"Pride Month" and Where to Turn: Limits of Cultural Engagement

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We live in a pluralistic, multicultural, diverse country in which people have all kinds of beliefs and values. In my view, so long as another person’s values are not directly interfering with my own, I believe in live and let live. Now if that other person is a family member, in particular one of my own children, you bet I will want them to incorporate my own values. But even in this case, I realize that once that child is an adult, they are free to take a different position from that of their old man, whether it be religious, moral, ethical, social, political, economic, artistic, whatever. Even more so, people who are NOT members of my own family, I do not feel I have the right or the responsibility to run their lives or to save them from what I may consider immoral behavior. This kind of interference is exactly what many liberals object to in conservatives. Ironically, it is the traditional conservative ideology, insofar as economics is concerned, to keep government’s hands off the individual as much as possible by minimizing governmental regulations. Liberals do not quite understand why conservatives do not practice the same ideology insofar as social matters are concerned. To put it bluntly, what right does the government have to tell people how to run their lives with respect to marriage, parenting, having children or not having children, terminating a woman’s pregnancy, and so on? These are personal matters which should be decided by people, not government, in a free society. Should people have a right to protest what they perceive as socially immoral behavior? Yes, I think that protest is a cornerstone of a free society. However, the opposing side should have the same right to protest against what they consider is an invasion of privacy.
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What am I to do? I feel like I’m supposed to cut off the team I’ve supported my whole life and is a source of connection between me and my family. Are my husband supposed to work for Christian-only companies (nearly impossible in both our industries)?
I think boycotts only work in the short term when you’ve got a massive crowd of people all doing it together. When it’s a handful of people doing it, it’s pointless
You raise good points and I mostly agree. There will never be a resolution to any of it, however, because the different sides are vying for different types of goals.
Agreed. It’s almost as though there are two races taking place simultaneously with different goal lines. Rather than interacting, the different sides run parallel to one another in different stadiums. Too much metaphor, perhaps.
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There’s never too much metaphor.
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To put it bluntly, what right does the government have to tell people how to run their lives with respect to marriage, parenting, having children or not having children, terminating a woman’s pregnancy, and so on?
I’ll go along with what you have to say except for “terminating a woman’s pregnancy.”

It’s not a “pregnancy”–it’s a pre-born human being, and YES, the government of the United States of American SHOULD very much PROTECT human beings from being killed.

It disgusts me that many of the same people who insist that “climate change” is a scientific fact (and they are right in some respects) are willing to ignore the scientific fact that a fertilized ovum is genetically a human being.

Also, in terms of parenting, YES, the U.S. government can step in when there is abuse (a form of torture) and take the children away from their parents.

No one should be “free” to kill or torture others, especially in the U.S. Of course, when it’s legal to kill a pre-born human being, then it becomes easier to excuse the torture of this “non-human” who could have been killed in the womb.
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Have we come to this? A foetus or an embryo or a blastocyst or a fertilised egg is now ‘a pre born human being’.
The Catholic Church has been teaching that fetuses and embryos etc are HUMAN BEINGS from the moment of conception for decades. It’s not a matter of “have we come to this,” it’s the way it is and has always been. I would hope it’s not news to you.
Your incredulous disrespect for the Catholic teaching is inappropriate for this forum.
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Gays at one time were tormented, arrested, in some cases tortured and killed. Those times have come and gone,
I was a moron to have said that. Case in point was the two girls in London who were attacked because they stood up against harassment and taunting. I pray that they recover from such a brutal attack, that their attackers repent, and that I can refrain for making such a clearly erroneous statement in the future.
I admit pride month is a very unsettling time for me. In high school I was an evangelical christian, very timid, and very alone. My school and area was exceptionally against religion (we weren’t allowed to pray on campus until a lawsuit was filed.) I had troubles at home and was too afraid to really speak my mind anyway. Well, the kids at school knew that about me. They also knew I was a convert to evangelical Christianity.

My school also had a very high LGBTQ population. Pride month wasn’t a thing then, so they celebrated in February to coincide with MLK day. We had school assemblies that taught about homosexuality, said that you HAD to accept it, and people who thought it was “sinful” were barely human. It got everyone very riled up. Since I was very quiet and stuck to myself, I was often the target. I was teased at lunch so bad a teacher finally let me start eating in their classroom. As the month progressed and people got more fired up, I’d eventually start getting garbage thrown at me, gum in my hair, slapped or kicked in the hallway, and my instrument from band would be dented or thrown around the band room. People would post stuff about me online and forward it around.

I never said anything, I never argued, people just knew because I was non-religious and then converted so I stopped going to certain events and parties.

Every time rainbow flags go up and people start getting riled, I start getting very worried.
Exactly. The sad thing is it does happen on both sides, and I think both sides need to be aware of this and stop the “I’m the victim so it’s okay that I act this way” mentality, ya know?
I am very careful to respect beliefs. Of whatever faith. If you don’t understand the difference between the terms human and human being then that is a reflection on you. Not on your faith.
Perhaps you can enlighten us on the abortion thread where we are still trying to come up with a definition of personhood.
I am very careful to respect beliefs. Of whatever faith. If you don’t understand the difference between the terms human and human being then that is a reflection on you. Not on your faith.
Perhaps you can enlighten us on the abortion thread where we are still trying to come up with a definition of personhood.
If you’ve been following it then you’ll find it there. Let me know if you have any comments.
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