Priests and pastors on CAF

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I think the best way to solve that is to leave or have the Fr in father only available to priests, and they have to vetted or verified. might sove that issue.
If you have legitimate doubts about someone’s credibility, send a note to the moderators
Thanks for the tip…i hadnt thought of that…however some of these guys can talk the talk, and short of CAF demanding proof, they may not be able to detect imposters than we do…but too your point, I would concede the number of imposters is probably low.
Well it doesn’t require Fr in a uswellername to say you’re a priest. There’s no forum software to prevent me, a person without Fr in their username, from saying I’m a priest. (And to avoid any chance of confusion: I am NOT a priest. I use that statement only as an example. So to repeat: I am not a priest.)

And that’s the issue if a new person signed up and was dishonest. But we can rely on CAF to vet people after a claim is made.
One person told me he said he wasn’t coming back, but someone up thread said he was back one day, so I don’t know anymore.
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