Friend, I have read the entire Douay-Rheims Bible, all 72 books, word-for-word, aloud. I did this as a private devotion and it took me 3 1/2 years. I have read large parts of it many times over, and have also read the entire King James New Testament, as well as many books of the KJV OT. I am well aware that Our Lord can and does use men of varying degrees of sanctity — and sometimes not much of it — to do His Will.If anyone here has actually read scripture, God has used some pretty bad people to do his will. Pharaoh, King of Babylon, Judas, Peter, many Saints who you wouldn’t want to live next door to. Trump is a narcissist and an oligarch who is doing all the right things for the pro-life movement. Personally, I think he I doing it do make liberal neck veins pop. He is doing the right thing and he doesn’t care what anyone thinks about it. Thank you Mr. President for standing up for the un-born.
I don’t know if it’s a contemporary Catholic thing, or a post-Vatican II thing, or an American thing, or a generational thing, or what have you, but I have noticed in recent years that mixed motives, or doing the right thing for less than totally virtuous reasons, has become frowned upon and has fallen out of favor. I managed to inspire some respectful disagreement on this forum a few months back, when I suggested that a person who has a massive failure, “falls flat on their face” in secular life, might, just might, be called to the priesthood or religious life instead. “Oh, no, it has to be a free decision, uninfluenced by anything else”. Really? Is life really that clear-cut? Are motives always pure? Is life not messy from time to time? Mine is. I can’t speak for others.
Many times, the Lord works in mysterious ways, and accomplishes His ends through imperfect people who act imperfectly and from all kinds of motives.