Ones that compare it to paedophilia or cancer? Ones that describe it as a mental illness? Ones that tell them that they are bound for hell? Ones that suggest that they can be cured? Ones who consider it intrinsically disordered? Ones who think that the APA has bowed to ‘gay pressure’? Ones who think that their views are being forced upon them? Ones who think that homosexuals have an agenda? Ones who would actively discriminate against them if they had sex? The ones that describe gay marches as rituals?
Those Christians?
Those Christians who follow Jesus’ “new commandment”–Love one another…By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
Part of love is seeking the truth. For thousands of years, God has taught His people that homosexuality is not His plan for humans.
Certainly some Christians have used His teaching as a mandate to hate–hunt down, discriminate against, torture, and kill, homosexuals. That’s evil.
But to reject God’s teachings in the name of “love” is not love at all. Love always teaches and lives the Truth, not a sweet-sounding lie. This doesn’t give us license to discriminate or look down upon anyone. What it means is that we reject a lie.
I have plenty of besetting sins in my own life, and my soul is not always in alignment with God’s teachings. I have a tendency to overindulge in life’s physical pleasures, often allowing myself to be a glutton and abuse my body with too much food and too little physical activity. Although many of us laugh off this sin, it’s considered one of the “deadly sins”. When I give way to this sin, I am rejecting God’s plan for humans and telling Him that I know better than He does about my body–and that is sin.
So for me to preach to homosexuals and others who practice alternative sexualities would be hypocritical and mean-spirited.
I would never tell my homosexual couples that they are “living in sin.” I don’t tell heterosexual couples who are not married that they are “living in sin.”
However, if someone asks me, I will tell the truth, very softly, not with signs or t-shirts or a parade or with violence.
But most of the time, they don’t ask. Because I am Catholic (and before that, I was Evangelical Protestant), they know what I believe. And yet, they are still friends with me, and I’m honored that they include me in their circle. My homosexual friends are all musicians, and they work hard, know lots, and make beautiful music that I love to hear.
If homosexuals want acceptance as persons, they have to be willing to accept Christians as persons, and we both have to be free to disagree with each other and STILL be friends. That’s the biggest problem in the U.S. today–people who disagree with each other stop associating with each other, and this has created the horrible divisions in this country.