Pro-Abortion Catholics!

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I often forget I hail from a different culture. An “Elder” is any person that is older then me, usually about ten years and up, that must be shown at all times the utmost respect owed to them for their distingquished age. To talk back, argue, insult, one-up, or cause an Elder to ‘lose face’ is the biggest taboo I can break. .
**I am not critisizing you personally, michelle, but I have a real problem with the whole elder thing. I know drunks that are older than me, and I do not respect them. **

As a general rule, I do respect my elders, unless they are against my God, The Lord Jesus, and then they get my pity, and I pray for them, but by no means do they get special treatment.

**In my world respect is earned, not a birthright, or due just because of age. The only “elder” I respect is God our Father. He alone “deserves” my respect. **

Sorry if i sound harsh, but I believe someones merit is defined by their actions.
I just don’t get it…how can someone be Pro-Murder…and be Catholic…it can’t be done.
There’s a name for Catholics that support abortion.

Karl Keating’s figures :
  • Catholics make up 26% of the electorate and more Catholics than Protestants vote, but Catholics are more likely to vote for “pro-abortion,” candidates than Protestants are.
  • In 1992, 44% of Catholics voted for pro-abortion Bill Clinton to 34 % of Protestants.
  • In 1996, 53% of Catholics voted for Clinton to 35% of Protestants.
  • In 2000, 50% of Catholics voted for extreme pro-abort Al Gore.
If all that weren’t bad enough, 66% of Catholics, according to Keating, want to keep abortion legal, and 56% of Catholics support euthanasia or assisted suicide. Thirty-four percent of Catholics support fetal stem cell research, using living human beings for experiments. And 47% of Catholics who are supposed to know right from wrong, support homosexual “marriage.”

Jesus said in Luke 6:41 “Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?..first take the plank out of your own eye,then you can see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
A change of heart and attitude about abortion starts here, in the Catholic church. Most protestants I know are quite anti-abortion.
And I know many who give time and resources to Crisis pregnancy centers. And do March for Life. So, don’t make this a Catholic/Protestant thing please. We all need to band together to change the public policies.
Karl Keating’s figures :
  • Catholics make up 26% of the electorate and more Catholics than Protestants vote, but Catholics are more likely to vote for “pro-abortion,” candidates than Protestants are.
  • In 1992, 44% of Catholics voted for pro-abortion Bill Clinton to 34 % of Protestants.
  • In 1996, 53% of Catholics voted for Clinton to 35% of Protestants.
  • In 2000, 50% of Catholics voted for extreme pro-abort Al Gore.
If all that weren’t bad enough, 66% of Catholics, according to Keating, want to keep abortion legal, and 56% of Catholics support euthanasia or assisted suicide. Thirty-four percent of Catholics support fetal stem cell research, using living human beings for experiments. And 47% of Catholics who are supposed to know right from wrong, support homosexual “marriage.”

Jesus said in Luke 6:41 “Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?..first take the plank out of your own eye,then you can see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
A change of heart and attitude about abortion starts here, in the Catholic church. Most protestants I know are quite anti-abortion.
And I know many who give time and resources to Crisis pregnancy centers. And do March for Life. So, don’t make this a Catholic/Protestant thing please. We all need to band together to change the public policies.
Thank you for that!! I was getting a little hot under the collar at that protestant crack. The bottom line is that abortion is the murder of a human being, and it doesn’t matter if a Catholic or a Protestant knows it. I’m sure there is an explanation of those statistics but it doesn’t really matter. Murder is still murder and we CHRISTIANS should all pray for those considering abortion or for those that have had abortions. This is a fight we need to be united for!!!
There’s a name for Catholics that support abortion.

Hey, that’s not nice! (or true) I don’t know a single Protestant person in my fundamental circle of friends who is pro abortion. Can you say the same of all the Catholics YOU know??? Didn’t think so.

