Pro-lifers object to Clinton speech at college

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Pro-lifers object to Clinton speech at college

Several local and national pro-life organizations are urging Canisius College to withdraw its speaking invitation to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., because of her pro-choice position on abortion. The Buffalo Regional Right to Life Committee and the other groups argue that the college, by giving Clinton a forum, is sanctioning views that violate teachings of the Catholic Church.

“The bottom line is (Canisius officials) are responsible for creating a grave scandal within the Catholic community,” said Stasia Zoladz Vogel, president of the regional committee.

Email to:


Sen. Hillary Clinton, one of Washington’s most vocal advocates of abortion
rights (including partial-birth abortion), fetal stem-cell research, and
funding for contraceptives, is scheduled to speak on Monday, January 31,
at Canisius College on “The Governmental Role in Caring for the Sick.”
The lecture is part of a series on the Governmental Role in Effectuating
the Corporal Works of Mercy. Co-sponsors of the event include Call to
Action, Citizen Action of New York and labor unions.

CONTACT: Rev. Vincent Cooke, S.J., President, Canisius College, 2001 Main
St., Buffalo, NY 14208-1098; (716) 888-2100;

I logged on today specifically to let other people know about this. I think it is so unfortunate that those in charge at Canisius College find it appropriate for a woman who has absolutely no appreciation for the concept of showing mercy to the unborn child would be invited to a Jesuit institution to speak in connection with a program about the corporal works of mercy. My understanding is that former NY representative John LaFalce (who is supposedly Catholic and who is also conveniently out of town) is the one who recommended her for the program. I don’t understand this either.

I have also contacted the Chancery Office at the Diocese of Buffalo. They are also registering complaints. The telephone number is:
(716) 847-5500.
I sent in my complaint and I know others that have. The best complaining that can be done is to withhold any contributions and not send any kids there until they get it.
Go Hillary!!!:dancing:
**I’m all for Hillary going, too. But where?? 😛 **
geezerbob said:
**I’m all for Hillary going, too. But where?? 😛 **

They don’t deserve abortion anywere. I am afraid we have to keep her and make sure not to elect her. I understand other colleges, but why the Catholic ones? It is a slap in the face of our church. The colleges have promoted heresy. Remember Loyola University in Chicago this year when the alumnae foundation gave Lisa Madigan, a proabortion alum an award?
Bishop to let Clinton speak at Canisius

The bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo said Friday he is not pleased that Canisius College invited pro-choice Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to campus but he will allow her to speak Monday at the Catholic school. The Most Rev. Edward U. Kmiec said the invitation was made without (name removed by moderator)ut from the diocese, and the offices of Church Ministry and Catholic Charities have pulled their sponsorship of the lecture.

But Kmiec said the speech should go forward because the church needs to maintain a dialogue with Clinton, D-N.Y., and other public officials with whom they disagree on the issue of abortion.

“It is for that reason, despite calls for the cancellation of the event, that it was thought best to allow it to proceed, though reluctantly,” Kmiec said in a new release issued late Friday.
 Pro-life advocates who have criticized  Clinton's planned appearance weren't  satisfied with the bishop's remarks.
I though the bishops issued some statement recently about not having pro aborts speak at Catholic colleges?
Go Hillary!!!:dancing:
Katherine:nope: Hillary is not a stupid person nor is she a nieve person who has been led astray by the likes of planned parenthood:mad: She has consistantly voted and promoted the culture of death:banghead: Your support of her ideology is distressing to say the least.:tsktsk: This comment makes me ill.
I though the bishops issued some statement recently about not having pro aborts speak at Catholic colleges?
They did. In the article, the Bishop acknowledged this statement (it was actually a letter) and said He agreed with it. The letter said you could not give award, honor, or platform to such speakers. I called the diocese to inform them that a speaker that is not debating is being given platform.
Go Hillary!!!:dancing:
What are we supposed to make of this? Hillary Clinton has been unrelenting and extreme in her support of abortion. You are enthusiastically rooting for her. A fair interpretation of this is that you also support abortion. I know you’re a democratic party boss and all that, but you could tone down the partisan cheerleading for the party of death.
They did. In the article, the Bishop acknowledged this statement (it was actually a letter) and said He agreed with it. The letter said you could not give award, honor, or platform to such speakers. I called the diocese to inform them that a speaker that is not debating is being given platform.
You are correct. It is a platform.

They should host a televised debate between her and Fr Frank Pavone. Now that would be interesting as she would be exposed.
They don’t deserve abortion anywere. I am afraid we have to keep her and make sure not to elect her. I understand other colleges, but why the Catholic ones? It is a slap in the face of our church. The colleges have promoted heresy. Remember Loyola University in Chicago this year when the alumnae foundation gave Lisa Madigan, a proabortion alum an award?
I actually emailed them when they did that and I got back a response… it was just a lot of “Blah blah blah…” It is embarrassing…
You are correct. It is a platform.

They should host a televised debate between her and Fr Frank Pavone. Now that would be interesting as she would be exposed.
Oh my goodness. She would get smoked, which is why should would not ever agree to a debate.
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