Presidential Inauguration

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The up coming Inauguration of the second most powerful man in the world is estimated to cost in excess of $57,000,000.

Is this money well spent for the whole country or, an insult to those living in poverty?
The up coming Inauguration of the second most powerful man in the world is estimated to cost in excess of $57,000,000.

Is this money well spent for the whole country or, an insult to those living in poverty?

– Mark L. Chance.
We do we need one at all? He is already in Offfice.

Its a tribute for a very small man with alot of power.
We do we need one at all? He is already in Offfice.

Its a tribute for a very small man with alot of power.

– Mark L. Chance.
The up coming Inauguration of the second most powerful man in the world is estimated to cost in excess of $57,000,000.

Is this money well spent for the whole country or, an insult to those living in poverty?
This coming from someone who spends how much to suport the Royal family? Come on, Norwich… your posts are getting predictable… :rolleyes:
This coming from someone who spends how much to suport the Royal family? Come on, Norwich… your posts are getting predictable… :rolleyes:
I have passed no comment, or made any judgement, I simply ask the question.
While that money -could- be put to better use, the Innaguration is tradition. Pomp and Circumstance can mean a lot to certain people. I disagree with a lot of the ways the world governments spend money but they’re gonna do it anyway so I try not to get myself tangled in knots over it.
The money is all coming from private sources, so it is none of your business or anyone else’s how people choose to spend their money. Even if it came from taxes it is none of your business since you are not an American. Don’t you have any problems in the UK you could worry about rather than getting involved in things that you should keep your nose out of, or is this just another of your troll post where you will stick around long enough to inflame people then cut and run when the heat gets too hot for you and you have no answers?
While that money -could- be put to better use, the Innaguration is tradition. Pomp and Circumstance can mean a lot to certain people. I disagree with a lot of the ways the world governments spend money but they’re gonna do it anyway so I try not to get myself tangled in knots over it.
What better use than to provide jobs…where do you think the money goes…to all who work at providing work the Inauguration…brings…think of the money in their pockets as they earn , So no I don’t think it could be put to better use …
Well. I don’t know if the Ritz hotel chain is in desperate need for that money to pay their employees…but that is a good point.
In a free society such as ours, if we wish to remain free we must acknowledge that people have a right to spend their money as they choose. Some will make “wise” choices, some wise. And all must take the consequences of their choices, wise or not.

It certainly would be wonderful if everybody made wise choices, wouldn’t it? Yet I very much fear that even then, somebody would find fault somehow. There would be complaints that, yes, so-and-so made a good choice, but it wasn’t really the best choice, and shouldn’t people make not just good, but the* best* possible choice? But the best possible choice of any* thing* is always going to be subjective, not objective, because we are all individuals. Single people have different needs in many categories than married people, for instance. It doesn’t make either single or married people “better” than the other, but it does mean that the* best* choice for them in many many areas will differ. And that, human nature being what it is, there are going to be grumbling fault-finders who will never, ever be satisfied with anyone who chooses something different from them.
How come no body complained when George Soros spent all that money alone with to try to unseat W? Why didn’t anyone complain when Clinton had a big inauguration Gala?

We are celebrating Freedom, Democracy, and the USA.

Party on!
This article says this inauguration is in line with history.
But a review of the cost for past inaugurations shows Mr. Bush’s will cost less than President Clinton’s second inauguration in 1997, which cost about $42 million. When the cost is adjusted for inflation, Mr. Clinton’s second-term celebration exceeds Mr. Bush’s by about 25 percent.
I’m detecting hostile beings, Captain.
I think poor old Lance old losing it.

Personally I have no thoughts either way.

In the UK at the turn of the Millenium we built what was jokingly called the Millenium Dome. It’s a large tent with poles sticking out that cost millions and served very little purpose. It was more of a sop to vanity than anything of consequence to the average man in the street. It strikes me that the same question arises about a large inauguration ceremony. Considering the ballot in the States was split 52% versus 48% for GB how important is the ceremony? Is it, like the Millenium Dome a sop to vanity? or does it help to heal the wounds of a very damaging presidential campaign?
This discussion reminds me of how people criticized the Church for its grandeur–shouldn’t all its riches be given to the poor etc. Actually, after the Russion revolution, many orthodox churches were looted for all their icons and gold, burned down, gutted, all in the name of the proletariat. That worked out really well didn’t it.
The up coming Inauguration of the second most powerful man in the world is estimated to cost in excess of $57,000,000.

Is this money well spent for the whole country or, an insult to those living in poverty?
I don’t know, the Inauguration sure brings in a lot of tourists to Wash. DC, which in turn pays for a lot of saleries.
I think poor old Lance old losing it.

Personally I have no thoughts either way.

In the UK at the turn of the Millenium we built what was jokingly called the Millenium Dome. It’s a large tent with poles sticking out that cost millions and served very little purpose. It was more of a sop to vanity than anything of consequence to the average man in the street. It strikes me that the same question arises about a large inauguration ceremony. Considering the ballot in the States was split 52% versus 48% for GB how important is the ceremony? Is it, like the Millenium Dome a sop to vanity? or does it help to heal the wounds of a very damaging presidential campaign?
Then why did you start the thread? What business is it of yours how Americans choose to spend their money? By the way, I am not poor and am far from losing it.
Honest to goodness, if Kerry had won, this shindig would have cost twice as much, and not one word would be said about it in the press.

I remember when Bush took office in 2000 and there were reports that DC socialites were depressed, because the days of excessive parties and latenight revelry were over once the celebrity, ahem, occupants of the White House were leaving town for Chapaqua.

“The Bushes go to bed at nine-thirty”, they moaned.

SO…those SAME people who were glum about the “lack” of extravagant state dinners and such are the SAME people aghast at the pomp and circumstance of this grand tradition.

Really…it’s just because they’re sore losers. 😦
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