"Pro-Lifers are Hypocrites"

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Ok first let’s hear your answers so we know for sure you’re not just doubling down on the logical fallacy of the double standard. This is a fallacy that pro choicers use all the time and it’s not a good look.
Well, I didn’t want to do this because my position should stand on its own. But to to be fair:

How many unwanted babies have you brought into your home as foster children? 12

How many have you adopted? 5, all five being “difficult to place”, such as medically complex, special needs. 4 continue to be special needs. 3 are medically complex (although one really isn’t any more). All five are mixed race. All five were legally challenged adoptions. I actually tried to adopt 8, but lost 3 in court.
Side note - those that say it’s hard to adopt haven’t tried. You can adopt tomorrow if you are qualified (10 week course, pass medical restrictions, etc). What they mean is they want to adopt a healthy, white baby with no legal strings. there are no such babies, or very few. Want to adopt a mixed race baby in detox whose mother is on heroin with legal complications to boot? Expect a call in a day or so.

How many unwanted, special needs or mixed race children have you brought into your home? 8

What have you ACTIVELY done to support the adoption and foster care process? I was a board of director for our Catholic Family Services chapter for three years, running and participating in multiple fund raising activities that supporting pregnant women and children born to single mothers.

How many at-risk pregnant women/families have you directly worked with to support their journey both during pregnancy and afterwards? 7 (including letting them temporarily live in my home)

How much money have you donated or given to DIRECT support of pregnant women at risk?
Around $45K,. Fun fact - Catholic Family Services charges about $20K for each child you adopt. The state government often PAYS you to adopt or foster children. And they still don’t have enough. Catholic Family Services also rejects babies and children because they are hard to place. The state of course cannot reject ANY child. That’s also why I get mad when I hear people say that the government should not provide services, that the private sector will do it. Hogwash and lies. And dangerous. You have no idea if you say that. None.

How many adopted/foster pre-teens do you DIRECTLY support as they go through the emerging psychological challenges of being given up by their biological parents?

I am pro-choice, and I will put my answers to the above against ANYONE.
That is impressive, and kudos for your work and your dedication to children in need.

Unfortunately, “what did you do” is still a fallacious argument and is completely worthless in this debate. For every pro choicer that does what you did, there are many, many more who don’t.
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For every pro choicer that does what you did, there are many, many more who don’t.
But keep in mind I don’t really like being called pro-choice. Nothing would make me happier if there was never another abortion.
I just think the Republican party is a scam.
I don’t think they really want to solve the problem. They just want your votes. They couldn’t care less about the unborn.

I also don;t agree with the Catholic Church’s position. To me, it is completely illogical. How can you be pro-life AND not support birth control? It’s not a practical position. Just look at what has happened in Africa. How can you possibly justify the Catholic Church’s position on birth control given the MASSIVE amount of suffering it has caused?

That is why, reluctantly, I state I am pro-choice. I like to say “pro-options”, not pro-choice, but that doesn’t seem to help and just gets people mad. Pick a side. Fine.
For every pro choicer that does what you did, there are many, many more who don’t.
But keep in mind I don’t really like being called pro-choice. Nothing would make me happier if there was never another abortion.
I just think the Republican party is a scam.
I don’t think they really want to solve the problem. They just want your votes. They couldn’t care less about the unborn.
We do. Learn about the pro life movement and not what Democrats tell you and you’ll see for yourself.
The pro life movement cares so much more about women than the abortion industry does.
I also don;t agree with the Catholic Church’s position. To me, it is completely illogical. How can you be pro-life AND not support birth control? It’s not a practical position. Just look at what has happened in Africa. How can you possibly justify the Catholic Church’s position on birth control given the MASSIVE amount of suffering it has caused?
The position of the church is logical and straightforward with life, as I said previously.
That is why, reluctantly, I state I am pro-choice. I like to say “pro-options”, not pro-choice,
That’s like saying “I like to say the dark not night”. Same thing no?
Is it that whole killing thing that bothers you?
Of course. Yet I realize we live in an imperfect world and ridiculous platforms such as no birth control and making abortion completely illegal are not viable. I want to SOLVE the problem.
Neither mainstream pro-life platform (both Catholic and Republican, which are completely different) come close to solving anything.
Your argument for abortion rights is that it’s better to kill these babies in the womb ,then risk a difficult life post birth. Am I getting that right.🤨
Do you support universal healthcare or not?
Do you support increased funding of welfare and social programs or not?
Do you support environmental regulation for safe drinking water and food or not?
what has this to do abortion?

