Preventing abuse

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How many boys did you know that went to those seminaries in the first half of the 20th century? In what countries? What was it like? At what age did they wear habits? How were their daily routines? In how much was it religious life? How did they regard themselves? How did they regard their future and vocation? What did society think of them? How where they invested in those ages? What were the rites?
The first half of the 20th century was the 1900’s. Going to the seminary in the first half would make them over 100 years old today.

Times were VERY, VERY different.

Not ones that I think we should at all return to. I’d say that these boys were more likey to be abused (and perhaps become abusers) than taking a fully formed man today and giving him the right tools and testing.
Ohh @Xanthippe_Voorhees some of the men that went on to commit those acts in the 70’s had passed their entire lives in the seminaries…Born sometime in the 40’s.
If you think that is the only time when priestly abuse of children occurred, you are sadly mistaken. You do know that St. Vincent De Paul was more than once “offered” a families young child to “do with what he pleased” because it was understood at the time that if you had a priest over you met all his needs. To pretend that sexual abuse of minors is a thing from the 1940’s is loonacy.
I have a friend, another CAFer, who told me about a friend he met online that is exclusively attracted to children. I’ve never spoken to this guy, so I’m just going off second-hand. He says that this guy lives alone and very seldomly leaves the house to avoid going anywhere where there might be children. He says that he has never hurt a child and does everything that he can to avoid it. He says that he can’t share his struggles with anyone except online because people would automatically assume that he has been with a kid. He can’t see a therapist either because he would be reported and his life ruined.

I’m wondering how many people are like that who are exclusively attracted to children, but want to lead moral lives. There needs to be help for those folks.
I’ve definitely heard this from other sources as well. There really is simply no treatment for people who find themselves attracted to children and seek not to offend. And at least in the U.S., the fear of being reported by the therapist is often very strong, preventing people from seeking help. Especially as staying completely away from children in modern life is almost impossible.

Mind, I still think a man with such a disorder shouldn’t become a priest, but we have almost no research or assistance on how to help people.
As usual, I never said any of that. Looking back on the thread, you were trying to refute me on well established historical truths. Yes, it is called a seminar (after grade school). Yes, they did get ordained priests much earlier historically. Yes, schooling years were much shorter. Yes, historically they were expected (the vast majority) to enter seminar very early (much earlier than college). Yes, they spent their entire adolescence in the seminar (not just college). Yes, it was basically the only reality they knew. Yes, that changed them, and contributed.

And no, I never said there weren’t those cases…So don’t accuse me of lunacy over something I didn’t say.
You stated that a seminary needs 12 years. You did so clearly out of context. Seminarians currently do not need 12 years. And there is no evidence that putting a young boy through seminary made him a better priest.

To suggest that things were better in the past because of child priesthood training is so wildly innacturate to what actually occured in MANY cases.
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Things need to change so that these folks can at least be able to seek a therapist. I know that there is no treatment right now. But, I wonder, were people only studying those who were convicted pedophiles? That wouldn’t be a very generalizable sample, if so. If people can get to a point where they can reach out for help leading normal, productive lives, perhaps research can unearth to help them or figure out why people get such attractions in the first place.
All these things have nothing to do with abuse either.
  • This is not an issue of homosexuality. The abuse may be male-to-male, but that is not the issue. The John Jay study reported that while 80-90% of the victims were male, there is no evidence that the abusers were oriented as homosexuals. One report has even suggested that priests identifying as having a homosexual orientation (whether they act on it or not) are less likely to abuse.
  • How is having the men of the parish socialize with the priests do anything at all for abuse?
  • What would supervision do? You can’t watch someone all day every day. A priest who cannot work with kids can’t do his job.
  • How would corporal mortification would have any effect? A lot of deviants punish themselves and they go right on and abuse.
  • Pray all you want, but that will have no effect either,because it is not a spiritual problem, it is an institutional problem.
Why not do what is proven to work in secular as well as religious settings? Why resort to superstitions about abuse when we have facts? Why resort to convoluted solutions when we have real solutions?
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For their sake, yes, but not for the children’s sake. This will not prevent abuse. These people cannot be fixed. Therapy would at best, only make them feel better about their horrible acts. There are proven ways to prevent abuse. Therapy is not one of them.

