Presidential Inauguration

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We will indeed and if I get back there and we two should ever meet, remind me not to invite you to a picnic - it’s sure to rain.
Now ther’s a question, why is Ireland such a green and pleasent land? Well it does rain a hell of a lot!!!

Having said that it is “soft” rain. We call it Mizzle. Its a cross between mist and drizzle!!! Same in England. (except today, its bloody poured!!!)
Is this money well spent for the whole country or, an insult to those living in poverty?
I would think it is no more of an insult than all the money wasted by Hollywood liberals and media elitists who have more many than talent and yet do not give it all back to feed and house the poor.
I would think it is no more of an insult than all the money wasted by Hollywood liberals and media elitists who have more many than talent and yet do not give it all back to feed and house the poor.
How much was spent on *Alexander?? *

Oliver Stone should be ashamed of himself 😃
I would think it is no more of an insult than all the money wasted by Hollywood liberals and media elitists who have more many than talent and yet do not give it all back to feed and house the poor.
I’ll go with that.
I do have sympathy for the argument that says it should have been toned down. In a time of war with out citizens dying it would have been a good gesture.
I really hope you’re not putting Bush on the same level as Jesus.
No, I was using a couple of NT stories to illustrate a response that Norwich might consider as valid.

The issue as I understand it, is that Norwich posited the question of whether the $57MM for the inauguration were worth the expense and wouldn’t there be better uses for the money. For example some have suggested the money be donated to the tsunami victims instead.

There are a number of good arguments posted in response and I hope Norwich is satisfied with these thoughtful responses. However I brought up a parallel situation where expensive oils were being used to honor Jesus and Judas asked whether the money might be ‘better spent’ on the poor. That seems to be the issue. Is there a ‘better’ use for this money than on what might be deemed frivolous activities? Similarly rather than Jesus changing water to wine to give to what were probably already inebriated wedding guests, why didn’t he spend his days making water into wine and selling it to benefit the poor? Would that have been a ‘better’ use?

Maybe that seems like comparing Jesus to President Bush and no, that was not my intent. But rather to point out that there may well always be “better” uses for money in someone’s opinion. However it does seem like Jesus understood that there is value beyond simply toting up the costs and I hope Norwich agrees.

Lisa N
I do have sympathy for the argument that says it should have been toned down. In a time of war with out citizens dying it would have been a good gesture.
Actually in several interviews this evening they commented that it made them feel wonderful to see the “party” and the celebration plans and that it affirmed to them the role they were playing. I saw their point immediately.
How much was spent on *Alexander?? *

Oliver Stone should be ashamed of himself 😃
Drudge pointed out that if the top 6 media talking heads were to donate a portion of their salaries the entire gala would be paid for in nothing flat. These are the people who cry the hardest and “feel the pain” of the disenfranchised most often.
This discussion reminds me of how people criticized the Church for its grandeur–shouldn’t all its riches be given to the poor etc. Actually, after the Russion revolution, many orthodox churches were looted for all their icons and gold, burned down, gutted, all in the name of the proletariat. That worked out really well didn’t it.
Lisa N:
This debate occurred with respect to Jesus as well. Remember the story of Judas complaining that the oil used to honor Jesus “could have been sold and given to the poor.” We all know Jesus answer and certainly He was aware of the tribulations of the poor. It’s knowing the cost of everything but the value of nothing (borrowed that from someone, I am not sure whom) that causes questions like Norwich asked about the COST of the inauguration rather than even considering the possible value. The value of tradition. The value of celebration (say shouldn’t Jesus have sold that wine he changed from water instead of giving it to the wedding guests???). The value of honest work and the ability for people to feed their families in a city with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. The value of pride in our country and the democratic process. The value of giving Chief Justice Rehnquist the chance to discharge one of the greatest honors in this world.

There is much more to the inauguration than toting up the bill. I thought it was a beautiful ceremony, the speech was uplifting, the people (well most of them) were happy. It was a wonderful moment. I got to share it all and didn’t pay a dime. So thanks to all who funded the inaugeration. It was IMO money well spent.