Even if I said I support all of the above, why does it have to be supported by our tax dollars via government agencies?

Just because some voters don’t want the government to run everything doesn’t mean they don’t support the above list. This is how liberals attack conservatives. They claim conservatives are against programs but never seem to realize there is more than one way to support a program.
If the Church had a realistic approach to family planning, people would take the message more seriously. Don’t 98% of Catholics disagree with the Church on contraception? If so, does anyone really think the Catholic position is respected?
The church does have a realistic approach to family planning. Also a Godly one which is even more important.

I don’t care how many Catholics disagree on the Church’s teaching on ARTIFICIAL contraception. That’s on their souls.

The Catholic position is respected by faithful Catholics.

but you can be against Abortion without ever bringing up religion.
if you were a foster or adoptive parent through Catholic Family Services, how much did it cost you? If you were a foster or adoptive parent through the state, how much did it cost you?
first, foster parents are paid.
second, the foster system is set up to not support adoptions. So this would require legislative changes and no one at that level really cares about how the foster system works.
third, why does it cost so much to adopt? is that the fault of the adoption agencies or are we back again to a legislative and legal issue? Again, legislators aren’t going to look into this because it doesn’t affect their re-election.

but none of the above changes the fact that abortion kills babies.
Why don’t you lobby for a law that states every childless couple MUST adopt an unwanted baby from a pregnant woman? THEN make abortion illegal. Why not? In all seriousness, I could accept that rather than just making it illegal without any plan and support for the mothers.
As someone who has adopted and fostered, you know full well why this is a very bad idea. Anyone that has been through fostering and adopting knows it is not something just anyone is able to do.
Okay. Don’t vote Republican. I don’t.

Poverty still doesn’t justify the killing of a human.
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The pro life community is the one doing the hard work of adoption and social justice.
The accusation of non-compassion is a tired canard.
Just stop. So wrong you are embarrassing yourself.

How many unwanted babies have you brought into your home as foster children?
How many have you adopted?
How many unwanted, special needs or mixed race children have you brought into your home?
What have you ACTIVELY done to support the adoption and foster care process?
How many at-risk pregnant women/families have you directly worked with to support their journey both during pregnancy and afterwards?
How much money have you donated or given to DIRECT support of pregnant women at risk?
How many adopted/foster pre-teens do you DIRECTLY support as they go through the emerging psychological challenges of being given up by their biological parents?

I am pro-choice, and I will put my answers to the above against ANYONE.
Congratulations to you on the parade of good works. Should we now get into a spitting match over our good works? I’ll leave that to you, but I won’t participate. Such a match would be appropriate for 12 year old boys in a clubhouse, but not for mature adults.

I suggest to you that while you seem to do many good things and feel good about them, your morality is bankrupt. It is self centered.
And here’s why:
The object of your morality is not a good end. The object of your morality is self justification, not the good of human life. Morality has a good end that it must point to and abortion is intrinsically evil. So your moral equation has no content.
You do not extend any value to the life of a child that you purport to affirm. That’s contradictory, and morality is not contradictory, it points to the good and the true.

You justify the abandonment of human dignity with your parade of good works.
You will find that your good works will not justify you in the end, and your good works are no substitute for loving your fellow human beings and God.

According to Christ, the test of that love is not how many good works you parade, it is how you treat the least among us.
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I’ve seen some pro life people say that they are for the death penalty, to me pro life is all people, not just the unborn.
So what?

Some people in Planned Parenthood were close to the KKK.

Abortion supporters don’t like it when you say that and say you can’t hold all to ransom for the actions of some.

So why not apply the same rules across the board?
I’ve seen some pro life people say that they are for the death penalty, to me pro life is all people, not just the unborn.
So what?

Some people in Planned Parenthood were close to the KKK.

Abortion supporters don’t like it when you say that and say you can’t hold all to ransom for the actions of some.

So why not apply the same rules across the board?
Yeah. Alveda King also has plenty of stories about the reprehensible things PP did especially to people of color.
They can’t defend the morality of slaughtering the unborn, so they make up vague terms like “women’s reproductive rights” to generate a false veneer of morality.
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