance and patience,
with joy, giving thanks to You O Father!
Make Your child fit to share in the inheritance
of the holy ones in the Light.
Deliver this beloved one from the power of darkness
and transfer Saddam Hussein
into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus,
in whom is redemption and the forgiveness of sins.
Lord hear our prayer!

Looks like he could be executed within the next 20 minutes.

Keep praying!
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