Lisa N
Good grief, when the pope comes to take office, they have a party…When your nation has a coronation or a royal wedding we have the good manners to enjoy and celebrate with you - we appreciate your pageantry, the long standing traditions This is a national party that we hold every four years,
Yep, the above are absolutely correct!
Again I stress it was a very simple question. My post #15 explained very clearly I have no axe to grind. A presidential inauguration has no comparability with a Royal Wedding or Coronation, it is a political event that is the result of a contest between two political parties and/or political apponents. As such the loser may (or may not I don’t know) resent what they may percieve as gloating. Again I don’t know. I watched Kerry, he looked very unhappy and uncomfortable and having been beaten that’s no suprise but it still leaves the underlying question, does an inauguration of this nature; and I understand that the comparative costs were lower than Clintons, but still, does an inauguration of this nature heal or exacerbate the political differences?
Maybe the loser is a bit bumbed out about having lost. So what? They instead should be happy that we can select our representative and executives. For the same reason and becasue of the fact that the majority favors the winner. It is certainly a time for celebration.
No one buys the “I am just asking the question”. This is a question designed and intended to throw cold water and to try to smear.:tsktsk:
Again I stress it was a very simple question. My post #15 explained very clearly I have no axe to grind. A presidential inauguration has no comparability with a Royal Wedding or Coronation, it is a political event that is the result of a contest between two political parties and/or political apponents. As such the loser may (or may not I don’t know) resent what they may percieve as gloating. Again I don’t know. I watched Kerry, he looked very unhappy and uncomfortable and having been beaten that’s no suprise but it still leaves the underlying question, does an inauguration of this nature; and I understand that the comparative costs were lower than Clintons, but still, does an inauguration of this nature heal or exacerbate the political differences?

Norwich, apparently on an inflation adjusted basis, the Clinton inauguration was actually more expensive than the Bush inauguration. Further, having gone through that election as well, I assure you that the losing party was every bit as disappointed as was Mr. Kerry (first Clinton victory was against Geo Bush I). No one advanced that theory that all the glitter, the movie stars, the wild parties or any smug satisfaction on the part of the Democrats was going to exacerbate political differences.

I saw a LTE this morning that said it well; had Bush cancelled the parties, the prayer services, the public ceremonies and had a private inauguration in the Oval Office, the reality is that the Dems would still be mad they lost. I will say Pres Bush I was a far more gracious loser than Mr Kerry who was not, as was Bush I, a sitting president. Barbara got in a few digs bless her little white head but Pres Bush was very gracious in his loss and did nothing to incite or disrupt Clinton’s moment in the sun.

Say Norwich did you see one of your countrymen, Fighting Fat, posted the same thread? What’s with the Brits and our inauguration?

Lisa N
I think it was excessive, and I think it was wrong to place so much of the financial burden on the city of Washington, DC. But still…

Ask yourself how much you spend to decorate your own house for Christmas. How much for richer food, for bright paper wrapping, for new clothes, for how many gifts to people who really need very little of it? What does your family spend on weddings? On funerals? How does that compare to what you spend on the poor at those times?

Do you remember the story about the woman who broke the alabaster jar of costly ointment on Jesus’ feet, and how he answered objections that the money ought to have been spent on the poor? The truth is that we normally have enough resources to both give to the poor and to spend something extra when an event comes up that deserves special notice.

