Pro-Gay in the name of tolerance

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Homosexual behavior is no more sinful than adultery and fornication. That’s what I was trying to state before. Yet everyone gets into a tizzy when homosexual behavior is mentioned. They can’t even stand the talk of a homosexual orientation without calling it a disorder. I for one do not call it that. Remember I still believe that homosexual acts are a sin.
Homosexual orientation is a disorder of one’s psychosexual identity, plain and simple. Why for the sake of rendering compassion should any Christian consider it otherwise? An individual afflicted with a psychological disorder is just as capable through Jeus Christ of living a fulfilling and sanctified life of heroic virtue as anyone else.
It seems to me that many people posting on this thread state their own personal beliefs as if they were facts. I believe that God comes to each person differently and that each of us has a different understanding and a different level of maturity in the faith. I have grown much in my faith and changed my beliefs from younger days. I am clear to always state them as MY beliefs and opinions. (Does it seem that I am trying to buffer the comments that will follow this posting. Yes, I am, be nice to me guys. :o)

There is the general assumption that homosexuality is a sin because the Bible says it is. I disagree with that. Where in the Bible does it speak against monogamous, lifelong, same-sex relationships? I agree that the Bible speaks much about sexual purity and feel that those teachings are for both heterosexual and homosexual alike.

You can bring up the sin of Sodom, but Ezekiel and even Jesus himself says that the sin of Sodom was not homosexuality.

People bring up the holiness laws of Leviticus, but those were done away with by Jesus’ death on the cross. Do we follow ANY of those ceremonial laws?

Also brought up are the list of sins that Paul mentions. However Biblical scholars are not sure of the meaning of the terms translated by some translations of the Bible as “homosexual”. Paul’s use of those two terms is their first use in Greek literature and later use of the term seems to suggest meanings closer to male prostitusion and pedophilia. I believe strongly in sexual purity; I just can’t see that loving. lifelong monogamous homosexual relationships being condemned in the Bible.

Look at the writings of Father John J. McNeil if you want to see where I am coming from. He has written several books on the subject.

Now like I said, be nice please. I know many of you have put me in that “going-to-hell” category. I really am fairly conservative in my beliefs. I am upset, however, when people use the Bible as a weapon to beat people down and to discriminate against those in the minority. I find the fundamentalist protestant churches much worse at this than the Catholic church. (Part of the reason I AM a Catholic.)

In Christ, Pablo
Pablo, thank you for your comments.

But you say that “Jesus Himself said that the sin of Sodom was not homosexuality?” (Also Ezekiel). I do not find that in my Bible (Douay Rheims). Truly, I don’t. Let those who try to call it ‘inhospitality’ explain why this explanation was never (never!) held until very recent years. Unlike any other teaching in the Bible, the teaching about “the sin of Sodom” is to be held for some 2000 years as being homosexuality (the very word SODOMY reflects the origin as relating to ‘the sin of Sodom’, after all), yet now it somehow morphs into ‘inhospitality?’ No other teaching of Scripture or tradition has done this. Teachings have been enhanced and better understood, but never changed.

“Homosexuality” and “inhospitality” are two utterly completely different things. There is simply no way that the understanding of Sodom’s sin as ‘homosexuality’ could be ‘changed’ into ‘inhospitality’ without an ‘admission’ that the first teaching was flat out wrong. That the Holy Spirit, far from guiding us, allowed 2000 years of misinterpretation.

I just don’t buy it. It involves not just ‘accepting stable long term relationships’ but a whole redefinition of marriage as well. (**Because, quite frankly, a ‘stable long term relationship’ between two unmarried people, homosexual or heterosexual alike, is equally sinful.) **So in addition to making the Church teaching on ‘the sin of Sodom’ wrong, you’re also positing that the Church teaching on MATRIMONY is equally wrong.

