Because you claim your authority is you.Why do I keep getting accused of relativism for subscribing to a different absolute moral code and not demanding everyone agree with me? It’s getting to be ridiculous.
I was not talking about biology. I was referring to the nature of man. That is what he is rightly ordered to.Natural? What do philosophical and moral proofs have to do with nature? Animal homosexuality is an observed occurrence; therefore, it is found in nature; therefore, it is natural – ‘of nature’. Philosophy and morals are entirely irrelevant to that. They only come into play when you debate its rightness, not whether or not it is ‘natural’.
And you contradict yourself right here. You absolutely base your argument on morality. What is freedom, and harm, and consent, and respect? They all are concerned with morality. Again, as you define those terms, and use them, it appears you believe things like freedom are really simply license. Respect would mean imposing your bad behavior on society. On and on.I’m not arguing the morality of homosexuality with you anyway, and this thread is about ‘tolerance’. My principal argument here really needs no lower animals as I’m not trying to prove anything about its morality or ethicality; I merely submit that all humans deserve respect and the freedom to live their lives as they choose so long as they harm no one without consent.
And you define harm how? You think the only immoral action is physical violence to another? There are plenty of examples that would show the authentic harm to embracing your position. The continue breakdown of families, the loosening of public morals which impact all of us especially young children. When civil laws contradict the natural moral law we have bad example. Bad example helps influence how people view conduct and how they form there life.The morality or immorality of others’ actions has no effect on society as a whole unless and until they actively harm someone else. You keep claiming it’s bad for society, but you can’t bring anything in to back it up. Until you can, your argument is utterly worthless.
So, dulling one’s free will and mental status is good. The black market is a problem not because it is illegal. It is a problem because so many want such things. Why do they want them? Mostly because they want to escape. Why do they want to escape? Well, the stuff we read in this thread is a good hint.Heroin? Heroin and other opiates have inspired poets, writers, musicians, artists, and others for ages – and that’s an incontrovertible benefit. A world without Coleridge’s Kubla Khan (written entirely while the poet was in an opium-induced trance) would be a far less beautiful one. It’s a double-edged sword though – as a cleaned-up junkie, I can say from experience that it’s quite definitely bad for people. But the principal detriment to society is not in the drug itself, it’s in the black market that has sprung up due to its illegality.