To reduce abortions:
- Provide and promote family planning
- Provide and promote financial aid, healthcare and support for pregnant woman AND mothers
- Provide and promote financial aid for adoption as an alternative to abortion
Catholics do not do the first.
Republicans do not do the second.
Neither Catholics nor Republicans do the third.
I am not convinced that any of those things listed would end abortions. I am not even completely convinced that they would significantly reduce abortions.
Catholics do promote family planning, even if it’s not with the methods you prefer. Natural Family Planning is what Catholics promote. Most non Catholic prolife advocates promote other forms of birth control. So there are options from pro lifers when it comes to that.
I am not sure what you mean specifically about financial aid. I know of many places that provide free diapers and wipes, baby equipment, clothing for mom and baby, toys, formula, bottles, baby food, etc. Some of those places are Catholic, most or interdenominational programs. St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic organization that helps with bill pay, rent, etc. as well as low cost and often times free households goods. I have known the Knights of Columbus to provide services such as plumbing, home repairs, yard work, and much more free of charge. The council at one of the local parishes even gives scholarships for schooling (college, trade or certificate programs) a few times a year. The scholarships are renewable as well.
Depending on where a person lives, there are many options for free or reduced price healthcare. A community I used to live in had a group of catholic doctors that opened a free clinic for the uninsured. They partnered with the Catholic hospital to expand services that were available to their patients. These were mainly the working poor that fell through the cracks. They didn’t qualify for medical cards but could not afford insurance. They are still in operation. Apparently Obamacare wasn’t enough to help the ones most in need of healthcare. County health departments also provide healthcare on a sliding scale fee. Most partner with hospitals that make payment plans and often forgive amounts owed for those that cannot afford to pay.
Financial aid for adoption for the birth mom or the adoptive parents? The mother never pays to place her child. Are you suggesting she should be paid? I’m not sure I understand.
I know some couples will arrange private adoptions for infants. Often the adoptive parents pay all the costs of pregnancy and sometime provide for housing costs. I don’t know much about private adoptions. I do know there are far more people seeking to adopt newborns than there are babies waiting to be adopted. We didn’t adopt newborns so I don’t know about the process or fees that go along with that. But there are already so many waiting that will never get a baby, so how is that preventing abortion? Having more waiting will help how?