Now you’ve got the Holy Spirit with TWO strikes against Him. You’ve attempted to turn the Catholic Church not into Christ’s institution against which the gates of hell will not prevail into ‘just another institution’ which is just as capable as anything else of wrong.

"Stable, long term monogamous sexual relationships" are equally sinful between two unmarried people of whatever sexual orientation.

Absolutely nobody here is condemning you to hell. The word of God is the word of God, and Christ knows what is in your heart. He is the sole Judge and sole arbitor. You must listen to Him, and then you must obey Him. That is the hardest thing for any of us to do even though it sounds simple, because humans are very proud beings for the most part, and often find themselves stepping aside from one belief which they don’t like and trying to somehow make it into a belief which they DO like.
Faith is not devoid of knowledge, just as man made as an rational being devoid of his intellectual faculties is no longer fully man in his functioning. Christian faith is all about knowing. One can only love the God that he believes in to the extent that he knows the God of his faith. Otherwise it becomes an impersonal faith such as pantheism. At the core of the Christian faith is the person of Jesus Christ, and he is the Truth, the source and fount of all truth. Christian faith is to know the person of Jesus Christ, which is why it is a personal faith relationship in its essence. There is the mystery of our faith (such as the Trinitarian God), but this does not mean an unknowing faith that bypasses the intellectual capacity. Belief is the acceptance of the gift of faith. Pilate did not recognize and refused to accept his invitation to faith when he asked the Truth standing incarnate (personally) before him in the person of Jesus Christ “What is truth”.
Faith is by definition belief without empirical reason. You can know all you can about what’s around you in the physical world, but you can only have faith in the supernatural. I’m not trying to slam it here – I think faith is generally a good thing (even if I don’t share it), but faith and reason are opposites.
Tantum ergo:
But you say that “Jesus Himself said that the sin of Sodom was not homosexuality?” (Also Ezekiel). I do not find that in my Bible (Douay Rheims). Truly, I don’t. Let those who try to call it ‘inhospitality’ explain why this explanation was never (never!) held until very recent years. Unlike any other teaching in the Bible, the teaching about “the sin of Sodom” is to be held for some 2000 years as being homosexuality (the very word SODOMY reflects the origin as relating to ‘the sin of Sodom’, after all), yet now it somehow morphs into ‘inhospitality?’ No other teaching of Scripture or tradition has done this. Teachings have been enhanced and better understood, but never changed.
Consider for a moment that the actual event would have occurred some 3500 years ago – 1500 years is plenty of time for definitions to be mistaken. The English term ‘sodomy’ comes from this erroneous belief that the sin for which Sodom was destroyed was homosexuality.
“Homosexuality” and “inhospitality” are two utterly completely different things. There is simply no way that the understanding of Sodom’s sin as ‘homosexuality’ could be ‘changed’ into ‘inhospitality’ without an ‘admission’ that the first teaching was flat out wrong. That the Holy Spirit, far from guiding us, allowed 2000 years of misinterpretation.
If God were so concerned about raging homosexuality, why didn’t he raze Athens and Sparta too? As far as I know, the Pope never defined sodomy speaking infallibly; the fact that the word came to mean anal, oral, and any other kind of sex that doesn’t result in sperm inside vagina doesn’t mean it was based on the correct notion.
I just don’t buy it. It involves not just ‘accepting stable long term relationships’ but a whole redefinition of marriage as well. (Because, quite frankly, a ‘stable long term relationship’ between two unmarried people, homosexual or heterosexual alike, is equally sinful.) So in addition to making the Church teaching on ‘the sin of Sodom’ wrong, you’re also positing that the Church teaching on MATRIMONY is equally wrong.
The Church can say what it likes about matrimony. It discourages marriages between Catholics and non-Catholics already and disallows them entirely if the couple does not intend to raise the children as Catholics. I don’t really see why it doesn’t give everyone the chance to be equally sinless, but that’s you guys’ prerogative.
Now you’ve got the Holy Spirit with TWO strikes against Him. You’ve attempted to turn the Catholic Church not into Christ’s institution against which the gates of hell will not prevail into ‘just another institution’ which is just as capable as anything else of wrong.
It’s run by humans, and humans are quite capable of making mistakes. Are Galileo and the Diet of Worms a third strike against the Holy Spirit, or against an institution which is maintained by fallible men? I’d say it’s the latter.
“Stable, long term monogamous sexual relationships” are equally sinful between two unmarried people of whatever sexual orientation.
Thanks for this (and the part below, snipped for size). I’m in as complete agreement with it as my lack of faith will allow 🙂
The teaching about “the sin of Sodom” is to be held for some 2000 years as being homosexuality (the very word SODOMY reflects the origin as relating to ‘the sin of Sodom’, after all), yet now it somehow morphs into ‘inhospitality?’ There is simply no way that the understanding of Sodom’s sin as ‘homosexuality’ could be ‘changed’ into ‘inhospitality’ without an ‘admission’ that the first teaching was flat out wrong.
Tantum ergo,

