This is a fight that has been going on for centuries. The Israeli government, under Ehud Barak, offered everything Arafat wanted during the Camp David peace talks during July of 2000. Everything, with one caveat, and that was an expiration date, right then and there. Barak truthfully told Arafat that such a deal would never be offered again. Arafat turned him down.
This proved what many suspected all along, and I still believe the case is today, that Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, all the Syria factions, none of them want peace. The Palestinian Authority, the two state solution, these are just excuses, pawns, and poster childs to continue to lob rockets into Israel.
For years, under various US presidents Israel showed restraint, the rockets just kept falling into Israel some hitting, some not. Israel knows all of this, and so do all these Muslim extremists. All of this will continue even after everyone reading this has shuffled off the mortal coil, or until someone does something really stupid, such as Iran.
If the PA or key players in the middle east wanted peace their would have been peace long before now. Everyone, including CAF members should already know all of this, except for the younger members maybe.
The only reason, this has not gotten any worse, is that the policy of over compensation attacks against people like Hezbollah, keeps them in check. Make no mistake, it is a horrible situation for the Palestinian people, but until they stop putting quarters into the Hamas machine, the ride is not going to stop.