Pro-Israel at any cost?

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Since when is defending one’s nation and national borders against violence and oppression? Your post begs the question. Please explain.
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Is hard to know what to believe in regards to the region as we are only fed what are media wants to feed us😑
God’s Chosen ppl are the Jews!! So we should,
as PART of the ppl of God, be Pro-Israel, but
NOT at the expense of civilian lives and atrocities,
we MUST speak up against these!!
Israel is the greatest ally of the US. We should never forget this.

Jews allow Muslims to move into Israel. How many Islamic countries welcome Jews?

If Israel was left alone, they would not attack anybody.

There is no cost that should ever cause us to question Israel. Period. We should be prepared to support them by any means necessary including nuclear war.

If any country bothers Israel, we should be prepared to wipe them off the map. Problem solved.
How do you think we won the Cold War?

When it is cut and dry, everyone knows the consequences of their actions. No country in their right mind crosses the line. Problem solved.

Why do you think NATO has been a success since its inception?

Perhaps you should try to read a book or open your mind instead of calling people Satanic.
How do you think we won the Cold War?

When it is cut and dry, everyone knows the consequences of their actions. No country in their right mind crosses the line. Problem solved.

Why do you think NATO has been a success since its inception?

Perhaps you should try to read a book or open your mind instead of calling people Satanic
Christ did not come to destroy people, but save them. Here’s what my book says:

John 3:16 New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life
How do you think we won the Cold War?

When it is cut and dry, everyone knows the consequences of their actions. No country in their right mind crosses the line. Problem solved.

Why do you think NATO has been a success since its inception?

Perhaps you should try to read a book or open your mind instead of calling people Satanic
Christ did not come to destroy people, but save them. Here’s what my book says:

John 3:16 New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life
I guess you just have such a low opinion of Muslims that you believe they will just attack an independent sovereign nation like a bunch of animals knowing that it will cause the end of their nation.

Personally, I think they are smart enough to understand that invading Israel would be their death.

Hence, they would not invade Israel.

Problem solved with no bloodshed.

The only way there is bloodshed is if the Muslims invite it on themselves.

Why do you think that no country has invaded the US since 1941?

I really think you need to learn to open other books. I hope you are not using the bible for all of your life choices like what to have for breakfast or the advantages of wearing hairshirts to work.
I go by this for war. War is a last resort after all other means have been unsuccessful.

Just war theory - Wikipedia
You don’t have to worry about the morality of a just war when you avoid the war in the first place. That is the point.

Israel is not going to invade a Muslim country unless it is provoked. The US says that they consider an attack on Israel to be an attack on the US mainland or NATO. The result will be nuclear retaliation.

It is up to the Muslim country as to whether they want to annihilated or not. I am sure they don’t. You tell Russia and China this policy, and they are not going to do anything if an individual country in the Middle East invades Israel. Iran, for example, is not worth the consequences of involvement.

Therefore you end up with stable boundaries like you have in Europe.

All you need is a President who the other countries believe will respond that way. That is why Trump is the man for the job. How many people believe that Trump isn’t crazy enough to do it? That is how Reagan won the Cold War.
Bring back the kingdom of Jerusalem and none of this is an issue :man_shrugging:t2:
Israel is the greatest ally of the US. We should never forget this.
That’s debatable.

I don’t have a problem with the Israelis, but I don’t have the love for them a lot of conservatives do. I’d rather see Jerusalem in the hands of Christians than either Muslims or Jews.
Israel is our greatest ally for one reason. Their continued survival is solely dependent on the protection of the US.

Europe is a fair weather ally. They won’t answer the call unless the US shames them into doing so.

The only thing standing between Israel and Muslim hoards is the protection of the US. If the US withdrew support from Israel, the war would start immediately, and Israel would be wiped off the map. (From a purely secular reading of the circumstances, ignoring biblical prophecy.)

Israel isn’t stupid, and the conservatives have no false illusions about the reality of our relationship. They need us more than we need them.

Israel will always support nearly everything that the US will ever do, because they understand what could happen if the US was to lose patience with them.
Israel is our greatest ally for one reason. Their continued survival is solely dependent on the protection of the US.
You are aware they once bombed a naval communications ship, on purpose, and with full knowledge it was a US ship right? And killed American sailors.
Israel is our greatest ally for one reason. Their continued survival is solely dependent on the protection of the US.
Don’t underestimate the Israeli’s this low. Did the US help them win the 6 day war? I support Israel also, but call out injustices anywhere I see them.
If you look at the relationship between any two powers over this length of time, there are going to be bumps in the road.

I’d imagine Israel would point to one of Obama’s first statements being that Israel should return to the pre 1967 borders.

At least Israel has never tried to return Texas to Mexico.

As military technology has narrowed the gap between the Islamic world and Israel, Israel’s dependence on us will only grow closer.
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