I appreciate the respectful tone of your post. I was afraid the first person to respond would have a “You’re going to hell” attitude.

Read in the Bible in Ezekiel and where Jesus talks about the sin of Sodom. As I read it, the sin of Sodom was “inhospitality” That WAS the original intent. The term “sodomy” is in the King James Bible as English came into being in its modern form around the time of Shakespeare. It is not a Hebrew or Greek term from the Bible.

I also would like to disagree on the 2000 years of church teaching idea.( I mean no disrespect either, these are just my understandings and by no means do I consider myself infallible or my understandings perfect.) The “it has always been that way” argument doesn’t hold water for me. I look at the Biblical arguments used to support slavery in the United States. The idea that slavery was OK was firmly believed by the majority of the nation. There had been slavery for thousands of years. Also the Bible was used to stifle women’s suffrage for decades. My grandmother used the Bible and the “It’s always been that way” philosophy to uphold her prejudice against black people. She said that if I ever married a black women, she wouldn’t come visit me. (No chance of that, grandma…sigh.)

And yes, I do think the understanding of the sin of Sodom as homosexuality is flat out wrong. (Hey, I grew up in the 60’s. We rebels have a tendency to question authority)

I will stop with the ramblings. I am heading out on a snowshoe hike with friends. (Isn’t is scandalous what we homosexuals do.) 😃 It’s another sparkling sunny day in southern Colorado with new snow.

Tu Amigo, Pablo
Thanks for your responses, Mirdath and Pablo. I do see and (believe it or not) I do understand. It isn’t as if I hadn’t heard your points as well as my own lo these many (more sometimes than I like to think of) years. And like you both, I’m sure, I have friends, family, and acquaintances who are homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, Christian, non-Christian, white, black, Asian, you name it. A few (one of whom is Jewish and the others Christian, though all of them are either converts or reverts actually) share my views about most subjects, including this particular one; quite a few have somewhat different ideas and more than a few are almost diametrically opposed (yes, I really do understand your points, as they have taken pains to express themselves and their points pretty much exactly jibe with yours).

We have pretty much chosen to ‘agree to disagree’ (none of us being of the “shove your viewpoint down another’s throat” persuasion 😃 ). I haven’t been told never to darken my sister’s door again, for example (she being somewhat further left in her views to Bishop Spong and Hillary Clinton), nor that of other relatives who, raised Catholic, are now lapsed, sporadically attend a “church of the month”, etc. and who range from ‘middle of the road’ and points left. And they (bless their hearts) do not consider me beyond the pale in bigotry, nor do I consider them as bound for hell in handbaskets.

Basically, while we (obviously) think we are correct in our positions, and the opposers are not, we pretty much stated our cases, answered questions, and then ‘judged for ourselves’. Over time, at least one person who was originally of one opinion changed that opinion radically (not me, not like you were expecting it of me, LOL); while others have also made small differences.

