Pro-lifers object to Clinton speech at college

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I would laugh if your post wasn’t so REAL.
You are right, I wanted to laugh, but I could see the same scenerio.
I would welcome that. I know Father Frank would not embarrass the pro-life movement by agreeing to a debate with Senator Clinton on the topic of health care as a corporal work of mercy and never go off the issue of abortion. Without a doubt, anyone leaving the debate would come away having heard a very articulate man defend the unborn but also indicate his broad agreement with Senator Clinton on the need for universal health care.
Another corporal work of mercy is to bury the dead. How does that square with the incineration of the bodies of children who were aborted?

Hillary Clinton, or any other pro-abort, is the last person to be speaking about corporal works of mercy. If Hillary were to debate Fr. Pavone, Hillary no doubt would speak of the “quality of life” measured only by a utilitarian standard. Fr. Pavone knows that, unlike health care, life is SACRED - and the sacredness of life is not diminished by one’s physical ability. Man is not permitted
to destroy that which is sacred. This is what the Democratic Party cannot figure out - and what is making the party implode.
I would welcome that. I know Father Frank would not embarrass the pro-life movement by agreeing to a debate with Senator Clinton on the topic of health care as a corporal work of mercy and never go off the issue of abortion. Without a doubt, anyone leaving the debate would come away having heard a very articulate man defend the unborn but also indicate his broad agreement with Senator Clinton on the need for universal health care.
Hmmm…Hillary Clinton on universal health care as a corporal work of mercy. Interesting definition of work of mercy…take other people’s money and use it to perform “works of mercy”. But then again, maybe she learned the redefinition trick from her husband.
Hmmm…Hillary Clinton on universal health care as a corporal work of mercy. Interesting definition of work of mercy…take other people’s money and use it to perform “works of mercy”. But then again, maybe she learned the redefinition trick from her husband.
More likely she learned it from the Catholic bishops, who have been for universal health care before Bill Clinton was even born.
More likely she learned it from the Catholic bishops, who have been for universal health care before Bill Clinton was even born.
I am not sure they are for government universal health care. I am sure they are for health care for all.
I would welcome that. I know Father Frank would not embarrass the pro-life movement by agreeing to a debate with Senator Clinton on the topic of health care as a corporal work of mercy and never go off the issue of abortion. Without a doubt, anyone leaving the debate would come away having heard a very articulate man defend the unborn but also indicate his broad agreement with Senator Clinton on the need for universal health care.
Yeah ,he will matter a factly, let her know that health care will not help you if you have been legally murdered by abortion in fact none of the social issues will do you a bit of good if you aren’t allowed to be born:(
Yeah ,he will matter a factly, let her know that health care will not help you if you have been legally murdered by abortion in fact none of the social issues will do you a bit of good if you aren’t allowed to be born:(
I would expect he would. And I thank Jesus for that. I know he has enough sense that if he was invited to debate Mrs. Clinton on health care as a work of mercy, he would not simply repeat and repeat that one sentence you attribute to his thinking. I’m confident that he would present a full and comprehensive explanation of the Church’s desire for adequate health care for all, born and unborn.

I think he would do it without bitterness or nastiness.

And I would imagine the response of fair minded people and faithful Catholics if they attended this debate would be that they have learned two lessons from this exchange: (1) the case for pro-life is superior and we must recommit ourselves to the defense of the unborn; (2) even people with strident disagreements on abortion can agree with the Church that we need universal health care. We have opportunities to acheive progress on this as well.
More likely she learned it from the Catholic bishops, who have been for universal health care before Bill Clinton was even born.
I see you’ve conceded my point that it’s not a work of mercy if you use other people’s money to do it.

BTW, we do have universal health care in the US. If you’re seriously sick or injured and go to a hospital you’re cared for. I guess what you and other leftists are talking about is universal health insurance or universal “free” health care, hardly a divinely granted right.
I see you’ve conceded my point that it’s not a work of mercy if you use other people’s money to do it.

