Presidential Inauguration

  • Thread starter Thread starter Norwich
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Spending money is good for the economy.
Every hotel is Washington is booked. Every airlines had full capacity for days. Every restaurant can expect super bowl success this whole week. Every cab driver and waitress and waiter will get more housrs. All the service people will benefit. The overtime of the police and other servants of our government will boost all of those paychecks right at the beginning of the year. What a good thing spending money actually is for this country. Most was privately donated. George Soros spent how many million trying to defeat President Bush? How much is Donald Trump spending on his wedding this Saturday. At least I will be able to see all of the Inauguration on TV.

They just said a prayer at the beginning of the inauguration.

You can say you are just asking the question Norwich, but your intent is always clear as a bell to us.
The speech was brilliant. Freedom lights a fire in the minds of all men.

Democracy around the world, our vital interests and our deepest belief- one mission.

God mentioned, invoked- awesome.

Want to write more, but computer is moving at a snails pace on this forum.
“Even the unwanted have worth!”


They just held a benediction right before the luncheon, and the minister thanked God that President Bush was a man that found truth in His word, in His book. Wow! All of this must upset the athiests today and the people that want all mention of God gone. Way to go!
How come no body complained when George Soros spent all that money alone with to try to unseat W? Why didn’t anyone complain when Clinton had a big inauguration Gala?

They did. They always do. It is sort of predictable, just as the current complaints are.
Honest to goodness, if Kerry had won, this shindig would have cost twice as much, and not one word would be said about it in the press
Yes they would. There are always complainers.
A thought just came to me:

With all of the God-invoking prayers (thank God), I wonder what Michael Newdow is doing right now? Are we going to hear in the next couple of days, that he is going to launch another atheist filled lawsuit?

Don’t mean to be a downer.

I heard the Invocation just before the lunch. It was wonderful.
This debate occurred with respect to Jesus as well. Remember the story of Judas complaining that the oil used to honor Jesus “could have been sold and given to the poor.” We all know Jesus answer and certainly He was aware of the tribulations of the poor. It’s knowing the cost of everything but the value of nothing (borrowed that from someone, I am not sure whom) that causes questions like Norwich asked about the COST of the inauguration rather than even considering the possible value. The value of tradition. The value of celebration (say shouldn’t Jesus have sold that wine he changed from water instead of giving it to the wedding guests???). The value of honest work and the ability for people to feed their families in a city with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. The value of pride in our country and the democratic process. The value of giving Chief Justice Rehnquist the chance to discharge one of the greatest honors in this world.

There is much more to the inauguration than toting up the bill. I thought it was a beautiful ceremony, the speech was uplifting, the people (well most of them) were happy. It was a wonderful moment. I got to share it all and didn’t pay a dime. So thanks to all who funded the inaugeration. It was IMO money well spent.

Lisa N
Just a totally awesome inauguration!
Just a totally awesome President!
Just a totally awesome presentation of entertainers.

George W. Bush I S the R I G H T President at the R I G H T time!
That has to be the mose humble and thought provoking address in some time.

G O D gets ALL the credit and I hope the Left finally get the ‘in your face’ message that this was a RED STATE celebration.

God Bless America!
A thought just came to me:

With all of the God-invoking prayers (thank God), I wonder what Michael Newdow is doing right now? Are we going to hear in the next couple of days, that he is going to launch another atheist filled lawsuit?

Don’t mean to be a downer.

I heard the Invocation just before the lunch. It was wonderful.
Perhaps he was sedated throughout the ceremony so he wouldn’t have to be committed afterward? Seriously, I think he’s just a very pathetic individual who is so desperate for attention that he is making himself appear more and more ridiculous, and making the atheist cause seem even more wacky. He needs prayers. Heavens, how would you like to be his daughter? The poor kid.

Lisa N
Ann Coulter’s Take:
           Wed Jan 19, 7:59 PM ET
    *By Ann Coulter* 

In what The New York Times called Angola's "worst crisis" in "nearly 30 years" in December 1992, the country erupted into civil war. By January 1993, the streets were piled with thousands of dead bodies. In the prior year, hundreds of thousands had died of starvation in Somalia. Millions more were still at risk.  

                   Also in 1993, January floods left dozens dead and thousands homeless in Tijuana, Mexico. Russia was, according to a New York Times editorial, on the brink of disaster, facing economic circumstances like those "that helped bring forth Hitler." Nine people were killed in a volcano in Colombia in mid-January, including American scientists. In Bosnia, according to the Times, hundreds had died of starvation and exposure in a matter of days. 