We are not talking about anxiety or depression. We are talking about child rapists! The yougest victim reported was three years old? You want to fix someone who would do that? They are the lowest of the low! The safety of children has to be paramount. “Fixing” sexual predators is not only not possible, it should be way down the priority list.
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How do you know no such things occured in those societies? You don’t. You can’t. If abuse is made possible, it will happen in any society. No exceptions. People need to get this or we will not solve this problem.
I was talking about people who have a sexual inclination towards children, but have not actually acted on them and don’t want to hurt anybody. And, I’m not sure if even those who have not acted on them can be fixed. But, they should get help to lead normal lives in the best way they can.
Usual argument is this: That heavy downtown traffic…Everything bound to go wrong, but they all sort of manage.
That’s definitely an issue - sometimes “this doesn’t happen here” really means “this isn’t reported here.” I know in years past many child victims in society have stated that they were simply told to stop lying.
were this way Before they entered the priesthood.

Please, read “Royal Commission”, “Case study 50”, “Evidence 50-0002 Dr.Marie Keenan” for the scientific state of the art countering your assertion.
“My research suggests that while celibacy is not the problem that gives rise to sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy, a Catholic sexual ethic and theology of priesthood, which problematises the body and erotic sexual desire and emphasises chastity and purity over a relational ethic as the model for living, may be…The theology of sexuality, which contributes to self-hatred and shame, needs serious theological examination and revision.”

Seems like a conflict between how humans are and how humans should be…
These people cannot be fixed
How do you know? It strikes me that paedophilia is completely un-natural and alien to evolution. There’s no possible evolutionary advantage to desiring mates that are too young to reproduce. That leads me to think it’s a mental illness that develops after birth.
How do you know? It strikes me that paedophilia is completely un-natural and alien to evolution. There’s no possible evolutionary advantage to desiring mates that are too young to reproduce. That leads me to think it’s a mental illness that develops after birth.
I know because I have been through training on it, I have read up on it and my daughter was a prosecuting attorney specializing in sexuall violent predators and we talked about it. There are multiple problems with your statement:
  • When it develops is irrelevant.
  • Evolutionary advantage is irrelevant. I am talking about actual practice with actual offenders, not theories.
  • You are describing pedophiles and the other X-philes. They are the a small portion of offenders. Most offenders are predators. They are not attracted to their victims. To put it bluntly, they just want a warm body. They are rapists. They do it to children because they are available.
  • Would you trust a child with a “rehabilitated sex offender?” We are talking about people who have had sex with children as young as three. You think you can fix that? Do you even want to?
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Point 3 is the only one i find convincing. You can’t just say “well i had training and know someone smart” - ok how do they know a paedophile can’t be fixed? Im asking what the evidence is? Are you aware of a famous case where a brain tumor was found to be the cause of a paedophiles behaviour and he was ‘fixed’ once it was removed.
That is because it is covered up. Predators become very good at selecting victims that will not tell. They become experts at cover ups. In closed societies, victims don’t tell because they feel no one will listen and not one will support them and they right. We are hearing about abuse now because there are people who will listen and support. I’m sorry, but saying there was not abuse because you never heard of it is naive. That’s how the Church got in this mess.
You asked me how I know. I answered your question honestly. That’s how I know. I want to protect children, not convince you. So you are OK with a “rehabilitated sex offender” being allowed unsupervised around children. No wonder we can’t solve this mess.
One clarification here: @redbetta and I are talking about non-offenders who find themselves dealing with strong desires towards children. The idea being it is best to offer treatment early with the goal of preventing them from ever offending, in a non-punitive way that gets them to be functioning as normally as we can within society.

We’re not talking about “rehabilitated sex offenders” here at all because we’re not talking about offenders, we’re talking about intervention prior to any offense.
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