BTW, we do have universal health care in the US. If you’re seriously sick or injured and go to a hospital you’re cared for. I guess what you and other leftists are talking about is universal health insurance or universal “free” health care, hardly a divinely granted right.
I appreciate your opinion, but I side with the Catholic bishops on this one.
I see you’ve conceded my point that it’s not a work of mercy if you use other people’s money to do it.

BTW, we do have universal health care in the US. If you’re seriously sick or injured and go to a hospital you’re cared for. I guess what you and other leftists are talking about is universal health insurance or universal “free” health care, hardly a divinely granted right.
Well said. You hit the nail right on the head. 👍

I love it when I hear the truth. 😃 Let’s see a reply to that. 😉

I would expect he would. And I thank Jesus for that. I know he has enough sense that if he was invited to debate Mrs. Clinton on health care as a work of mercy, he would not simply repeat and repeat that one sentence you attribute to his thinking. I’m confident that he would present a full and comprehensive explanation of the Church’s desire for adequate health care for all, born and unborn.

I think he would do it without bitterness or nastiness.

And I would imagine the response of fair minded people and faithful Catholics if they attended this debate would be that they have learned two lessons from this exchange: (1) the case for pro-life is superior and we must recommit ourselves to the defense of the unborn; (2) even people with strident disagreements on abortion can agree with the Church that we need universal health care. We have opportunities to acheive progress on this as well.
I don’t think he would get nasty either, I know Father Pavone will not let her justify or weasel out of anything either;) He is quite accomplished at recognising doubletalk in order to get votes.God Bless
I don’t think he would get nasty either, I know Father Pavone will not let her justify or weasel out of anything either;) He is quite accomplished at recognising doubletalk in order to get votes.God Bless
And I’m confident he wouldn’t engage in doubletalk either. I’m sure he would clearly state that the Church fully appreciates and joins with her call for universal health care but cannot agree with her on abortion. Even though abortion is not the topic of the debate, I’m confident he would skillfully find a way of relating it to part of the discussion without making himself and the cause look like to fool by coming to a discussion and talking about a different issue that the topic.
And I’m confident he wouldn’t engage in doubletalk either. I’m sure he would clearly state that the Church fully appreciates and joins with her call for universal health care but cannot agree with her on abortion. Even though abortion is not the topic of the debate, I’m confident he would skillfully find a way of relating it to part of the discussion without making himself and the cause look like to fool by coming to a discussion and talking about a different issue that the topic.
Katherine, unfortunately, Hillary believes that abortion is an important part of health care,so it is indeed a part of the topic.
Hmmm…Hillary Clinton on universal health care as a corporal work of mercy. Interesting definition of work of mercy…take other people’s money and use it to perform “works of mercy”. But then again, maybe she learned the redefinition trick from her husband.
Right on!
Katherine, unfortunately, Hillary believes that abortion is an important part of health care,so it is indeed a part of the topic.
it certainly is part of the topic and should be addressed. Again, I would welcome a discussion on a Catholic campus or elsewhere where she and he could both present their views on all parts of health care, including their points of agreement and disagreement.
it certainly is part of the topic and should be addressed. Again, I would welcome a discussion on a Catholic campus or elsewhere where she and he could both present their views on all parts of health care, including their points of agreement and disagreement.
You have learned well grasshopper! You sound like Hillary and her double talk. :confused:
I BTW, we do have universal health care in the US. If you’re seriously sick or injured and go to a hospital you’re cared for. I guess what you and other leftists are talking about is universal health insurance or universal “free” health care, hardly a divinely granted right.
Yes, but you have forgotten that universal healthcare means one thing and one thing only in the minds of the “advanced” Catholics. Think Karl Marx.
You have learned well grasshopper! You sound like Hillary and her double talk. :confused:
My statement has a plain and obvious meaning. There is a difference between double talk and simply an absence of nasty comments.

As for my position on health care, I stand with the Catholic bishops (ablely supported by your good tithes!!!)
My statement has a plain and obvious meaning. There is a difference between double talk and simply an absence of nasty comments.

As for my position on health care, I stand with the Catholic bishops (ablely supported by your good tithes!!!)
Then you support our voluntary tithes going to Catholic Charities and Catholic Health Systems instead of the government?
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