"Pride Month" and Where to Turn: Limits of Cultural Engagement

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Yup. I think it’s because of hollywood and the gay blackface where they show gay men as being effeminent. I know of some gay men who are very manly.

There are a lot of gay people who don’t act that way and it is so offensive in so many ways.
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Remember though that loving someone, apart from wishing them well and praying for them, also means allowing them the dignity to live their lives according to their moral values, even if they do not conform to your own, so long as by doing so they are not harming you in a direct manner.
I disagree with this meltzerboy2 and think that, perhaps, you might disagree with it as well. I used italics to note the area of concern: When others do terrible things, (perhaps domestic violence might be an example) but contend that in their culture this is considered acceptable is it o.k. to try to stop them even if this behavior does not directly affect you?
As a psychologist, I imagine you might have some views on child discipline. Would it be o.k. to write or support enacting laws setting limits to disciplinary practices even if you are are not a child and are not directly affected by disciplinary practices of which you might not approve?
Edit: Where I am going with this idea is the notion that seeking to curb behaviors seen as damaging to others which do not directly affect oneself may be a loving thing to do.
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I would qualify what I wrote in two ways. One is that parents have the right to discipline their own children because the latter’s behavior directly affects the social cohesion of their family. Second, I believe that there should be limits to parental discipline of children because harsh disciplinary behavior, whether physical, verbal, or psychological, is directly damaging to children and its negative effects remain with them when they become adults. On the other hand, gay people and their allies or supporters who march in a gay pride parade are not directly harming others. Now, one might argue they are indirectly harming children and society as a whole by normalizing gay behavior. At the same time, however, they may be serving as role models to those children who discover a little later in life that they too are gay. The difference, though, is that they realize they are not alone and that being gay does not mean they are evil, mentally ill, or criminals. Moreover, for those who are not gay, they are being taught how to have respect for people who differ from them rather than learning prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behavior, which continue to have a destructive effect in our country. I therefore believe that the affirmation of gay people by means of a pride parade is, on balance, a good thing for our society and the world.
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You need to take a course in Homosexuality 101. Most gay people do NOT have an effeminate personality, neither in the way they talk nor the way they walk nor their interests. Some do, but many are INDISTINGUISHABLE from their straight counterparts. Still others are particularly rough, and mainly NOT to compensate for being gay. When you’re ready, we can move on to Homosexuality 201, which covers all the other stereotypes about gay people, both men and women.
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I therefore believe that the affirmation of gay people by means of a pride parade is, on balance, a good thing for our society and the world.
Thank you for your post. I find it hard to stomach that we live in a time where people feel that a healthy homosexual relationship is equal in comparison to domestic violence. I really wanted to respond to that, but didn’t even know what to say or where to start. Your response was perfect.
I find it hard to stomach that we live in a time where people feel that a healthy homosexual relationship is equal in comparison to domestic violence.
It is a comparison of circumstance and traits, not the gravity.
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There is no room for comparison with regards to anything, including circumstances and traits. I think it is disgusting.
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