I don’t like George Bush, but the peaceful re-installation of his lawfully-elected regime, surrounded by his powerful opponents who nevertheless came out to wish him Godspeed in peace, all in the midst of our real and deeply felt differences, is something we should rejoice in. Our political heritage is not perfect, but it is still something we should celebrate in gratitude. There should be some rich food, some wine, and some music, and those in attendance should wear attire fit for a celebration.
I think it was excessive, and I think it was wrong to place so much of the financial burden on the city of Washington, DC. But still…
Are you just overlooking the great financial gain this town had for the week of festivities. Every florist, caterer, restaurant, hotel, cab, metro was on overtime pulling in the money. Just get real. Washington DC complained so they could get some of the security money reimbursed. Maybe they will, but don’t act like this was a burden. Cities fight to get important functions held in their city for the financial gain. DC is the home of our government, and this is where it should take place, but they benefit imensely.
Are you just overlooking the great financial gain this town had for the week of festivities. Every florist, caterer, restaurant, hotel, cab, metro was on overtime pulling in the money. Just get real. Washington DC complained so they could get some of the security money reimbursed. Maybe they will, but don’t act like this was a burden. Cities fight to get important functions held in their city for the financial gain. DC is the home of our government, and this is where it should take place, but they benefit imensely.
Yes and it has one of the highest rates of unemployment in the nation. This is a great shot in the arm for the city. Washington DC particularly suffered in the downturn in the tourist/travel industry after 9/11. Showcasing our country’s capital may well reap even more benefits long after the last piece of inauguration confetti is swept up… After watching some of the festivities, taking a virtual tour through some of the incredible landmarks in D.C. I really think we will take a trip there next summer. It’s a beautiful city with a lot of history. Encouraging more visitors for both the inauguration and inspiring more in the future is A GOOD THING.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Yes and it has one of the highest rates of unemployment in the nation. This is a great shot in the arm for the city. Washington DC particularly suffered in the downturn in the tourist/travel industry after 9/11. Showcasing our country’s capital may well reap even more benefits long after the last piece of inauguration confetti is swept up… After watching some of the festivities, taking a virtual tour through some of the incredible landmarks in D.C. I really think we will take a trip there next summer. It’s a beautiful city with a lot of history. Encouraging more visitors for both the inauguration and inspiring more in the future is A GOOD THING.

Lisa N
What if they held the inaguration in Portland, OR!! Yeah, that’s the ticket!!
Lisa N:
Encouraging more visitors for both the inauguration and inspiring more in the future is A GOOD THING.
Lisa N
This is a side note. My husband is a consultant and has been assigned to Washington DC for about 9 months now. I spent a long weekend there during the week between Christmas and New Years with my youngest son. We had a real good time there. The museums are top notch and most are paid for by our taxes so are free to the public. We had a friend that works in the State Dept. take us on a tour of the capital and it was awesome. I loved watching the Inauguration because we just were in the many of the places I saw on TV. The WWII memorial is beautiful. We went on a tour bus all over when my husband was at work. At night we explored various restaurants. All in all, I think the city has a lot to offer, and I am glad that they will benefit from all the money spent in their city this week. All this complaining is just silly in my opinion. I am not an extravagent person, but our governement is entitled to its celebration.

On my private tour of the capital with a high school friend, I did learn that the country was upset with Lincoln for having the new dome made for the capital, because it is made of steel. People thought that in a time of war, that the steel should have gone to the war effort. He did it to show strength to the world. Imagine that!
You should read Ann Coulter’s article, “It’s Our Party, You Can Cry if You Want to” at
she reports that
Instead of having the usual Inauguration Day in 1993, Clinton had an “Inauguration Week,” with high-tech pageantry, large-screen TVs on the mall, Hollywood direction and, indeed, half of Hollywood. The amount of money that would have been saved just by holding the inauguration in Brentwood could have averted the Rwandan tragedy Clinton ignored just a few years later.

I agree with everyone here that say the democrats are such sore losers. It’s an embarrassment that we have such babies in our country.
The up coming Inauguration of the second most powerful man in the world is estimated to cost in excess of $57,000,000.

Is this money well spent for the whole country or, an insult to those living in poverty?
God Bless President George W. Bush and the entire Republican party, and pray for a third term.:blessyou:
Kevin Walker:
God Bless President George W. Bush and the entire Republican party, and pray for a third term.:blessyou:
And that my friends says it ALL!!!
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