P.S. And just in case you’re saying to yourself, "I don’t know any Pro Abort Catholics allow me to introduce you to the Catholic Presidential candidate, Mr. Kerry.
He’s not a true Catholic IMO.
carol marie:
P.S. And just in case you’re saying to yourself, "I don’t know any Pro Abort Catholics allow me to introduce you to the Catholic Presidential candidate, Mr. Kerry.
MichelleTherese, I feel your pain. I could’ve almost written your post word for word. I also have been a regular daily Mass attendee and meet with several fellow parishioners after Mass for coffee. I thought maybe I was from the same parish until I saw that you were from Alaska. I also received the depressing shock that you did when one member voiced his support for Kerry and hatred for Bush. A few others also seem to have that view. I knew there were such Catholics, but I didn’t think they attended daily Mass – and this guy even works in the health care industry.

Of course, he claims to be pro-life, I guess because it sounds nice in Catholic circles, but thinks that the war in Iraq and the economy are more important than the war that’s been going on for the last 30 years killing 3000 per day and ruining the lives of far more. Then he went on to say that the Church needs to be realistic about contraception. Another chimed in that she disagrees with what the Pope says about end of life care for the sick and dying.

I and a few others argued with this man. I stopped after a couple coffee sessions while they’ve continued. It’s an argument and sound-bite contest now. I recognized the brick wall and thought it was time to shake the dust off my sandals. It depresses me to the point that I’d just rather skip the coffee now and head into work. I miss the fellowship we used to have.
Join the crowd of us who seem to be persecuted by those in our family. BLESSED ARE THE PERSECUTED FOR MY NAME’S SAKE, FOR YOUR’S IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
Never ever water down the gospel of life, even though it is easier to agree than not.

Someone else said…Stand up for something, even if you are standing alone!
carol marie:
Hey, that’s not nice! (or true) I don’t know a single Protestant person in my fundamental circle of friends who is pro abortion. Can you say the same of all the Catholics YOU know??? Didn’t think so.

P.S. And just in case you’re saying to yourself, "I don’t know any Pro Abort Catholics allow me to introduce you to the Catholic Presidential candidate, Mr. Kerry.
I agree. I think that he meant that they weren’t really Catholics but it was a poor choice of words.

It is too bad that we have Christians of all flavors supporting abortion. I have been saying for a loooong time how we are all on a journey and we are at different points on our journey. However; some people on their journey are feeling a false sense of compassion when they say they are pro-choice.
Calling ones self a “Pro-Abortion Catholic” is akin to calling ones self a “Nazi Jew.” Talk about your oxymoron!
Calling ones self a “Pro-Abortion Catholic” is akin to calling ones self a “Nazi Jew.” Talk about your oxymoron!
is that so…I’m not for abortion. You guys are off the mark. We don’t vote for Clinton, Carter, Kerry because they support abortion…they are for the rights of women to choose; Ratzinger has said we can vote our social conscience. All your name calling won’t stop that. You think you’ve found an issue you can stick with…but you are using it in order to not have to think further, not consider other implications… there really is a difference. Kerry did his legislative duty representing citizens in a multi-cultural nation like ours. What has BUSH done for you? He has been president 4 years, and has had a republican congress…the same congress that voted for Iraq, voted for tax breaks for the rich, passed the huge medicare bill.

I know.!!!..he’s waiting for the bill ending abortion to be placed on his desk…the same way he waited for the bill he would have signed if his republican congress had presented it…the one that would have extended the ban on assault weapons…YOUR trained monkey of a president is for death. He has killed thousands of people with this illegal war on Iraq… not Clinton, not Kerry. But you don’t care about non-Americans dying…or your would be up in arms abut the Sudan. (to get America’s attention, you must have OIL, OIL, OIL.)

Oh…by the way…while Kerry only votes in congress to keep in place the legislation that permits abortion (which both Bushes have not tried to dislodge) … our BISHOPS (like your president) are doing a little verbal engineering in order to **permit **abortion…they call abortion “proportionate induction”. It seems that CATHOLIC hospitals are following the CATHOLIC US Bishops *ETHICAL *and Religious directives for catholic health care services…inducing labor during the 23 and 26th week…aborting babies the old- fashioned way, by INDUCING a miscarriage. Real pretty…Now, who are the Nazis?

your link to the story. I know you wouldn’t believe anything a democrat says.
You are wrong. You cannot be a Catholic/Christian…and be Pro-Abortion. Nice try on the spin…won’t work on me. You can try to rationalize it any why ya want…abortion is murder. Ratzinger is not Jesus, i’ll go by what the Bible tells me.

is that so…I’m not for abortion. You guys are off the mark. We don’t vote for Clinton, Carter, Kerry because they support abortion…they are for the rights of women to choose; Ratzinger has said we can vote our social conscience. All your name calling won’t stop that. You think you’ve found an issue you can stick with…but you are using it in order to not have to think further, not consider other implications… there really is a difference. Kerry did his legislative duty representing citizens in a multi-cultural nation like ours. What has BUSH done for you? He has been president 4 years, and has had a republican congress…the same congress that voted for Iraq, voted for tax breaks for the rich, passed the huge medicare bill.

