Whether you acted on your attractions or not, how would you feel about them being described as disordered?
The Catechism does not say that people with same sex attraction are “disordered.” If Catholics or any Christians say that, they are not quoting the Catechism correctly.
The Catechism says" “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
I won’t lie–like many others who are Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, I sometimes wish that the Lord had created us to be more “fluid” in our sexuality, so that people who have sexual attractions other than male/female could be perfectly fine and acceptable and natural and ordered and all the rest. One of my pals, a music teacher, and I go out at least once a fortnight, and he’s so delightful and I hear him talk about those men that he loves, and I feel for him–it’s so hard to be lonely, and when he finds someone, he’s so happy.
But…I’m not God, and I don’t get to make the rules.
I happen to trust the Church that Jesus established because I trust Jesus. If I lose trust in Jesus, I have lost everything and I have no hope in this world or the next.
Jesus loves me, this I know.
The teachings of the Church (which are the teachings of the Lord Jesus) sound harsh and horrible to those who have SSA, and to those who are willing to give up their Church for the sake of their LGBTQ friends and relatives. But the teachings are life and hope, while the teachings of this world, no matter how pretty they look and sound, lead to death and despair.
I believe I can love the homosexual and still be disgusted by the homosexual acts, and I confess that I hope I never get to a place where I find these acts acceptable or heaven forbid, beautiful. I am a Child of The King, Jesus, and what He calls sin is sin, no matter how many people have “pride.”
Certainly, a Christian would never deny a fellow sinner (because we are sinners, too!) their basic human rights, and we would never be cruel or try to hurt anyone who believes differently than us.
But we will not deny our Lord, even if it appears that we are “demeaning” others. We aren’t–we are speaking the truth in love.