The “WALL” is even harder to tear down than
the Berlin Wall, yet even the Wall of separation
between Jew and Gentile was torn down!! See
Eph. 2:14 “…Christ, by His own body[thru death]
has torn down the dividing wall of hostility.”
So, now, the Old Hostility between the descend-
ants of Esau and Jacob has erected a “Wall of
Hostility” between Israelis and Palestinians!!
the Berlin Wall, yet even the Wall of separation
between Jew and Gentile was torn down!! See
Eph. 2:14 “…Christ, by His own body[thru death]
has torn down the dividing wall of hostility.”
So, now, the Old Hostility between the descend-
ants of Esau and Jacob has erected a “Wall of
Hostility” between Israelis and Palestinians!!