Praying for the soul of Saddam is pretty low on my list of priorities. I’m sure God will understand if I choose not to ask him to treat Saddam Hussien with mercy. I will pray that his name be blotted from memory and may God in His infiite Wisdom and Jusitce, punish his soul for eternity.Excuse me, I follow the man known as Jesus Christ. I cannot begin to imagine what he did to those families, but I know this, all men, no matter how evil or demented, are entitled to prayers for mercy. I love and care about my brethren, what about you? I will also pray for those who lost their family members at his hands, and I shall also pray for Saddam. If you don’t want to, than don’t. But please ask yourself after his body goes limp, and he descends into darkness, ask yourself if Our Father wanted you to have helped him, because whether he deserved to be or not, he was God’s child as much as you are?