I’m at the point now, I think, of ‘sitting back’ and answering questions; I think this board as a whole has made its points (pro and con). Not many will change, perhaps; most have had their questions answered but some have not, perhaps.

Though we’ve all had conflicts (style, tone–hardest to convey even with emoticons, etc.) I think that we’ve pretty much been respectful of each other. I hope that continues as we explore the topic.

No matter whether I ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ on a given topic, I’m delighted to ‘meet’ and get to hear from people who are, just as I am, on their journey to the faith (whether they know it or not yet). We are all God’s children, created in His image, and redeemed by Christ. Every one of us has Christ within him or her, and is thus a brother or sister, dearly loved, and of infinite worth.

God bless.
It seems to me that many people posting on this thread state their own personal beliefs as if they were facts. I believe that God comes to each person differently and that each of us has a different understanding and a different level of maturity in the faith. I have grown much in my faith and changed my beliefs from younger days. I am clear to always state them as MY beliefs and opinions. (Does it seem that I am trying to buffer the comments that will follow this posting. Yes, I am, be nice to me guys. :o)

There is the general assumption that homosexuality is a sin because the Bible says it is. I disagree with that. Where in the Bible does it speak against monogamous, lifelong, same-sex relationships? I agree that the Bible speaks much about sexual purity and feel that those teachings are for both heterosexual and homosexual alike.

You can bring up the sin of Sodom, but Ezekiel and even Jesus himself says that the sin of Sodom was not homosexuality.

People bring up the holiness laws of Leviticus, but those were done away with by Jesus’ death on the cross. Do we follow ANY of those ceremonial laws?

Also brought up are the list of sins that Paul mentions. However Biblical scholars are not sure of the meaning of the terms translated by some translations of the Bible as “homosexual”. Paul’s use of those two terms is their first use in Greek literature and later use of the term seems to suggest meanings closer to male prostitusion and pedophilia. I believe strongly in sexual purity; I just can’t see that loving. lifelong monogamous homosexual relationships being condemned in the Bible.

Look at the writings of Father John J. McNeil if you want to see where I am coming from. He has written several books on the subject.

Now like I said, be nice please. I know many of you have put me in that “going-to-hell” category. I really am fairly conservative in my beliefs. I am upset, however, when people use the Bible as a weapon to beat people down and to discriminate against those in the minority. I find the fundamentalist protestant churches much worse at this than the Catholic church. (Part of the reason I AM a Catholic.)

In Christ, Pablo
The Church’s Magisterium has spoken very clearly and consistently on this subject and it was given authority to do so by Jesus Christ Himself. For clear-headed responses to all your arguments and “theories” please read a scholarly book by Richard Gagnon entitled, “Homosexuality and the Bible”.
Basically, while we (obviously) think we are correct in our positions, and the opposers are not, we pretty much stated our cases, answered questions, and then ‘judged for ourselves’. Over time, at least one person who was originally of one opinion changed that opinion radically (not me, not like you were expecting it of me, LOL); while others have also made small differences.
Tantum Ergo,

Opinions do change over time. Twenty five years ago I was as homophobic as anyone. (Some of the worst homophobes are closeted homosexuals). I was also very opinionated; I had the answer to everything. I knew I was right and that God was on my side.

I fought against my homosexuality. I denied it to myself. I tried “to go straight”. I think maybe some people can change, but not me; I struggled for years to do just that. When I finally admitted it to myself, I denied it to everyone else. I prayed constantly to have this affliction taken away. Finally at about age 40 it seemed that God came to me and said. “I made you who you are, why do you fight against me?” From that time on I have been at peace.

I look back at my life and wonder who was right. Was it the 15 year old Pablo? the 30 year old Pablo? the 45 year old Pablo. The views of each are so different. I pray every day that God will show me the path He wants me to take. I want to be open to His leading.

Tu Amigo, Pablo
I second that! 👍 I am completely content with being homosexual. I wasn’t always content with it but eventually you find that you are as God made you. I think that being gay has given me a great deal of perspective that I would otherwise not have felt or experienced had I not been born homosexual.
Born that way theory?