I know.!!!..he’s waiting for the bill ending abortion to be placed on his desk…the same way he waited for the bill he would have signed if his republican congress had presented it…the one that would have extended the ban on assault weapons…YOUR trained monkey of a president is for death. He has killed thousands of people with this illegal war on Iraq… not Clinton, not Kerry. But you don’t care about non-Americans dying…or your would be up in arms abut the Sudan. (to get America’s attention, you must have OIL, OIL, OIL.)

Oh…by the way…while Kerry only votes in congress to keep in place the legislation that permits abortion (which both Bushes have not tried to dislodge) … our BISHOPS (like your president) are doing a little verbal engineering in order to **permit **abortion…they call abortion “proportionate induction”. It seems that CATHOLIC hospitals are following the CATHOLIC US Bishops *ETHICAL *and Religious directives for catholic health care services…inducing labor during the 23 and 26th week…aborting babies the old- fashioned way, by INDUCING a miscarriage. Real pretty…Now, who are the Nazis?

your link to the story. I know you wouldn’t believe anything a democrat says.
I am also a daily mass attendae & at the prayer intentions, i often pray that abortion will end in our city & our world, i have met sunday catholics that are pro-abortion & one daily mass catholic that is too (she justified it because her daughter had one). God help the world when people who go to mass every day & even every sunday are accepting the killing of an unborn child.
 Those who profess to be Catholic must try to live according to Catholic values as espoused by the Church.  Those who claim to be Catholic also have an obligation to form their consciences from within the teachings of the Church.  Anyone, such as yourself, who claims to be Catholic and also claims to be pro-abortion has violated one of two principles:  1) they have violated their properly formed conscience, by virue of the fact that they support the murder of innocent children or 2) they have not fulfilled the obligation to form their consciences properly within the teachings of the Church.  In either case, they certainly cannot call themselves good Catholics, if Catholic at all.

 All great evils in the world have been committed under the "banner" of doing some good.  Hitler murdered millions of Jews  under the banner of protecting the Arian race.  The majority of Germans bought into it, just as millions of Americans, such as yourself, bought into abortion as a "right."  There was a group in the early 1900's that tried to legalize abortion and they were quickly stiffled because they were too straight forward (truthful) in what they were trying to accomplish.  They regrouped and decided that they had to "sell" this idea under a more acceptable banner, namely, "women's rights" or "women's freedom."  They had to convince people that the woman wasn't pregnant with a "baby" but with something else.   Surely everyone is for constitutional rights and freedom, yes?  And it's not really "murdering a baby"'s just "flesh."  Surely the German state has the "right" to "protect" itself from those filthy, evil Jews?  PamA, you and the rest of the proAbortion (pro-Infanticide) folks would have fit right in with Nazi Germany.  You would have bought the idea hook, line, and sinker.  Please rethink your stance!
I agree with Sparkle. Also Fr. Corapi is a blessing!!

BTW- where can I get one of those shirts??

You are wrong on several counts.
  1. Ratzinger did not say a Catholic could vote his social conscience. Ratzinger said that other factors besides abortion could be considered if there was “proportional” cause. Since abortion is murder the only "proportional " cause would be between two pro-abortion candidates, one of whom is relatively less pro-abortion than the other. That is not the case in this election. At any rate the Pope has said numerous times that a Catholic cannot vote for a pro-abortion candidate, regardless of what Ratzinger says.
  2. You have referenced taxes and the war and assult weapons. None of these issues compare with the direct murder of an innocent child. Abortion is the most horrible, brutal and savage mass murder in the history of the world. Nothing even comes close.
  3. Catholic hospitals performing abortions are like Catholic priests abusing children. They are in mortal sin.
I plead with you to open your heart and conscience to 45 million dead babies.
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