Pro-Lifers Should Get Same Access to Schools as Planned Parenthood Does

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Again we do need Planned Parenthood because they’re not trying to sell you anything. They give you the advantage of an objective, clear presentation of all available options and allow the woman to decide.
Why does it have to be PP that provides this advice. Can’t you see the conflict of interest? Can’t it at least be somebody who is neutral, who has no skin in the game?
That’s exactly what PP is.

They don’t care if you get an abortion. They don’t care if you keep it. They’re about providing information and then providing the service the woman chooses.

They are, actually, the ones who have zero skin in the game.
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Why does it have to be PP that provides this advice.
YEP - We don’t need PP - b/c it opposes GOD
The woman may not share your god.

You have no right to subject her to your religious views just like she has no right to subject you to hers.

The only ethical option here is the preservation of choice for the woman.
Again we do need Planned Parenthood because they’re not trying to sell you anything. They give you the advantage of an objective, clear presentation of all available options and allow the woman to decide.

They’re not trying to give her a sales pitch. Pushing an agenda in such a delicate and stressful moment is unethical.

They present the options as fully and clearly as they can with all available supporting data and then they step back.

The woman decides. This is as it should be.
Au contraire Mon frere, I believe PP is selling something to the children. Abortion. Planned Parenthood is selling abortion to the high school students.
It is included as an option because it is an option.

This is part of the neutral, full disclosure that they provide to all women who walk through their doors.
Again we do need Planned Parenthood because they’re not trying to sell you anything.
That is simply untrue.
They make money off of each abortion.
More money than would be made if the woman keeps the baby or gives it up.

If anything, they have a financial interest in making sure abortion, and the profits from it, continue.
You have no right to subject her to your religious views just like she has no right to subject you to hers.
The woman may not share your god.
Who’s subjecting whom to their views on religion?
Many have rejected God and His Son Jesus - Messiah of all
Catholicism’s Teachings trump all oppositional POV’s
Again we do need Planned Parenthood because they’re not trying to sell you anything.
That is simply untrue.
They make money off of each abortion.
More money than would be made if the woman keeps the baby or gives it up.

If anything, they have a financial interest in making sure abortion, and the profits from it, continue.
First, if the woman would like something specific done with the remains, PP gives her that right.

Next, fetal tissue has substantial research value. For reasons similar to those inspiring organ donation of the deceased, these remains can still be used for some good.

Third, requiring money keeps some random shmoe from using them for unsavory reasons. It’s the same reason we have adoption fees. If you can’t afford the fees, the environment is probably unsuitable for the care of a child.

Fourth, the money they get for it relative to their budget is a pittance.

Fifth, there’s no evidence of this causing PP to “push” women into an abortion. None. That would be an enormous breach of ethics and their part and a substantial portion of their funding would dry up.

Please understand, there is no evidence for this - none. The only “evidence” (if you want to use that word) comes from sources that cannot be described as even remotely objective. It all comes from PP “Gotcha” organizations. Fake news mills.
They don’t care for their own bottom line?
They’re a non-profit. The bottom line is zero. There are no wealthy men in smoky rooms trying the harvest a profit, here.
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Those here who promote PP are no friends of Catholicism…
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Those here who promote PP are no friends of Catholicism…
I understand and respect your view.

Perhaps we should consider that the US contains a lot of non-Catholics and therefore shouldn’t be forcibly subjected to Catholic norms.

Catholics should live like they want to live and non-Catholics should perhaps be afforded that same right.

Would you consider this a fairly agreeable stance?
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They’re a non-profit. The bottom line is zero. There are no wealthy men in smoky rooms trying the harvest a profit, here.
That’s not what a “non-profit” means.

Being a “non-profit” doesn’t mean they work for free or that they just do it for the good of humanity.

It just means they don’t have shareholders.

They still care about the bottom line.
They’re a non-profit. The bottom line is zero. There are no wealthy men in smoky rooms trying the harvest a profit, here.
That’s not what a “non-profit” means.

Being a “non-profit” doesn’t mean they work for free or that they just do it for the good of humanity.

It just means they don’t have shareholders.

They still care about the bottom line.
…In a non-profit, the people who get the money are the people that work there and their supply chain. The budgets shoot for zero or zero plus a safety margin.

That’s the bottom line. Zero or zero+safety margin.

Full disclosure: my first degree was in a business discipline after I gave up philo on dad’s advice. In short, I know what a non-prof is.
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First, if the woman would like something specific done with the remains, PP gives her that right.
Next, fetal tissue has substantial research value.
Not to mention monetary value.
In fact, PP was recently caught red handed selling off the body parts of aborted children.
Third, requiring money keeps some random shmoe from using them for unsavory reasons.
Not just a random schmoe…a rich random schmoe.
Fourth, the money they get for it relative to their budget is a pittance.
It still constitutes a financial interest.
Fifth, there’s no evidence of this causing PP to “push” women into an abortion. None. That would be an enormous breach of ethics and their part and a substantial portion of their funding would dry up.
Their is plenty of evidence that they have a financial stake in the decision. Specifically their interest lies in an abortion happening.
There are no wealthy men in smoky rooms trying the harvest a profit, here.
Odd that you should use the word harvest.
I was going to use it in describing their secondary interest in abortion.
You see, not only is their cash for the procedure, but there is apparently a rather ghoulish market for the remains.
With cash coming from two different directions once an abortion is scheduled, it would seem difficult to argue they have no economic incentive.
Perhaps we should consider that the US contains a lot of non-Catholics and therefore shouldn’t be forcibly subjected to Catholic norms.
Forcibly? No one is Forcing Anyone…
Oh yes they are.

In their attempts to ban abortion, pro-lifers want to destroy the ability to realize this aspect of a woman’s bodily autonomy.

Oh yes they are. They want to make a woman who doesn’t want to be pregnant stay pregnant.
That’s not what a “non-profit” means.
I was going to mention that, but I thought it corrosive enough to the case to leave it in place.
Um, if a non-profit is found to be operating like a for-profit, they risk losing their 501 cert.

Not likely under a Republican administration, but that’s what the law calls for.
In their attempts to ban abortion, pro-lifers want to destroy the ability to realize this aspect of a woman’s bodily autonomy.
What of the autonomy of the child?
Oh yes they are. They want to make a woman who doesn’t want to be pregnant stay pregnant.
Actually, I am concerned with the life of the individual growing inside of her as well as her own life.
I couldn’t care less if she stays pregnant, I just don’t want to have anyone murdered.
What of the autonomy of the child?
It has none. Bodily autonomy is the right of bodily self-governance.

The fetus has no capacity for governance and it’s body is dependent on the mother’s.

If the fetus were to have any, it would be fully, 100% eclipsed by the mother’s self-same, pre-existing right.
Actually, I am concerned with the life of the individual growing inside of her as well as her own life.
I couldn’t care less if she stays pregnant, I just don’t want to have anyone murdered.
Great. Just giver her the choice to make her own decision concerning her body and we have zero problem.
So what? Does this somehow limit the high paycheck the administration sees?
They’re pretty high, but non-profs have statutory limits on what they can pay their execs.
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In their attempts to ban abortion, pro-lifers want to destroy the ability to realize this aspect of a woman’s bodily autonomy.
No they don’t.

All Catholics obedient to Cathoicism are Pro-Life / Anti-Abortion/Murder

For most of history - ABORTION is illegal -

It’s only on Modern times that members of the pro-death cabal have been peddling the Murder of the most innocent - even when the majority never wanted it -

It’s only Via their vast melange of lawyers and judges -
has this Abomination become legal in the eyes of SecularStan…


AnyThing Else?

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