I believe there is one truth, and that you do not possess it. I’m still an absolutist.
Your belief is based on your private authority. That authority is what makes your position relativistic. You accept the absolutes you define because you deem them absolute. There appear to be degrees of relativsm.

Claiming to accept an absolute truth is not enough if we make ourselves the final arbiter. It would be like saying I believe murder is always wrong, but I think abortion is not murder.
Your belief is based on your private authority. That authority is what makes your position relativistic. You accept the absolutes you define because you deem them absolute. There appear to be degrees of relativsm.

Claiming to accept an absolute truth is not enough if we make ourselves the final arbiter. It would be like saying I believe murder is always wrong, but I think abortion is not murder.
… well I actaully I think I can understand his viewpoint, and I may be wrong.

It is your belief that the church is your authority for truth, but did you not choose to give it that authority in your life. So you like him are the final arbiter of “truth” in your life as he is. You both choose a truth system.
… well I actaully I think I can understand his viewpoint, and I may be wrong.

It is your belief that the church is your authority for truth, but did you not choose to give it that authority in your life. So you like him are the final arbiter of “truth” in your life as he is. You both choose a truth system.
Thanks, you are exactly right 😃

And fix, a position which holds things absolutely is by definition not relative. You don’t have to agree with it, and trying to claim everyone you don’t agree with is a (gasp!) relativist is ignorant and childish.

When did ‘relativist’ become invective anyway?
… well I actaully I think I can understand his viewpoint, and I may be wrong.

It is your belief that the church is your authority for truth, but did you not choose to give it that authority in your life. So you like him are the final arbiter of “truth” in your life as he is. You both choose a truth system.
That is partly what he is arguing, but I see it as another form of relativism. That line of reasoning suggests that truth is arbitrary or that we each get to decide what truth is. Or, that his beliefs are correct because he decides that. My submission to the Church does not make the Church true. She is true whether I assent or not.

My discovery, and adherence, to the Truth is not simply my personal choice based on my intellectual ability or personal preference.

Truth exists outside of me. As I said truth is more than an idea it is a person. That understanding is based on reason and faith. To make both arguments equal would be to claim we each can decide truth and it is true by our personal decision to agree to some arbitrary set of propositions.

That not everyone sees the one truth as the Church transmits does not mean all beliefs are equal or that the Church is incorrect.
And fix, a position which holds things absolutely is by definition not relative.
Many that subscribe to relativism say they are absolutists. If you ask one who is realtivistic if they want to be robbed, they would say that is absolutely wrong. That example just shows the flaw in their reasoning, but it does not always sway them from claiming other moral choices are not absolute.
You don’t have to agree with it, and trying to claim everyone you don’t agree with is a (gasp!) relativist is ignorant and childish.
I am explaining my position. No need for name calling.
When did ‘relativist’ become invective anyway?
I use it, here, not as an insult but as a means to clarify the points.
Thank you for that link. It’s clear that the evidence continues to point largely toward psycho-sexual factors as the cause of homosexualilty. There may be some predispositions in some with gender identity problems but the social factors are the crucial tipping point.
Like I have said before, I have never fit any of those psycho-sexual factors, therefore being a prime candidate to show that one is born predisposed to homosexuality. To continue to call the condition a disorder infers that it is something that needs to be corrected. I disagree.
Like I have said before, I have never fit any of those psycho-sexual factors, therefore being a prime candidate to show that one is born predisposed to homosexuality. To continue to call the condition a disorder infers that it is something that needs to be corrected. I disagree.
I likewise do not fit the psycho-sexual factors. And I have been gay as long as I can remember. I certainly did not make a “choice”. I would have never have chosen to be gay. It has led to much hardship. I have struggled to change and prayed to change. In my case the "disorder’ was when I lived in denial. Now that I have accepted the fact, my mental and spiritual well being has greatly improved.