"It has all been so much fun," Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd gushed in The New York Times in January 1993. It was Bill Clinton's one-week inaugural celebration. "Is it too much to ask that it go on forever?" (For those who loved America, the next eight years would only seem to go on forever.) 

Rich and Dowd quoted Hollywood agent Karen Russell, saying: "I'm in this fantasy world. I haven't slept. I'm punch drunk. ... I just feel like I'm in this place called Clinton-land" -- which, if it were a theme park, could bill itself as "the sleaziest place on Earth!" Russell, they said, "spoke for everyone."
Rest of the story here
A thought just came to me:

With all of the God-invoking prayers (thank God), I wonder what Michael Newdow is doing right now?
After all he has done to take the mere mention of God out of things, I guess he is planning his next attack. Always a next attack. Just like some on the forums.
The up coming Inauguration of the second most powerful man in the world is estimated to cost in excess of $57,000,000.

Is this money well spent for the whole country or, an insult to those living in poverty?
Good grief, when the pope comes to take office, they have a party…When your nation has a coronation or a royal wedding we have the good manners to enjoy and celebrate with you - we appreciate your pageantry, the long standing traditions - can’t you just once come to this board and wish us well? This is a national party that we hold every four years, if you don’t care for it, why the need to always try and use some sanctimonious cant -

Frankly you usually sound as if you need a :coffee: and perhaps a trip to:
When your nation has a coronation or a royal wedding we have the good manners to enjoy and celebrate with you - we appreciate your pageantry, the long standig traditions - cant you just once come to this board and wish us well? This is a national party that we hold every four years, if you don’t care for it, why the need to always try and use some sanctimonious cant -

Frankly you usually sound as if you need a :coffee: and perhaps a trip to:
Again I stress it was a very simple question. My post #15 explained very clearly I have no axe to grind. A presidential inauguration has no comparability with a Royal Wedding or Coronation, it is a political event that is the result of a contest between two political parties and/or political apponents. As such the loser may (or may not I don’t know) resent what they may percieve as gloating. Again I don’t know. I watched Kerry, he looked very unhappy and uncomfortable and having been beaten that’s no suprise but it still leaves the underlying question, does an inauguration of this nature; and I understand that the comparative costs were lower than Clintons, but still, does an inauguration of this nature heal or exacerbate the political differences?

Oh, and before you blast off again look at the other threads. I listened to GB today and he was good. If, and I mean if, he can pull of all that he said with as little death and destruction as is acceptable to ALL the worlds people then wonderful, I look forward to his first task of sorting out the Israel Palestine mess because failing all else if he can sort that one to the satisfaction of both Israel and Palestine, half his world targets will have been met.

Excuse me if I add a slight note of cynicism but, I’m getting very old in the tooth and have listened to politicians for many years telling me what they are and what they are not going to do, mostly (not always I hasten to add) the results fall far short of the rhetoric. If he can pull it off, great, but at my age I don’t have a lot of breath to hold.

ps. Enjoy the party.:bounce:
Excuse me if I add a slight note of cynicism but, I’m getting very old in the tooth and have listened to politicians for many years telling me what they are and what they are not going to do, mostly (not always I hasten to add) the results fall far short of the rhetoric. If he can pull it off, great, but at my age I don’t have a lot of breath to hold.

ps. Enjoy the party.:bounce:
We will indeed and if I get back there and we two should ever meet, remind me not to invite you to a picnic - it’s sure to rain.
Lisa N:
This debate occurred with respect to Jesus as well. Remember the story of Judas complaining that the oil used to honor Jesus “could have been sold and given to the poor.” We all know Jesus answer and certainly He was aware of the tribulations of the poor. It’s knowing the cost of everything but the value of nothing (borrowed that from someone, I am not sure whom) that causes questions like Norwich asked about the COST of the inauguration rather than even considering the possible value. The value of tradition. The value of celebration (say shouldn’t Jesus have sold that wine he changed from water instead of giving it to the wedding guests???). The value of honest work and the ability for people to feed their families in a city with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. The value of pride in our country and the democratic process. The value of giving Chief Justice Rehnquist the chance to discharge one of the greatest honors in this world.

There is much more to the inauguration than toting up the bill. I thought it was a beautiful ceremony, the speech was uplifting, the people (well most of them) were happy. It was a wonderful moment. I got to share it all and didn’t pay a dime. So thanks to all who funded the inaugeration. It was IMO money well spent.

Lisa N
I really hope you’re not putting Bush on the same level as Jesus.
Goodness, no, I’m sure she doesn’t…but I’d put the roman soldiers in the same way I look at the MSM…and shouting, spitting, crowd is the latter-day
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