The general psychological view at the moment is that homosexuality is present at birth and usually cannot be changed. Of course, there are those who disagree. There are always some people to back up any position. Hey, there are still those who believe that the earth revolves around the sun. That however, is not the belief of the scientific community as a whole.

Even if homosexuality is caused by environmental factors, that doesn’t mean that we can mistreat gay people.

I believe that all people need to be shown love and compassion. If our message is primarily one of condemnation and self-righteousness, we will never reach anyone with the wonderful message of God’s grace that come to us through faith.

Sorry for the late contribution, but I have to say that the assertion that “gay sex harms no one” is a really cruel joke for anybody who has been acquainted with the many victims of HIV/AIDS who are young and just starting their lives, but have had or will have them snuffed out many years too early because they made foolish choices and were led to believe that those foolish choices were a valid way to “look for love”.

Likewise it would be quite difficult to argue that position to the many women, disproportionately african-american, who have been infected with AIDS because their husbands or boyfriends were fooling around with other men on the sly. This business of saying heterosexuals are getting AIDS just as much now is kind of a deceptive argument: most heterosexuals getting AIDS are women, and they are usually getting it from their boyfriends, who get it through homosexual sex.

The case can be made without any reference to the Catholic faith that homosexual sex-acts run counter to society’s best interests, and should therefore not be encouraged in any way.

This case was recently made to the Washington State Supreme Court. All of us here were petrified that our liberal state government would make us the second state to start issuing gay marriage licenses. For once, reason ruled the day. (…or was it all those people praying?..)

The Justices who voted against gay marriage did so for perfectly rational reasons, and they have been vilified for it by most of the newspapers here, even though they are not Christians or particularly pro-Life - they simply had too much integrity to completely ignore the facts staring them right in the face.
My submission to the Church does not make the Church true. She is true whether I assent or not.
That is an assertion you make. No more absolute than my assertion that there exist absolute ethical standards; they will be true standards whether or not I agree. I merely happen to already.
My discovery, and adherence, to the Truth is not simply my personal choice based on my intellectual ability or personal preference.
No, it is your choice, and if you were born into it it is your choice to remain so. You have free will and you use it.
Truth exists outside of me. As I said truth is more than an idea it is a person. That understanding is based on reason and faith. To make both arguments equal would be to claim we each can decide truth and it is true by our personal decision to agree to some arbitrary set of propositions.
Funny, it’s outside me too. I don’t base my belief as to what it is on faith in God though; it’s really based on reason, practicality, and perhaps a sense of goodwill.
That not everyone sees the one truth as the Church transmits does not mean all beliefs are equal or that the Church is incorrect.
It doesn’t mean the Church is correct either.
Many that subscribe to relativism say they are absolutists. If you ask one who is realtivistic if they want to be robbed, they would say that is absolutely wrong. That example just shows the flaw in their reasoning, but it does not always sway them from claiming other moral choices are not absolute.
It doesn’t show a flaw, it shows hypocrisy.
I am explaining my position. No need for name calling.
Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I have to take it but can’t give it.
I use it, here, not as an insult but as a means to clarify the points.
You have been using it to paint me morally unreliable and logically unsound, in the face of my repeated statements that I do not hold to the tenets required by moral relativism, my abjurations of those tenets, my professions of an absolutist stance, and my requests that you stop. Either prove me a relativist now without using the fact that I don’t hold to your creed in your argument or stop talking.
Faith is by definition belief without empirical reason. You can know all you can about what’s around you in the physical world, but you can only have faith in the supernatural. I’m not trying to slam it here – I think faith is generally a good thing (even if I don’t share it), but faith and reason are opposites.
I see that you are limiting knowledge to what one can measure with their senses. This being the case, you are referring to rationalism. Do you believe that there are others ways of knowing (knowledge of) reality that are not limited to or contained by what is physical, i.e., metaphysical?
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